Pelvic Physio Zoe

Monday: 08:30 - 15:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 08:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 15:00 - 20:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Pelvic Physio Zoe

Zoe Eggleton: Women's and Men's Health Physiotherapist at The Holly Private Hospital, Buckhurst Hill, Essex.
Pelvic Floor and Pregnancy Specialist.
MummyMOT practitioner.
All views my own : -)

Pelvic Physio Zoe Description

Zoe Eggleton: Women's and Men's Health Physiotherapist at The Holly Private Hospital, Buckhurst Hill, Essex.
Pelvic Floor and Pregnancy Specialist.
MummyMOT practitioner.
All views my own : -)



Love this post by @belliesinceducation. On that note, a very recent publication by Mota et al. (2018) showed that normal #interrectusdistance in a first time #pregnant woman (weeks 35-41), at rest, measured just above the belly button ranges from 5.4-8.6cm. At 6 months #postpartum, the inter-rectus distance ranges from 1.7-2.8cm. Interesting that all of these measurements were taken at rest (by ultrasound) when as physios we tend to be more interested in what happens durin...g an #abdominalcurl. How relevant is this?
The study also emphasised the importance of measuring the gap at different locations along the #lineaalba, because it varied significantly between locations. 2cm above the umbilicus was the widest in every case however. The jury is still out on what form of #abdominalexercise is best to help improve the appearance and function of a #diastasisrecti, and the role of other treatment modalities such as #softtissuerelease.
#physiotherapy #womenshealth #postpartum #postpartumexercise #postbabyexercise #mumtum
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Do you know what are considered to be normal waterworks? 💩 Most people empty their #bladder approx 4-6 times daily, and once or not at all at night. This works out to be approx every 3-4 hours during the day. 💩 It is normal to pass 200ml or greater when you go during the day. The first wee of the day is usually bigger and can be up to about 600ml. 💩 Drinks containing caffeine such as coffee, tea and cola can be #bladderirritants, as can artificial sweeteners and not drinking ...enough! These things can make you pee more. Aim to drink 1.5 - 2 litres of fluid per day, more if you’re exercising or if it’s hot. 💩 Try not to go to the toilet #justincase, e.g. if you are out & passing a public loo, if you don’t need to go. This will train the bladder to hold less over time. 💩 If you are having #frequency, #urgency or symptoms of #overactivebladder, #bladdertraining supervised by a #pelvicfloorphysio or #continencenurse can help.
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Today I massively realised the value of the #mummymot concept. I saw a lady who was 10 weeks #postpartum with severe mixed #urinaryincontinence who had been seen on the ward by a #physio after #delivery and taught #pelvicfloorexercises. However, she wasn’t offered any follow up to check she was doing it correctly or to make sure she was improving. She booked a Mummy MOT with me because one of her #NCT buddies had one and recommended it. Thank goodness she did because the #ur...inaryincontinence is still a major problem (because her #pelvicfloormuscles are very weak). I worked in the #NHS for 9 years after qualifying and in fact worked as a #womenshealthphysio at the exact hospital where this woman delivered her baby. I love the NHS. But this service is just not good enough. She should have been offered a route back in if things weren’t improving. If it wasn’t for the Mummy MOT this lady would not have accessed Physiotherapy. #postpartumcare really needs a big shake up in the UK. More investment is needed in #pelvicfloorphysio. #pelvicroar #rantover
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My Saturday morning was spent @theholly_private_hospital presenting on the role of #physiotherapy in the treatment of #pelvicfloordysfunction to a team of North East London #GPs who were all #mums themselves.
We discussed why #pelvicfloorexercises are important, how to teach them, use of @squeezyapp to aid adherence and services available such as the #mummymot.
@sarahhussain1926 presented on pelvic floor dysfunction and mentioned De Lancey’s levels of support for explaining... the pathophysiology of #pelvicorganprolapse.
Level 1 - cardinal-uterosacral ligament complex attaches uterus and vagina vault to sacrum. Disruption of this causes #uterineprolapse
Level 2 - arcus tendineus and fascia of levator ani support the middle of the vagina
Level 3 - urogenital diaphragm and perineal body support the lower part of the vagina
#Childbirth trauma will lead to #prolapse if any of these support structures are damaged.
#physiocanhelp #everydayisaschoolday #womenshealth #pelvicroar #pelvicfloorphysio
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Updating my biofeedback & electrical stimulation skills for pelvic floor dysfunction with De Smit Medical.
Pelvic floor exercises are the best way to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and these treatments are a useful adjunct for patients who require more feedback on correct exercise technique, or those who CAN’T activate their muscles.
Book an assessment with a Women’s Health or Men’s Health Physiotherapist to identify exactly what treatment is right for you. #wcw2018


Getting #thehollyprivatehospital #physio team to do their #pelvicfloorexercises with the aid of @squeezyapp in honour of #worldcontinenceweek2018 . 1 in 3 women suffers from some form of urinary incontinence and 1 in 9 men. #physiocanhelp ! @squeezyapp is brilliant at describing the exercises and reminding you to do them. Find your local #pelvicfloorphysio and book an appointment. You don’t have to just put up with it! . #wcw2018 #womenshealth #menshealth #teamsqueeze


