Oxygen Fit

Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 16:00

About Oxygen Fit

Oxygen Fit East Barnet knows how hard exercise can be to get right.
Get Healthier, Look Better, or Feel Great, with one of our Personal Training programs , designed to help you make the most of your time, and get exercise right. Finally:

Oxygen Fit Description

Oxygen Fit is a community Gym run by professionals a friendly environment where staff will make you feel welcome.



🔥Over 50 this will interest you👈


some possible motivators for you.

1. Do it for your health. Consistent exercise and healthy eating are the two very best things you can do for your health.
You will develop a strong, healthy heart, reduce your chances of many cancers, prevent diabetes, keep a sharp mind and resist dementia and avoid many of the common ailments that come with aging. It is possible to age without decay, and the key to this is exercise and eating well.

2. Do it to look better. Appearance isn’t everything, but most of us care how we look. A strong and healthy person just looks good. And it isn’t all physical.
Your demeanor will change as you develop the confidence that comes from the discipline of fitness. You will appear more energetic and confident because you will be more energetic and confident!

3. Do it to relieve stress. Really! It isn’t a cliche. Exercising really does cause physical changes in your brain and nervous system that results in feelings of calmness and well-being.
In fact, you may get so hooked on the mental benefits of exercise that you will crave it!

4. Do it to be strong. If you have never done focused weight training, then you literally have no idea of the total transformation that you will feel after just a few weeks.

There is nothing like bending over to pick something up that normally results in discomfort, strain and even pain, only to find out that it is a piece of cake! And by getting strong now, you reduce your risk of age-related falls and fractures because you have the core strength and balance to keep yourself stable.

It is worth taking the time to discover the powerful motivators in your life. Don’t worry about ‘bribing’ yourself: do what it takes to get yourself moving.
Find out what makes sweating worth it.
Find out what you want more than that brownie.

Your health is at stake; in fact, your very life is at stake. It’s time to transform yourself.

At Oxygen fit, motivation and inspiration are our forte.

We specialise in bringing out the best in every single person.

Actually, motivation and inspiration is part and parcel of EVERY single training session.
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Check Oxygen Fit out


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 How Much Time should you be spending in the gym a week to get RESULTS
1 2 3 4 or 5 ? Hours
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 If You Don't Know This Answer You Need To Read Below...
... 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Do You Want To Be Able To Measure Your Results Through "Proven" Strategies To Help You Get More Results Into Your Gym?
This is for you if:
✔ You're currently use a gym or trainer and have no idea what you're doing... (Don't lie) ✔ You've have previously tried Exercise and you don't understand how to track your progress ✔ You have hired trainer that WINGED it!
Stop scrolling the news feed, and just click here so that we can help you get results that we are already getting for our Current clients.
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This is for you Oxygen Fit are looking to make Barnet residents The fittest in London so book your free Fitness Plan Chat 😁👉 Here https://calendly.com/workout


This Video will give you the tools to get in the corect mindset to achieve your health and fitmness Goals,.Please inbox me if you would like some help with your training or mindset.


https://www.facebook.com/oxygen.fit.co.uk /videos/1911870955507494/


https://www.facebook.com/tastemade/videos /1968154489938375/


Time to start do something.


https://www.facebook.com/693504594115135/ posts/1420036384795282/


Mum deserve everything.
https://www.facebook.com/LadyBossLiving/v ideos/934760843210904/


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-4469642 3


Earlier today I got a message from a sweet woman who told me she was having anxiety because she ate a bowl of watermelon and an old coach at her old gym told her it was a terrible mistake BECAUSE watermelon has a high glycemic index and that will make her fat.
☕️Yesterday another young lady messaged me asking for "the final verdict" on bananas because people had told her they're starchy & high sugar and they will make her fat.
It's no exaggeration when I say *every day* someo...ne new messages me because they've been told fruit will make them fat and they aren't sure what to believe.
☕️Allow me to clear the air --> NO ONE EVER GOT FAT FROM EATING FRUIT. Ever. Not once. There isn't a single person who has ever, or will ever, get fat from eating fruit.
🦄Listen - the fitness industry is rife with dogma and myths and fallacies 10000x over. It's hard to know whose right and whose just trying to make a quick buck. Trust me, I get it. It's a brutal industry to navigate.
☕️That said, regardless of how many sciencey words someone tosses around like fructose and glycemic index and gluconeogenis and blah blah blah...you must use common sense. Critical thinking.
🦄If someone says they have a waist trainer to wrap around your stomach that will tone your abs, think about how -if that were true - why isn't everyone doing it and losing tons of fat?
☕️If someone says they have a "fit tea" that cleanses your body and burns fat by the slabs, why isn't everyone drinking it and stoked with their progress?
🦄If someone says, "fruit makes you fat bc blah blah blah," you need to think about how effing stupid that sounds and wonder, how many people do you know who ever said, "yea it was the damn watermelon than packed on those last 50lbs."
☕️I know it's tough to know whose trust worthy and who isn't - which is why I do my best to put out science based content every day - but the best thing you can do is think critically about all of this because, at the end of the day, YOU'RE the one making the decisions for your health and the better you can critically analyze the info you see on the internet the better your results will be.
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Earlier today I got a message from a sweet woman who told me she was having anxiety because she ate a bowl of watermelon and an old coach at her old gym told her it was a terrible mistake BECAUSE watermelon has a high glycemic index and that will make her fat.
☕️Yesterday another young lady messaged me asking for "the final verdict" on bananas because people had told her they're starchy & high sugar and they will make her fat.
It's no exaggeration when I say *every day* someo...ne new messages me because they've been told fruit will make them fat and they aren't sure what to believe.
☕️Allow me to clear the air --> NO ONE EVER GOT FAT FROM EATING FRUIT. Ever. Not once. There isn't a single person who has ever, or will ever, get fat from eating fruit.
🦄Listen - the fitness industry is rife with dogma and myths and fallacies 10000x over. It's hard to know whose right and whose just trying to make a quick buck. Trust me, I get it. It's a brutal industry to navigate.
☕️That said, regardless of how many sciencey words someone tosses around like fructose and glycemic index and gluconeogenis and blah blah blah...you must use common sense. Critical thinking.
🦄If someone says they have a waist trainer to wrap around your stomach that will tone your abs, think about how -if that were true - why isn't everyone doing it and losing tons of fat?
☕️If someone says they have a "fit tea" that cleanses your body and burns fat by the slabs, why isn't everyone drinking it and stoked with their progress?
🦄If someone says, "fruit makes you fat bc blah blah blah," you need to think about how effing stupid that sounds and wonder, how many people do you know who ever said, "yea it was the damn watermelon than packed on those last 50lbs."
☕️I know it's tough to know whose trust worthy and who isn't - which is why I do my best to put out science based content every day - but the best thing you can do is think critically about all of this because, at the end of the day, YOU'RE the one making the decisions for your health and the better you can critically analyze the info you see on the internet the better your results will be.
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🧀🍕If you Eat To Many calories YOU put on weight SIMPLE.
☕️Try it. Just..try it.
🦄Think you can’t lose fat while eating “junk” even in a calorie deficit? Think you can’t lose fat while eating late at night even in a calorie deficit? Think you can’t lose fat while skipping breakfast even in a calorie deficit?
... ☕️Try it. Run an experiment on yourself. If you’re really for science and not dogmatic and really want to know the truth...give it an honest shot for 90 days straight. If it doesn’t work, great, keep doing what you’re doing.
🦄But if it does work, guess what? Now you have more tools in your tool box, you can help more people, and you can let people know there isn’t just one “right” way to do things. And isn’t that the best feeling in the world? Isn’t that what this is all about anyway? Helping people?
☕️Give it a shot. Try it out. Let me know how you do. And either way, agree or disagree, it’s all good in the end. I mean, we can still be friends even if we don’t agree on some nutritional nuances, right? RIGHT!
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This is the best gym I have used. Top staff, great personal trainers, great support and advice. You'll achieve the results you want here. Friendly, knowledgeable and helpful staff.


Love this gym! Great equipment, good mix of classes and friendly, knowledgeable staff! They also offer a variety of training & nutrition packages. I've just completed a 6 weeks package and am thrilled with the results! You get 2 semi PTs per week and a bespoke diet & exercise plan. Diet is easy to follow and the semi PTs are challenging but fun. Thanks guys for helping me get my fitness mojo back!


If you are looking to accomplish some health and fitness goals, this is the place to go! I don't know anywhere with as much experience as Oxygen Fit at getting clients to their goals and helping them actually maintain it!


For six weeks now I've done the semi private classes at oxygen fit, all the staff and trainers have been professional, encouraging, inspirational and done everything possible to accommodate my training needs. I never thought I would enjoy exercise. The classes are great and there's always space to train independently. I've lost 10lbs, 2 inches from each leg and inches from my waist. Thank you "team" look forward to seeing you later.


This is the best gym I have used. Top staff, great personal trainers, great support and advice. You'll achieve the results you want here. Friendly, knowledgeable and helpful staff.


Love this gym! Great equipment, good mix of classes and friendly, knowledgeable staff! They also offer a variety of training & nutrition packages. I've just completed a 6 weeks package and am thrilled with the results! You get 2 semi PTs per week and a bespoke diet & exercise plan. Diet is easy to follow and the semi PTs are challenging but fun. Thanks guys for helping me get my fitness mojo back!


If you are looking to accomplish some health and fitness goals, this is the place to go! I don't know anywhere with as much experience as Oxygen Fit at getting clients to their goals and helping them actually maintain it!


For six weeks now I've done the semi private classes at oxygen fit, all the staff and trainers have been professional, encouraging, inspirational and done everything possible to accommodate my training needs. I never thought I would enjoy exercise. The classes are great and there's always space to train independently. I've lost 10lbs, 2 inches from each leg and inches from my waist. Thank you "team" look forward to seeing you later.


This is the best gym I have used. Top staff, great personal trainers, great support and advice. You'll achieve the results you want here. Friendly, knowledgeable and helpful staff.


Love this gym! Great equipment, good mix of classes and friendly, knowledgeable staff! They also offer a variety of training & nutrition packages. I've just completed a 6 weeks package and am thrilled with the results! You get 2 semi PTs per week and a bespoke diet & exercise plan. Diet is easy to follow and the semi PTs are challenging but fun. Thanks guys for helping me get my fitness mojo back!


If you are looking to accomplish some health and fitness goals, this is the place to go! I don't know anywhere with as much experience as Oxygen Fit at getting clients to their goals and helping them actually maintain it!


For six weeks now I've done the semi private classes at oxygen fit, all the staff and trainers have been professional, encouraging, inspirational and done everything possible to accommodate my training needs. I never thought I would enjoy exercise. The classes are great and there's always space to train independently. I've lost 10lbs, 2 inches from each leg and inches from my waist. Thank you "team" look forward to seeing you later.


This is the best gym I have used. Top staff, great personal trainers, great support and advice. You'll achieve the results you want here. Friendly, knowledgeable and helpful staff.


Love this gym! Great equipment, good mix of classes and friendly, knowledgeable staff! They also offer a variety of training & nutrition packages. I've just completed a 6 weeks package and am thrilled with the results! You get 2 semi PTs per week and a bespoke diet & exercise plan. Diet is easy to follow and the semi PTs are challenging but fun. Thanks guys for helping me get my fitness mojo back!


If you are looking to accomplish some health and fitness goals, this is the place to go! I don't know anywhere with as much experience as Oxygen Fit at getting clients to their goals and helping them actually maintain it!


For six weeks now I've done the semi private classes at oxygen fit, all the staff and trainers have been professional, encouraging, inspirational and done everything possible to accommodate my training needs. I never thought I would enjoy exercise. The classes are great and there's always space to train independently. I've lost 10lbs, 2 inches from each leg and inches from my waist. Thank you "team" look forward to seeing you later.

More about Oxygen Fit

Oxygen Fit is located at The Tower, Church Farm, Church Hill Rd, EN4 8XE East Barnet, Barnet, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 16:00