Ph.7 - Life In Balance

Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Ph.7 - Life In Balance

pH. 7

Ph.7 - Life In Balance Description

pH. 7 prides itself on offering a comprehensive personal training service that is tailored to meet the needs of the client.

We believe in a balanced lifestyle, so our approach is holistic and will involve us looking at how you move, how you stand, whether or not you are pain free, what your lifestyle is like, your habitual behaviour, what you eat and ultimately what you would like to achieve by improving your health.



pH.7 12 Days of Fitness
Day 9: HIIT the target
High intensity interval training is as good as it gets for a fast, effective session, making it perfect for a packed social calendar. Give this 300 rep HIIT workout a go today to blow those cobwebs out before the weekend festivities start!
... #health #fitness #nutrition #hiit #workout #exercise #personaltrainer #christmas #12daysoffitness #london #highgate #squats #pushups #burpees #trxworkout
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pH.7’s 12 Days of Fitness
Day 8: Do Something Different and ask yourself WHY?
It’s quite easy to get caught up focusing on numbers on the scales or body fat callipers, or how many reps you are doing, how much weight you’re lifting, or how quickly you’re running... but have you ever really stopped to ask yourself why?
... Sure, you may want to lose a bit of weight or ‘get a bit fitter’, but this only really works for the short term.
If you really want to get that LIGHTBULB moment where you find that real motivation that’s going to change your mindset about getting fit, staying fit, and eating better then ask yourself WHY;
Why am I doing this? Why does that matter? Why is that important? Why is that also important? Why would that make a difference?
At the end of this sequence you’ll find some deeper meaning that will help you get your results, but also keep you going when the going gets tough and you have to make real sacrifices.
#health #fitness #nutrition #miindset #coaching #5whys #highgate #personaltrainer #london #christmas #12daysoffitness #lightbulbmoment #motivation #habitchange #exercise #wellbeing
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pH.7’s 12 Days of Fitness
Day 7: Enjoy the ride
We spend far too much time obsessing about what we want, where we want to be, and how long it’s going to take to get there and often forget that it’s more important to love the process and enjoy the ride. ... #health #fitness #nutrition #coaching #lovetheprocess #enjoytheride #mindset #personaltrainer #london #highgate #exercise #lifelessons #goalsetting
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pH.7 12 Days of Christmas
Day 6: Get some fresh air
After being cooped up inside, lounging on the sofa and making your way through far too many Christmas chocolates (80% dark of course), a good brisk walk in the countryside will be great for blowing out the cobwebs and getting your blood pumping. I’d recommend getting out for at least 90 minutes, and finding a scenic route with plenty of inclines.
... #health #fitness #nutrition #walking #countryside #thegreatoutdoors #exercise #christmas #12daysofchristmas #hiking #relaxation #recovery #movement
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pH.7’s 12 Days of Fitness
Day 3: Dance the night away.
Christmas parties give you plenty of time to shake your booty on the dance floor, but did you know that dancing has many health benefits? Of course the physical nature of dance means it’s an effective form of aerobic exercise, but studies have shown positive effects on self esteem, self perception, and even improvements in depression. So, no shuffling on the side lines this year at the office party; it’s time to start th...rowing shapes like no-one is watching.
#health #fitness #nutrition #dancing #exercise #officechristmasparty #12daysoffitness #mentalhealthawareness #selfesteem #personaltrainer #london #highgate
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pH.7’s 12 Days of Fitness
In the lead up to Christmas this year, why not try our 12 fitness and wellbeing activities to help keep your mind and body in the game!
Day 2: Bed, bath and beyond
... Epsom salts are a great addition to your evening bath as they’re full of magnesium sulphate which is a natural muscle relaxant. This makes it perfect for a post-workout bath or to help you relax before bed, enabling a great nights sleep. A winning combination is to add 500g of Epsom bath salts, with some lavender oil to a hot bath and soak in it for 25 minutes before bedtime.
#health #fitness #nutrition #wellbeing #epsomsaltbath #sleep #relax #personaltrainer #healthybodyandmind #recovery #highgate #london #12daysoffitness
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pH.7’s 12 Days of Fitness
In the lead up to Christmas this year, why not try our 12 fitness and wellbeing activities to help keep your mind and body in the game!
Day 1: Box Clever
... The overcrowded shopping centres and financial pressures can sometimes build up an underlying tension. A very cathartic way of dealing with this is to get your boxing gloves on and take it out on the heavy bag. Boxing provides a high intensity cardiovascular workout, works on your reaction times and co-ordination, and can really help shape up your shoulders and arms. It’s without doubt a fantastic addition to your fitness regime.
#health #fitness #nutrition #christmas #12daysoffitness #boxing #exercise #hiit #highgate #london #personaltrainer #healthybodyandmind
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100% this!
No more words needed.
#health #fitness #nutrition #exercise #healthymindset #healthybodyimage #foodisnttheenemy #highgate #london #personaltrainer