Flying the flag for #menshealthphysio at a #prostatecanceruk support group today. . Lots of interesting discussion points & opportunities for reflection! . Some golden nuggets: ... -#prostatectomy removes one of the key sphincter muscles important for #malecontinence -Different treatment options have different risks for #bladderandbowel issues -The best cue for activating the male #pelvicfloor is to imagine stopping the flow of urine (rather than ‘lifting’ or squeezing the back passage)
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Thank you for the mention @sushy_pea in your blog for @theonlywayiscrossfit ! Such inspiring writing for any pregnant ladies wanting to continue high level exercise đŸ’ȘđŸ‘ŠđŸ€°đŸ’„
Some brilliant insights in this blog into exercise in pregnancy (
/Cross Fit-staying-in-the-ba
). I particularly love the message that your body needs to be at its strongest & healthiest during pregnancy, so why stop training? Some great knowledge bombs from @pentonyohagan too.
MummyMOT appointments available from 6 weeks postpartum. Contact me for further details!


Thank you so much Pentony for your comments @theholly_private_hospital
#Repost @pentonyohagan with @get_repost ・・・ Walking the talk. That is what it is about. I cannot preach looking after yourself and not look after myself. ... Just had an AMAZING Mummy MOT from @pelvic_physio_zoe at @theholly_private_hospital. When you have a baby don't assume everything is back to normal, or if things don't feel normal don't ignore it. Get it checked and get it sorted. Posture assessed, tummy gap checked, pelvic floor assessed and released, couple that with a personalised exercise prescription and I know I am on the return to exercise and life safeguarding my long term pelvic health.
#nopeeinmypants #physio #pelvicfloor #postnatalfitness #pregnancy #notena
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Published in @westessexlifemagazine 🙌 @theholly_private_hospital
#exerciseinpregnancy #fitpregnancy #mummymot #westessex #westessexlife #thehollyprivatehospital #pelvicfloor #antenatal #postnatal #physiotherapy


Fantastic evening of learning 🧐 yesterday observing Consultant Gynaecologist @sarahhussain1926 in clinic @theholly_private_hospital . Lots learned on causes of #dysmenorrhea such as #adenomyosis , #menopause and #hrt , and medical work-up for #stressincontinence . #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorphysiotherapy #womenshealthphysio #gynaecology #multidisciplinaryteam #joinedupworking #excellentpatientcare


At the #eppingforestbabyshow today 🙌 Lots of interest in the #mummymot for #postpartum mums. The GP check at 6-8 weeks often ends up being a quick chat about mum’s recovery with no physical assessment. #physiocanhelp ! The MummyMOT is a one hour assessment with a specialist #pelvicphysio who will assess your posture, tummy and #pelvicfloor and advise on #safereturntoexercise #postpartum


Thank you Epping Forest Baby Show 😊 Looking forward to Saturday!


Looking forward to the Epping Forest Baby Show next Saturday 24th March!
I'll be speaking about how to optimise your posture in pregnancy and postpartum to avoid back pain, safe exercise and how to return to it after baby, and of course pelvic floor exercises.
Come and say hi at Epping St John's School, 2.30-5.00pm. I'll be at The Holly Private Hospital table.
... Here’s the current line up (subject to alteration).
3pm: Introduction to Baby Massage (Basking Babies)
3pm: Introduction to Sing and Sign communicating with baby (Sing and Sign)
3.20pm: Paediatric First Aid Essentials (Keep a Beat First Aid)
3.40pm: An Introduction to Hypnobirthing
3.40pm: Fun and Music with Jo Jingles
4pm: Pre & Post Natal Exercise Essentials (Karen Laing, Fit School)
4pm: Logan’s Plate talk baby and toddler meal times.
4.20pm: Pre and Post Natal Women’s Health (Me)
4.40pm: Pregnancy Relaxation (Babies in Waiting)
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⭐ Pelvic floor exercises ⭐ - Did you know you should be doing 2 different types of these? A long hold and a quick squeeze. Have a look at the video for further instructions. - Squeeze your back passage like stopping yourself from passing wind. Squeeze your front passage like stopping yourself from passing urine. The overall feeling should be ‘squeeze and lift’. ... - Aim for at least 10 x 10sec holds and 10 quick squeezes, 3 times a day. - Not sure if you’re doing it right or need further support? Women’s and Men’s Health Physiotherapy appointments available at The Holly Private Hospital. - #pelvicfloor #pelvicphysio #womenshealth #womenshealthphysio #menshealth #menshealthphysio #incontinence #prolapse #pregnancy
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Sign sign sign! 📝 ⭐All women should have a routine appointment with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist after childbirth to check their tummy muscles, pelvic floor and posture! In some areas the GP six week check is not happening and even when it does, time limitations mean that women often don’t have a physical assessment. Please support this petition to enable earlier detection and treatment of pelvic health conditions ⭐


Epping Forest Baby Show: tickets now available! I will be at this event as an exhibitor. Can’t wait!


A very useful evening up-skilling on #urinaryincontinence in men. Thanks to #pogp for organising

More about Pelvic Physio Zoe

Pelvic Physio Zoe is located at The Holly Private Hospital, IG9 6 London, United Kingdom
020 8936 1201
Monday: 08:30 - 15:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 08:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 15:00 - 20:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -