Participation And Mobilization - Ecpr Standing Group

About Participation And Mobilization - Ecpr Standing Group

Welcome to the ECPR standing group on Participation and Mobilization. A place where to share info about conferences, workshops, seminars and publications about participation and mobilization.

Participation And Mobilization - Ecpr Standing Group Description


The Standing Group gives room to a broad set of research questions related to individual participation in politics, collective processes of organizing political demands and interactions between active citizens and their organizations on the one side and targets of their efforts and other affected groups on the other side. Scholars affiliated to the standing group represent different methodological perspectives ranging from quantitative to qualitative investigations and including studies based on mixed-methods approaches. The main themes address diverse empirical and methodological aspects of participation and mobilization:


The development and emergence of forms of participation: from conventional, formal and institutional to unconventional, informal and non-institutional
The overlapping, intertwining and competition amongst different forms of participation
The relationship between individual and collective forms of participation with a focus on self-reflexive processes of political responsibility-taking in participation
The role of political culture and political opportunity structure in the forms, issues, and magnitude of participation


The impact of Europeanization and globalization on the emergence of transnational forms of participation and on the transformation of local, regional and national forms of participation
The reconfiguration of political mobilization in the context of multi-level governance and transnational public spheres

Communication processes at the individual and collective level of participation
Information and communication technologies in offline and online forms of participation
Local, national and transnational discursive opportunities as constraints and opportunities for participation

The effectiveness and consequences of the different forms of participation and mobilization for individual citizens, for political systems and for policy implementation
The impact of forms of participation and mobilization on political inequalities, social exclusions, social cohesion and social capital
The elaboration of different democratic models in new forms of participation and mobilization

The links between participation's political theory and operational theory
The role of political identities, risks, globalization, and citizenship theory on the issues and forms of participation and as mobilization agents



Live stream of the last keynotes session at the Midterm conference: Beyond new social movements. Mario Diani, Hanspeter Kriesi, Michele Micheletti, Joost de Moor


live stream 16:30-18:30 KEYNOTES – ’68 Mobilization, Donatella Della Porta (Scuola Normale Superiore, COSMOS) and James Jasper (City University New York), Chair: Lorenzo Bosi (Scuola Normale Superiore, COSMOS)
at “1968-2018, fifty years after: Where is the social movement field going?” organized by COSMOS/SNS, ECPR/SG P&M, ESA/RN25 at Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy 6M


live stream: 16:30-19:00 panel on Populism: Eva Anduiza (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Bela Greskovits (Central European University), Colin Crouch (University of Warwick)
at the Midterm Conference “1968-2018, fifty years after: Where is the social movement field going?”
... fE
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Live stream of keynotes on Biographical Outcomes: Olivier Fillieule (University of Lausanne) and Marco Giugni (University of Geneva), Chair: Lorenzo Bosi (Scuola Normale Superiore, COSMOS)
“1968-2018, fifty years after:Where is the social movement field going?” organized by COSMOS/SNS, ECPR/SG P&M, ESA/RN25 at Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy 23-25 of May 2018 nU


Call for papers for the interdisciplinary graduate conference 'Spain: Social Movements Between Past and Present’, Friday 8th June at the University of Cambridge


Don't forget: today is the deadline to submit panels and papers to for the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg.


The Twenty Third 'ALTERNATIVE FUTURES and POPULAR PROTEST' Conference will be held between Monday 26th and Wednesday 28th March 2018.
We invite offers of papers relevant to the conference themes. Papers should address such matters as:
... * contemporary and historical social movements and popular protests * social movement theory * utopias and experiments * ideologies of collective action * etc.
To offer a paper, please contact either of the conference convenors with a brief abstract:
EITHER Colin Barker, email: OR Mike Tyldesley, email:

Please note that Mike Tyldesley’s email address has changed slightly. There was a period over Christmas and New Year when his former email address ‘went down’ and any messages to that address were LOST. If you wrote to him in that period and have not received a reply, please write again using the new address.

CONFERENCE PAPERS One way we organise this particular conference is that we ask those giving papers to supply them in advance, for inclusion in a Dropbox folder of the complete papers which will be available to all delegates from the conference opening.
* Preferred method: send the paper to Colin Barker as an email attachment in MS Word or .pdf format. Any separate illustrations etc. should be sent separately, in .jpg format. * Final date for receipt of abstracts: Monday 26th February 2018 * Final date for receipt of actual papers: Monday 12th March 2018 These are final dates. The earlier we receive abstracts, and actual papers, the better.
CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS AND COSTS The conference will run from lunch-time Monday 26th March until after lunch on Wednesday 28th March 2018.
The conference cost will be inclusive of three lunches, teas/coffees. The full cost is £150.00, with a cost of £90.00 for students and the unwaged. Please register online at
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Postdoc opening: The Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University seeks a Postdoctoral Researcher with a PhD in sociology, political science, psychology, economics, public policy or another social science with strong quantitative methodological training and interests to join a collaborative research project "Survey Data Recycling: New Analytic Framework, Integrated Database, and Tools for Cross-national Social, Behavioral and Economic Research." For more information, please see:< br>


Reminder: CfP for a conference on the meaning and significance of 1968 that will be held in Gdańsk on May 14-16/2018.
Events of 1968 became a turning point in many histories of European (and beyond) countries. They took different shapes, but in many cases it became an important caesura for national histories, marking a generational experience. From the Prague Spring and attempts to liberalize communism, through anti-Semitic campaign in Poland in March, events in May in France...
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Reminder: Abstracts to the "Fifty years after '68" conference can still be submitted until January 8th!…/CfP_COS MOS-ECPR-ESA_Midterm…


As part of the section on participation and mobilization research at the ECPR General Conference 2018 in Hamburg, I am looking for papers for the following panel. Abstracts can be sent to
The contextual determinants of social movements and political participation
Chair: Joost de Moor – Keele University
... The political opportunity structure approach has long been one of the most established approaches to the study of social movements (Kriesi, 2004; Meyer, 2004). More recently it has been successfully applied to political participation research as well (Braun & Hutter, 2016; de Moor, 2016; Quaranta, 2015; Vráblíková, 2016). This panel welcomes contributions from various disciplines and methodological backgrounds that seek to explain political participation and social movements by focusing on political, but also economic, cultural or discursive opportunity structures. More specifically, it aims to address the following questions: What can practitioners of such approaches working on participation or mobilization learn from each other, and how can their findings be brought together? Do explanations of individual level participation work for movements as well, or are distinct approaches required? What contextual factors determine participation and mobilization, and what causal mechanisms are at work in both cases? x…
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Dear all,
We are excited to announce the COSMOS, ECPR, ESA midterm conference "1968-2018, fifty years after: Where is the social movements field going?", to take place 23-25 May 2018, at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence.
There is no conference fee, a dinner is included and we have a list of fantastic key note speakers and side events.
... The call for papers and program is attached. Abstracts of max. 250 words should be sent to no later than January 8th.
All the best,
Lorenzo, Katerina and Joost.…/CfP_COS MOS-ECPR-ESA_Midterm…
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This 'Summer School on Youth Political Participation in Times of Inequalities' may be of interest to some of you:…/summer-school-on -youth-political-pa…/


The first court hearings start on December 5, 2017, at 9:00 pm in İstanbul Çağlayan Justice Palace. As the signatories to the Peace Petition of January 11, 2016, we have gone through many various types of repression since we shared our claim to peace with the public by the declaration titled “We Will Not Be A Party To This Crime.” We have also experienced a variety of solidarity practices. Since January 2016, mor...e than 500 of our colleagues were separated from their universities and from their students through dismissal from public service, firing, and forced retirement. Four of our colleagues were detained for weeks. Today we are on the edge of a new phase. The signatories to the January 11 Peace Petition, publicly known as the Academics for Peace Petition, are being sued on an individual basis on the accusation of “propagandizing for terror” (See Turkish AntiTerror Law, Article 7/2). The public prosecutor proposes imprisonment extending to 7.5 years. First the signatory academics from İstanbul University and Galatasaray University were sued at the Criminal Court. They were followed by the signatory academics from Marmara University, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul Technical University, Özyeğin University and Kemerburgaz University. It is not clear who will be added to this chain. The cases are opened with the same ‘copy and paste’ bill of indictment, but on an individual basis. The cases are distributed to different Criminal Courts, on different dates and in 10-minute intervals so as to preempt the sued academics from standing together. As of November 15, 2017, only one tenth of the signatory academics have been sued. The cases are organized so as to extend from December 2017 to April 2018. In due process, the support extended from members of universities and institutions in the country and abroad has been of the utmost importance to us. In this new turn of events, where we are well aware that it is not the individual academics who are being sued, but the claim to peace and the voice of the free science that put forth this claim that are on trial, we need your support more than ever. We hope to continue forming solidarity through close cooperation. We call you to stand by us in the courts starting from December 5, 2017 by sending monitoring teams, by observers, generating news, and through transparency and dissemination of information.As citizens of this country we will continue in our claim to peace and life and to stand against all kinds of rights violations and injustices. We will continue to do so in ever growing solidarity. @barisakademik fb/barisicinakademisyenler/
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Dear all,
The call for panels and papers for the ECPR General Conference 2018 in Hamburg is now open (until February 15).
We are organizing a section titled "Connecting Social Movement Studies and Political Participation Research" which aims to provide a broad platform for the issues of concern to our standing group. In particular, we aim to bridge gaps between participation and mobilization research.
... We welcome both panel and paper proposals for this section and encourage you to have a look at the call: x…
Best wishes,
Joost and Felix
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The Twenty Third 'ALTERNATIVE FUTURES and POPULAR PROTEST' Conference will be held between Monday 26th and Wednesday 28th March 2018.
We invite offers of papers relevant to the conference themes. Papers should address such matters as:
... * contemporary and historical social movements and popular protests * social movement theory * utopias and experiments * ideologies of collective action * etc.
To offer a paper, please contact either of the conference convenors with a brief abstract:
EITHER Colin Barker, email: OR Mike Tyldesley, email:

Please note that Mike Tyldesley’s email address has changed slightly. There was a period over Christmas and New Year when his former email address ‘went down’ and any messages to that address were LOST. If you wrote to him in that period and have not received a reply, please write again using the new address.

CONFERENCE PAPERS One way we organise this particular conference is that we ask those giving papers to supply them in advance, for inclusion in a Dropbox folder of the complete papers which will be available to all delegates from the conference opening.
* Preferred method: send the paper to Colin Barker as an email attachment in MS Word or .pdf format. Any separate illustrations etc. should be sent separately, in .jpg format. * Final date for receipt of abstracts: Monday 26th February 2018 * Final date for receipt of actual papers: Monday 12th March 2018 These are final dates. The earlier we receive abstracts, and actual papers, the better.
CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS AND COSTS The conference will run from lunch-time Monday 26th March until after lunch on Wednesday 28th March 2018.
The conference cost will be inclusive of three lunches, teas/coffees. The full cost is £150.00, with a cost of £90.00 for students and the unwaged. Please register online at
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The Twenty Third 'ALTERNATIVE FUTURES and POPULAR PROTEST' Conference will be held between Monday 26th and Wednesday 28th March 2018.
We invite offers of papers relevant to the conference themes. Papers should address such matters as:
... * contemporary and historical social movements and popular protests * social movement theory * utopias and experiments * ideologies of collective action * etc.
To offer a paper, please contact either of the conference convenors with a brief abstract:
EITHER Colin Barker, email: OR Mike Tyldesley, email:

Please note that Mike Tyldesley’s email address has changed slightly. There was a period over Christmas and New Year when his former email address ‘went down’ and any messages to that address were LOST. If you wrote to him in that period and have not received a reply, please write again using the new address.

CONFERENCE PAPERS One way we organise this particular conference is that we ask those giving papers to supply them in advance, for inclusion in a Dropbox folder of the complete papers which will be available to all delegates from the conference opening.
* Preferred method: send the paper to Colin Barker as an email attachment in MS Word or .pdf format. Any separate illustrations etc. should be sent separately, in .jpg format. * Final date for receipt of abstracts: Monday 26th February 2018 * Final date for receipt of actual papers: Monday 12th March 2018 These are final dates. The earlier we receive abstracts, and actual papers, the better.
CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS AND COSTS The conference will run from lunch-time Monday 26th March until after lunch on Wednesday 28th March 2018.
The conference cost will be inclusive of three lunches, teas/coffees. The full cost is £150.00, with a cost of £90.00 for students and the unwaged. Please register online at
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The Twenty Third 'ALTERNATIVE FUTURES and POPULAR PROTEST' Conference will be held between Monday 26th and Wednesday 28th March 2018.
We invite offers of papers relevant to the conference themes. Papers should address such matters as:
... * contemporary and historical social movements and popular protests * social movement theory * utopias and experiments * ideologies of collective action * etc.
To offer a paper, please contact either of the conference convenors with a brief abstract:
EITHER Colin Barker, email: OR Mike Tyldesley, email:

Please note that Mike Tyldesley’s email address has changed slightly. There was a period over Christmas and New Year when his former email address ‘went down’ and any messages to that address were LOST. If you wrote to him in that period and have not received a reply, please write again using the new address.

CONFERENCE PAPERS One way we organise this particular conference is that we ask those giving papers to supply them in advance, for inclusion in a Dropbox folder of the complete papers which will be available to all delegates from the conference opening.
* Preferred method: send the paper to Colin Barker as an email attachment in MS Word or .pdf format. Any separate illustrations etc. should be sent separately, in .jpg format. * Final date for receipt of abstracts: Monday 26th February 2018 * Final date for receipt of actual papers: Monday 12th March 2018 These are final dates. The earlier we receive abstracts, and actual papers, the better.
CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS AND COSTS The conference will run from lunch-time Monday 26th March until after lunch on Wednesday 28th March 2018.
The conference cost will be inclusive of three lunches, teas/coffees. The full cost is £150.00, with a cost of £90.00 for students and the unwaged. Please register online at
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More about Participation And Mobilization - Ecpr Standing Group

Participation And Mobilization - Ecpr Standing Group is located at ECPR, CO2 8JF Colchester, Essex