A positive mindset is a powerful tool! Even for Father Christmas 😉
#health #fitness #nutrition #mindset #positivethinking #PMA #personaltrainer #london #highgate #lifeskills #cartoonhumour


Found this little gem in my @precisionnutrition coaching lessons this week (yes, I also find it really useful to be coached). A very useful way of looking at the best and worst ways of taking a vigilant approach and a relaxed approach to your wellbeing. Of course a balanced approach includes the best of both!
#Health #fitness #nutrition #precisionnutrition #coaching #wellbeing #relaxed #vigilance #personaltrainer #london #highgate #personalgrowth


Fitness Professionals are in a very fortunate position in the sense we have more contact time with our clients than many other types of health professionals.
Therefore we can often be privy to some of the inner most private thoughts and emotions of our clients and can often be the first point of contact with someone who is suffering a mental health issue, or who is experiencing something that may trigger a mental health issue.
I think it’s very important that this respons...ibility is taken seriously and as a fitness professional you conduct yourself and your business in a way that can help if these situations arise.
We should aim to:
- Create a welcoming and inclusive environment in our gyms in which all types of people can benefit from our expertise and not be scared off by overly aggressive attitudes towards health and fitness.
- Stop promoting such restrictive and unhealthy diets that prey on people with low self esteem and body image issues.
- Educate ourselves to even have basic knowledge of common mental health issues such as eating disorders, depression, and anxiety. Not so we can treat people; but so we are not scared or overwhelmed if we come across it, so we can spot red flags in peoples behaviour, and more importantly can help refer on to qualified help when needed.
- When we see our clients are finding it difficult to manage stress, don’t add to it by constantly battering them into submission with gruelling workouts. Take an educated and long term decision and adapt our sessions to their personal situation.
- Be a good coach! A coach listens, they ask questions, they are supportive, they are trusted by their clients... don’t just be that trainer who just doesn’t care as long as they are getting paid!
With there being such a good body of evidence showing the positive effects of exercise on mental health we are in such a privileged position to help so many people in so many different ways, so don’t waste the opportunity to really make a difference in someone’s life when they really need it!
#health #fitness #nutrition #mentalhealthawareness #personaltrainer #london #highgate #bodyimage #selfesteem #anxiety #depression #responsiblepractice
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To truly live a life in balance you need to believe that your body needs movement to be its best;
Make better choices with your nutrition because you want to, not because you think you have to;
Workout because you know it allows you to function more effectively physically, mentally, and emotionally not because you need to seek attention and approval from strangers online;
... Understand that rest and recovery is an important factor in overall well-being and has far more value than overworking for no gain;
Display commitment and dedication to your health, fitness, and wellbeing rather than be driven by obsession and compulsion;
Educate yourself to continually improve and reach your goals through proven methodology and reject the urge to blindly follow popular trends or pseudoscience;
#health #fitness #nutrition #lifeinbalance #toptips #highgate #london #personaltrainer #movement #exercise #mentalhealth #wellbeing #strengthtraining #restandrecovery #trainsmart #results #goalsetting
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@cristinascav going through a flow sequence we’ve been working on recently. Building a sequence of movements like this requires mobility, strength, cardio-vascular fitness, co-ordination, agility, balance, as-well as requiring an extra level of cognition to remember the sequence (so good for body and mind ).
Next goal for Cristina is to complete 5 flows from start to finish without a break 👌🏻💪🏻👊🏻
#health #fitness #nutrition #personaltrainer #cardio #mobility #flexibility #strength #flow #cognition #healthybodyhealthymind #highgate #london


For the past three days I’ve been on a coaching course led by a clinical psychologist.
It’s not uncommon as a coach to be in a situation where someone employs you to get them ‘fit’ but are resistant to changing various aspects of their lifestyle.
Maybe you’ll work with someone who is desperate to change, but they struggle to even visualise themselves having the ability to be that ‘fit and healthy’ person they aspire to be.
... Some clients may show a diminished sense of responsibility about their lifestyles and overly blame external events in their lives for why they can’t/won’t do something.
These are just a couple of situations that can be driven by deeply held core beliefs about themselves or assumptions about how the world is, and in most cases just telling or expecting someone to ‘sort their sh*t out’ isn’t going to help.
What CBT provides is practical, evidence based cognitive, behavioural, and therapeutic methods, that help someone work through these scenarios.
At pH.7 we understand that for someone to achieve their goals a variety of coaching methods may be needed and we like to be prepared for every eventuality.
Which is why we highly recommend coaches who really want to make a difference to also look outside the normal realm of fitness education and attend courses like this British Psychological Society approved introduction to CBT course to widen their knowledge and expand their skill set.
#health #fitness #nutrition #education #coaching #psychology #mindset #behaviourchange #alwayslearning #customerexperience #clientcentred #goalsetting #results #skillspaythebills #personaltrainer #london #highgate #CBT #BPS
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I’m not active on holiday because I’m scared of gaining weight, I’m active on holiday because it makes me happy. Health and fitness is a lifestyle not a quick fix!
#health #fitness #nutrition #lifeinbalance #fitforlife #fitforpurpose #activelife #happiness #seakayaking #gymlife #turkishgetups #walking #cycling #lymington #holiday #healthybodyhealthymind #highgate #london #personaltrainer


Great fun today watching @official_ultimate_strongman U.K. Strongest Man competition. These guys may not live a pH.7 Life in Balance, but boy can they shift around some heavy objects! Very very impressive!! #health #fitness #nutrition #strength #strongman #carflipping #beastmode #wheresmyproteinmah


Getting fit, gaining muscle, losing weight, getting lean, it all sounds easy, right?!
According to the internet experts, you just have to follow their ‘secrets to success’ and you have a new you in a couple of months 🙄🙄🙄
But how do you change what’s going wrong if you’re not quite sure why you are living the way you do? The diagram I’ve posted isn’t an exhaustive list of what can trigger negative thought patterns, or negative health behaviours, more of a self awareness kit.
Let’s look at a few of the variables;
Do you find a bad day at work drives a treat mentality? Does too much time on social media leave you feeling bad about your life and the way you look? Does a lack of planning equal poor food choices? Are you hanging around with negative people who inadvertently sabotage your progress? Are you in pain and fear exercise? Are you unhappy and just don’t want to face up to some difficult questions?
It may all sound a bit deep, but a good dose of self awareness and behaviour analysis can really help you start to make better choices, set realistic performance or health goals, and prioritise happiness and wellbeing over aesthetics.
#health #fitness #nutrition #behaviourchange #mindsetpsychology #happiness #behaviourawareness #dosomethingdifferent #personaltrainer #london #highgate #goalsetting #positivemindset #happiness #wellbeing #strengthtraining
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Create your own story!
You may have heard the #England players using very positive language in their many interviews through the World Cup - they consistently talk about believing in themselves, achieving, creating their own history etc. This is not by accident, they have been coached to take control of their own narrative and shake off the negative tags that other England teams have carried with them.
This is mindset coaching, it can be just as powerful for you and your h...ealth and fitness journey.
It’s time to stop looking negatively at yourself, stop labelling yourself as the person who will never achieve, never improve, never be out of pain so what’s the point in trying.
Focus on some of the positive things you’ve achieved in your life and what you do well. What super powers did you use to make that happen?
When it comes to your health and fitness, or weight loss journey use this positivity to guide you to make small daily changes that improve you a little bit, slowly but surely getting you closer and closer to your goals!
Take control of your narrative, create your own history - and you WILL be able to do it!
#health #fitness #nutrition #sportspsychology #mindset #positivebehavior #worldcup2018 #garethsouthgate #weightloss #growthmindset #improve #smallchanges #superpowers #controlyournarrative #personaltrainer #highgate #london
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Like the rest of England right now, we are absolutely loving World Cup 2018, and are so proud of Gareth Southgate and his team of young lions!
But what we love most about Gareth is that he epitomises what it is to be a modern coach and leader. He believes in meticulous planning, he preaches a growth mindset, he places huge value on his team working on their mental strength and resilience, he has recovery strategies as a high priority, and understands that the best way to get... a team to buy into your methods is to educate them and treat them like adults, not just shout and use fear to whip them into line.
With those credentials when you’re done in Russia Gareth, there’ll be a job waiting for you with the pH.7 team 😉
#itscominghome #health #fitness #nutrition #personaltrainer #highgate #london #football #worldcup2018 #england #garethsouthgate #growthmindset #sportspsychology #recovery #education
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Training for any big event needs expert advice and I found this through PH7 and Nick Palma. Iron Man 2017 has been a goal of myn for over a year with events leading up to this milestone starting back in 2015.

Unfortunately over training and an injury to a calf muscle set me back, just a month before the event, and I was gutted that the overall goal of IMUK2017 might be missed.

After another successful IM who helped me train, advised me to seek the therapy and knowledge of PH7 team in my training, I thought I'd give it a try.

The expert knowledge of anatomy, movement patterns and functional movement not only made sense, it sped up my recovery. In short PH7 helped me make the start line to complete the event successfully without further injury!

All the know how and advice from Nick Palma is put in a way that's easy to digest and sensible.

I can't recommend the team here enough and I've learned another dimension to staying injury free whilst keeping up the training I love.


Nick & James bring an unbelievable knowledge of training, functional movement and mental well-being to help me achieve my goals. Love their sessions.


Need to make a positive change in your life? Look no further. These guys will take you to where you want to be.


It's a great place with great trainers. Love it.


I really enjoy the comfortable atmosphere the place has. I feel that everyone is important that goes there. Wether you are 14 or 50, James and Nick know what to do to give you a quality workout.


Training for any big event needs expert advice and I found this through PH7 and Nick Palma. Iron Man 2017 has been a goal of myn for over a year with events leading up to this milestone starting back in 2015.

Unfortunately over training and an injury to a calf muscle set me back, just a month before the event, and I was gutted that the overall goal of IMUK2017 might be missed.

After another successful IM who helped me train, advised me to seek the therapy and knowledge of PH7 team in my training, I thought I'd give it a try.

The expert knowledge of anatomy, movement patterns and functional movement not only made sense, it sped up my recovery. In short PH7 helped me make the start line to complete the event successfully without further injury!

All the know how and advice from Nick Palma is put in a way that's easy to digest and sensible.

I can't recommend the team here enough and I've learned another dimension to staying injury free whilst keeping up the training I love.


Nick & James bring an unbelievable knowledge of training, functional movement and mental well-being to help me achieve my goals. Love their sessions.


Need to make a positive change in your life? Look no further. These guys will take you to where you want to be.


It's a great place with great trainers. Love it.


I really enjoy the comfortable atmosphere the place has. I feel that everyone is important that goes there. Wether you are 14 or 50, James and Nick know what to do to give you a quality workout.


Training for any big event needs expert advice and I found this through PH7 and Nick Palma. Iron Man 2017 has been a goal of myn for over a year with events leading up to this milestone starting back in 2015.

Unfortunately over training and an injury to a calf muscle set me back, just a month before the event, and I was gutted that the overall goal of IMUK2017 might be missed.

After another successful IM who helped me train, advised me to seek the therapy and knowledge of PH7 team in my training, I thought I'd give it a try.

The expert knowledge of anatomy, movement patterns and functional movement not only made sense, it sped up my recovery. In short PH7 helped me make the start line to complete the event successfully without further injury!

All the know how and advice from Nick Palma is put in a way that's easy to digest and sensible.

I can't recommend the team here enough and I've learned another dimension to staying injury free whilst keeping up the training I love.


Nick & James bring an unbelievable knowledge of training, functional movement and mental well-being to help me achieve my goals. Love their sessions.


Need to make a positive change in your life? Look no further. These guys will take you to where you want to be.


It's a great place with great trainers. Love it.


I really enjoy the comfortable atmosphere the place has. I feel that everyone is important that goes there. Wether you are 14 or 50, James and Nick know what to do to give you a quality workout.


Training for any big event needs expert advice and I found this through PH7 and Nick Palma. Iron Man 2017 has been a goal of myn for over a year with events leading up to this milestone starting back in 2015.

Unfortunately over training and an injury to a calf muscle set me back, just a month before the event, and I was gutted that the overall goal of IMUK2017 might be missed.

After another successful IM who helped me train, advised me to seek the therapy and knowledge of PH7 team in my training, I thought I'd give it a try.

The expert knowledge of anatomy, movement patterns and functional movement not only made sense, it sped up my recovery. In short PH7 helped me make the start line to complete the event successfully without further injury!

All the know how and advice from Nick Palma is put in a way that's easy to digest and sensible.

I can't recommend the team here enough and I've learned another dimension to staying injury free whilst keeping up the training I love.


Nick & James bring an unbelievable knowledge of training, functional movement and mental well-being to help me achieve my goals. Love their sessions.


Need to make a positive change in your life? Look no further. These guys will take you to where you want to be.


It's a great place with great trainers. Love it.


I really enjoy the comfortable atmosphere the place has. I feel that everyone is important that goes there. Wether you are 14 or 50, James and Nick know what to do to give you a quality workout.

More about Ph.7 - Life In Balance

Ph.7 - Life In Balance is located at 381 Archway Road, N6 4ER London, United Kingdom
Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -