Phil Page Health And Fitness

About Phil Page Health And Fitness

I help busy, professional ladies lose 1-2 dress sizes, become physically and mentally stronger, regain their body confidence, look and feel how they did in their 20's and not have to worry about their weight, shape and health anymore.

Phil Page Health And Fitness Description

Want to lose 12-24 punts? Drop a couple of dress sizes? Feel fitter? Stronger? Have more energy? Have more confidence to be more productive at work? Go for a job promotion? Take on new challenges?

Then this is for you!



MONDAY MOTIVATION đŸ’Ș. - Monday is the start of the week and it has always been the unspoken enemy of people who had a great weekend. Monday mornings can be full of dread, a new week starting where we need to pretty much drag our ass out of bed and start the working day and say goodbye to the highs of Saturday and Sunday and - Don’t let this dreadful moment become something related with Monday’s. -... Monday’s should be welcomed with enthusiasm, energy and a fully charged body and mind. Monday’s are a the day that will set the tone for your week. - Monday’s are also a great day to start or get back into an exercise program, start or set a new goal or set new targets in fitness or your career. - If your in the middle of a fitness regime and you’ve over indulged, don’t worry, get back on it on MONDAY. Weekends are there to be enjoyed, So enjoy them. Get back to it on Monday 🙌. - Have a great week!
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Who's struggling with food at the moment?
Do you have a poor relationship with food and need a bit of help?


Staying out if the gym this week to give a couple of niggles a rest. A couple of extra walks instead of lifting weights this week to then ramp it up for 8 weeks đŸ„ŸđŸ”đŸ™ŒđŸ’Ș. - 2 of us are ok with that decision, one of us wasn’t 😂😂😂. - #fitness #fitnesslife #fitnessmotivation #hiking #trekking #walking #tuesday #tuesdaymotivation #gym #gymlife #beaglesofinstagram #beagles #hampshire #petersfield


Learn to rest, not quit. - Today was just one of those days! Big leg session planned, feeling very tired but was determined to get it in, 4 sets of single leg squats and 3 sets of sled pushes in and i ‘quit’. Not even the great views from the studio could get me through this one. That’s when I know I’m due a rest day or 2. - Just didn’t have it in me to push through today. And that’s cool, sometimes we need to accept there will be days like this along the way and we can alway...s get back to it. - Rest is so important when you’re in a training program and it’s important you schedule in rest days. You can even have an ‘active rest’ by going for a walk or working on your flexibility. - Your body needs to recover. - Learn to rest, take a day or two to recharge because you can always get back to it again, and don’t feel guilty about it.
Have a great weekend!
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When training for something, it’s unlikely you’ll always be motivated to train. There will be days where you won’t be in the mood for it at all need a kick up the back side. - Today was one of those days! Thankfully the training partners were up for it and we got through it 😂. - Losing motivation? Maybe reach out to a friend, family member or even a coach and get together for some training. On days you don’t feel like it, it’ll definitely help having someone give you a boost... and push you through it đŸ’Ș. - Maybe set a joint goal, be accountable to eachother and help one another stay on track.
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HEALTHY FOOD IS TOO EXPENSIVE! - Sound familiar? - Above we have a Tesco meal deal which is £3 and 1kg of chicken breast which is just under £6. So on paper, yes, the meal deal is cheaper when it’s run through the till. But......... A Tesco meal deal is exactly that, a single meal, 1 lunch or dinner in 1 day. There are 6 chicken breasts in this packet which should last between 4-6 meals over the week. If the 3 items from Tesco’s were sold separately, they would amount to just under £6, the same as 4-6 meals worth of chicken. - Here’s the kicker! The calories!!!: Calories in meal deal: 1,131: -Sandwich: 640 cals. - Crisps: 251 cals. - ‘Healthy’ protein smoothie: 240 cals plus the 45gs of sugar. - Calories in 1kgs of chicken breasts: - 1310 (spread over 4-6 meals). - 218 cals per breast. - So, does it really work out cheaper, healthier and get you closer to your goals? Just be aware. - P.s. I know we are all pushed for time and it’s convenient to grab a meal deal like this on the go, just be aware of calories and see if there are better choices you can choose from.
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MONDAY MOTIVATION: It’s your call! - If you need motivation, sometimes you don’t need to look any further than yourself. After all, every decision, choice and action all comes down to you, not anybody else. - When I had my hips replaced (yawn, boring, stop going on about it etc 😂, I know I know), I was determined not to sit around and feel sorry for myself, blame them for any negative circumstances, not take any chances and use them as an excuse not to keep active and fit. I ...go on about my hips a lot as they are actually my main source of motivation. - I’ve had some amazing adventures since I had them done: - A week in the wilderness in Finland. - Charity football game at Leicester. - Surfing in Morocco. - A boxing match: - Hiking volcanos in Sicily. And I have a new challenge on the horizon of hiking the Atlas Mountains. As I said in a previous post, I wouldn’t of done any of those things if I had cared what people think about it. - Point is, it all comes down to you, only you can decide how things are going to turn out. You’ll waste a lot of time and energy blaming other people. If there’s something you want to do, a goal you want to achieve, and trip you want to take, a career you want to go for, don’t wait for other people’s approval. Go for it!
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Mix it up! - Back session with a difference this morning, mixing things up with the teams new toys! Nice day for it aswell 😎😎.


Probably only the third time in 9 years I’ve joined in a clients session, always feel s bit cheeky doing it but we both needed a kick up the backside, got it done and are now feeling better for it đŸ’ȘđŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș.


“Don’t you feel like a weirdo going away on your own?” - “I bet you’re sh**ing yourself!” - “Why are you posting on social media every day?? Enjoy your holiday!”.... - These are some of the things I get asked before I go away on my own on trips like these. Yeh I get a bit nervous before I go away on my own, not knowing what to expect, who I’m going to meet or if I’m going to find it too tough. Especially this one as I’ve never done any serious hiking. - But no I don’t feel like a weirdo or a saddo, because I know I’ll be meeting some amazing people who will make the week even more memorable, like the group I was with this week. They’ve been on trips all over the world and have motivated me to go on more trips to different parts of the world. - Why have I been posting on social media every day? I got my inspiration to get out of my comfort zone and go on my first solo holiday by someone in social media and I haven’t looked back since. - If posting the amazing sights and experiences of this week can inspire someone to get out of their comfort zone, go against the grain and try something new, then that’s a big bonus. - Look up @exodustravels, superb company and will definitely be using them for a third time on my next trip.
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Bumped in to a friend of mine in the gym this morning. Had a good catch up about life and how training is going etc. - He told me his training hasn’t been good at all. He’s felt unmotivated, tired and a bit stressed. Just felt like he was wasting his time. - My immediate thought was that he hasn’t been going to the gym at all but he said he’s still been going 4 times a week.... - So in fact he’s not doing badly at all! Doing something is better than doing nothing and still getting to the gym or exercising that many times a week when you’re feeling shit, de-motivated and a bit low, is an unreal effort and making him look at it that way, he shifted his focus and realised he’d actually been doing really well. - Even if you’re just maintaining rather than smashing out personal bests every week, that’s a HUGE win in my eyes. - Shift your focus and you will realise you’re actually doing a lot better than you think you are. Looking at things a little bit differently can make a huge difference. - P.S. if you do feel absolutely exhausted and feel you need a break, don’t feel guilty about it. Take a rest. - Have a great Wednesday!
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The hardest thing about getting up at 5.30 to train???.....The first week. - Get up and get it done if you feel you ‘don’t have time’.


If your finding it tough to get going this Jan, don’t worry, it’s totally normal!
If you’ve started a new training routine or getting back into one after Xmas, you’re probably feeling like I am in these pics, finding every exercise an absolute b**stard!
This is why it’s so important to have a goal. I’ve got some serious hiking booked in for April so no matter if I feel like it or not, I know I need to do it to meet the fitness requirements.
... If you ever don’t feel like training but you’re working towards a goal, just remind yourself why you’re doing it and push through.
Not every session will be a joy, sometimes they’ll suck and you’ll want to stop, but these are the sessions you’ll get the most satisfaction from if you push through and get it done.
P.s always take a rest when you need it, don’t burn yourself out. #consistency #commit #patience #push #keepgoing #january #cold #januarychallenge #youcandoit #gym #fitnessmotivation #fitness #healthyfood #healthyrecipes
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if you want a realistic substanable achievable enjoyable programme and have a pt who is a pleasure to actually see then Phil is your man.

I have been going to the gym for 3 months to try to get back to the fitness i had whilst in the forces and to gain my confidence back after a tough beginning of the year thou to no avail..i had entered into some running competitions and was still not reducing my body shape was staying the same nothing was happening thus becoming dishearten frustrated and started to lack motivation...... this is where PJP fitness came into my life...I had noticed him in the gym and thought to myself the clients seem really at ease comfortable and enjoying their sessions even though they were working hard. On meeting Phil it became apparent he is whole heartley and 110% comitted to helping you acheive your goals and to help you in all other aspects of why you went to him in the first place.. He listens ,he motivates, drives, encourages you to do your best in every session you have.....and most of all he is a genuine down to earth no airs or graces family orientated gentleman who is passionate about his clients. I am 8 weeks into my programme and feel motivated, have a sense of an achievement, my running is loads better and most of all feel good about myself. I didn't measure myself nor weigh but can tell with clothes and pictures that i have lost and toned up.

This week I was discussing my next goal and that is to do the jurassic coast to coast 3 marathons in 3 days.. I was a little sceptical and some people said do it in 2018 give yourself more time get some more running events , you are crazy, that is not achievable.....basically saying i couldn't do it.... however Phil made me realise that why couldn't I achieve my goal in 4months I am nearly there. Why waste an opportunity. Get out there be committed and i will reach my goal, etc he even offered to run with me but he can't run due to his hips..then I look at him and think all of what this amazing guy has achieved in the last year after his medical history and all what he went through and I know it was tough and he is very lucky as I am a nurse ..Phil is a true inspiration... a gentleman.. I can't recommend PJP enough....


Wow. I met Phil on Saturday 8th October 2016 to talk about his new Program Transform90. He got me to talk about the reasons why I wanted to do this, the real reasons! He also told me about himself which is great he made me feel relaxed and also motivated so much so that I signed up that day and started on the Monday evening. I haven't looked back since. I have now done 6 weeks and feel much fitter than I was before and I have lost a total of 9 inches which is amazing. I am looking forward to the next 6 weeks and the next inch loss. It's making my goal look very achievable and I certainly would not have been able to do it without Phil. He is such and inspiration especially after everything he has been through himself. Thanks Phil I couldn't have done this without you. X


Would highly recommend PJP, but from a different point of view then some others. I don't personally use him but my wife does and the confidence that she now has is incredible and she looks amazing!! Obviously I thought she did before but she now believes it too and she is just beaming.

Big thank you to Phil and your hard work. You are the best at what you do and you've changed our lives. Happy wife, amazing body & happy home. But more importantly, you've made Ami confident within herself, so for that big big thank you.


The very fact that I'm confident enough to put this out here is testament to how much I've changed and I'm only half way through the program.....

After making a lot of changes this year and losing 3 stone 9 pounds on my own, I was beginning to think more about the fitness side of things and wanted to combine the two together more successfully. I was a member of a gym but it wasn't really working and I didn't feel like I was getting a lot out of it. I'd begun to look into personal training as I knew I needed direction and to be pushed to meet my goal. I saw Phil's advert at that time and took the plunge to enquire. I was pleased to hear about his experiences training people for a variety of goals and their positive feedback. Reading about his own personal journey on the road to recovery and his new goals and opportunities was inspiring too.

So, 6 weeks ago, I changed gyms and joined Phil. It was so out of my comfort zone and not something that people would have expected me to do. I remember being really nervous and scared but also excited that this might just help me to get the results I wanted.

Fast forward 6 weeks and the nerves have almost disappeared and a new found confidence is emerging! I have lost 13 pounds, dropped sizes, gained a new shape and changed my BMI significantly. I am so much happier in my life and so motivated. I can actually say I enjoy exercising and going to the gym has become part of my routine and a healthy focus in my life. I came into this with 1 ideal aim and in 6 weeks I've completely rethought what I'm doing and why in so many areas of my life. I now have a long list of goals, some short term, some long term, that I'm motivated to work towards. I've dealt with challenges that life has thrown me, including a worrying health scare, and have changed my outlook on life.

Phil has surpassed all my expectations of what working with a PT would be like. He makes sessions different so I never really know what each one will hold which stops me getting bored and keeps me focused. He makes them challenging enough but still achievable. He has high expectations....even if I think I can't achieve, he does(!!)....and I can't believe how much they have progressed over the weeks. I always feel supported and encouraged in whatever we are doing and I feel proud that I've given everything a go! Phil is very patient and understanding which is really important to me as I'm not the fastest learner or the most coordinated....although that's improving too! He also has a great sense of humour which helps to put me at ease and make the sessions fun. As well as the physical training Phil has a real talent for being able to listen and talk to you. This helps to unpick what challenges you might be facing and to shift your mindset. He gives advice where he feels he can and motivates you to keep setting and smashing your own personal goals. Yes....I pay him to train me,'s his job, but when you work with Phil it's clear to see that he loves what he does and that he really believes in looking after your whole self. He is a good role model for having a positive mental attitude and for setting and working towards goals.

I was completely naive when I joined up. I never realised how much focusing on improving my health and fitness would change me mentally and emotionally. Already I feel so much more energised and motivated. I'm more confident and a little bit proud of what I've achieved so far. I'm loving receiving compliments from people and dealing with negative situations and people better. This is helping me to change my life and has strengthened me mentally to grab life while we have it!

Invest in won't regret it!


It all started with a little village zumba class. I love dancing so it was the ideal class for me. I soon realised though that I was going to need to so more if I was really ever going to lose the weight I've gained since bearing children and not giving myself time. There has also been a fair amount of comfort eating since losing my husband 4 years ago to pancreatic cancer.

I have suffered with pain in my knees ever since I was knocked over by a car when I was 15. Have had operations on cartilage & ligaments etc. So jumping and running (basically anything that means both feet leaving the floor) are just impossible.

Then I saw an advert for a free preliminary coaching session and I decided to give it a go. Phil was so reassuring and positive that I decided to go for it, I guess I was just ready.

He has encouraged me, supported me and, possibly most importantly, believed in me.

I have been following the regular lessons and I have joined my local gym so I can do classes whenever I like for free.. it's hard work as I have 4 children, so finding time to exercise has been tricky, but my son, now 16, wants me to be fitter so he is helping by minding things at home for a couple of hours in the evenings.

Slowly the weight is coming off. I have lost nearly 5kg since I started 12 weeks ago. Some weeks I put weight on but I can see my body shape changing, and I know I'm building muscle.

It's a long road but but with Phil's support it is not a lonely one.

Thanks for reading my story. Lucyxxïżœ


I have just finished a 12 week training program with Phil.

His friendly approach, advice, patience (I don’t have much coordination!), knowledge and support have been amazing. I feel much more body confident and so much fitter. I still have a way to go with my fitness journey but Phil has set me up with the tools I need to go forward and keep on succeeding.

Phil is flexible when it comes to working around what time I had available to train, I found that extremely positive and essential for my dedication to the training. He is also always at the end of the phone should you need him and nothing seems to much trouble.

The studio space he uses is very well equipped and I never felt uncomfortable training there, like I have before in gyms.

I would absolutely recommend Phil whatever your training needs may be.


I found Phil through Facebook, and went for a taster session, i really enjoyed it and felt at ease with Phil, there is no judging just his willingness to help you and push you to your goals.

I am a keen swimmer and i'm training for a Channel Relay next year but my fitness seemed to have plateaued, Phil has given me a boost and i'm starting to see results in the pool. I'd done 4 weeks so far which have whizzed by and i'm looking forward to the next 4.

Phil is always happy to see you, full of encouragement, and just a nice guy who wants to help you achieve your goals. Worth every penny!


I been using the gym and not been seeing the results I was hoping to have seen, which was so deflating as I was working so hard! My friend shared Phil's page with his 12 week program, which got me interested! I went to meet Phil and instantly I knew he was the right Personal Trainer for me, he listened to why I wanted to do this and tailored the right program for me. What makes Phil completely different to all other PT's is his own story, and because of this he totally gets how we are feeling and keeps us focused on our personal goals. I am just about to start week 4 I feel noticeably stronger and my motivation is sky high, because I am seeing results! I have never enjoyed going to the gym as much as I have these past 3 weeks! Phil is professional and amazing at what he does. So excited to see what the next 8 weeks bring me.


I am now 5 weeks in and I'm feeling amazing!!!! I have lost a total of 7 inches! 2.5 off my waist, 2 off my hips and 2.5 off my chest. 54 until Thailand and I am so excited to see my end result :) thank you xxx


if you want a realistic substanable achievable enjoyable programme and have a pt who is a pleasure to actually see then Phil is your man.

I have been going to the gym for 3 months to try to get back to the fitness i had whilst in the forces and to gain my confidence back after a tough beginning of the year thou to no avail..i had entered into some running competitions and was still not reducing my body shape was staying the same nothing was happening thus becoming dishearten frustrated and started to lack motivation...... this is where PJP fitness came into my life...I had noticed him in the gym and thought to myself the clients seem really at ease comfortable and enjoying their sessions even though they were working hard. On meeting Phil it became apparent he is whole heartley and 110% comitted to helping you acheive your goals and to help you in all other aspects of why you went to him in the first place.. He listens ,he motivates, drives, encourages you to do your best in every session you have.....and most of all he is a genuine down to earth no airs or graces family orientated gentleman who is passionate about his clients. I am 8 weeks into my programme and feel motivated, have a sense of an achievement, my running is loads better and most of all feel good about myself. I didn't measure myself nor weigh but can tell with clothes and pictures that i have lost and toned up.

This week I was discussing my next goal and that is to do the jurassic coast to coast 3 marathons in 3 days.. I was a little sceptical and some people said do it in 2018 give yourself more time get some more running events , you are crazy, that is not achievable.....basically saying i couldn't do it.... however Phil made me realise that why couldn't I achieve my goal in 4months I am nearly there. Why waste an opportunity. Get out there be committed and i will reach my goal, etc he even offered to run with me but he can't run due to his hips..then I look at him and think all of what this amazing guy has achieved in the last year after his medical history and all what he went through and I know it was tough and he is very lucky as I am a nurse ..Phil is a true inspiration... a gentleman.. I can't recommend PJP enough....


Wow. I met Phil on Saturday 8th October 2016 to talk about his new Program Transform90. He got me to talk about the reasons why I wanted to do this, the real reasons! He also told me about himself which is great he made me feel relaxed and also motivated so much so that I signed up that day and started on the Monday evening. I haven't looked back since. I have now done 6 weeks and feel much fitter than I was before and I have lost a total of 9 inches which is amazing. I am looking forward to the next 6 weeks and the next inch loss. It's making my goal look very achievable and I certainly would not have been able to do it without Phil. He is such and inspiration especially after everything he has been through himself. Thanks Phil I couldn't have done this without you. X


Would highly recommend PJP, but from a different point of view then some others. I don't personally use him but my wife does and the confidence that she now has is incredible and she looks amazing!! Obviously I thought she did before but she now believes it too and she is just beaming.

Big thank you to Phil and your hard work. You are the best at what you do and you've changed our lives. Happy wife, amazing body & happy home. But more importantly, you've made Ami confident within herself, so for that big big thank you.


The very fact that I'm confident enough to put this out here is testament to how much I've changed and I'm only half way through the program.....

After making a lot of changes this year and losing 3 stone 9 pounds on my own, I was beginning to think more about the fitness side of things and wanted to combine the two together more successfully. I was a member of a gym but it wasn't really working and I didn't feel like I was getting a lot out of it. I'd begun to look into personal training as I knew I needed direction and to be pushed to meet my goal. I saw Phil's advert at that time and took the plunge to enquire. I was pleased to hear about his experiences training people for a variety of goals and their positive feedback. Reading about his own personal journey on the road to recovery and his new goals and opportunities was inspiring too.

So, 6 weeks ago, I changed gyms and joined Phil. It was so out of my comfort zone and not something that people would have expected me to do. I remember being really nervous and scared but also excited that this might just help me to get the results I wanted.

Fast forward 6 weeks and the nerves have almost disappeared and a new found confidence is emerging! I have lost 13 pounds, dropped sizes, gained a new shape and changed my BMI significantly. I am so much happier in my life and so motivated. I can actually say I enjoy exercising and going to the gym has become part of my routine and a healthy focus in my life. I came into this with 1 ideal aim and in 6 weeks I've completely rethought what I'm doing and why in so many areas of my life. I now have a long list of goals, some short term, some long term, that I'm motivated to work towards. I've dealt with challenges that life has thrown me, including a worrying health scare, and have changed my outlook on life.

Phil has surpassed all my expectations of what working with a PT would be like. He makes sessions different so I never really know what each one will hold which stops me getting bored and keeps me focused. He makes them challenging enough but still achievable. He has high expectations....even if I think I can't achieve, he does(!!)....and I can't believe how much they have progressed over the weeks. I always feel supported and encouraged in whatever we are doing and I feel proud that I've given everything a go! Phil is very patient and understanding which is really important to me as I'm not the fastest learner or the most coordinated....although that's improving too! He also has a great sense of humour which helps to put me at ease and make the sessions fun. As well as the physical training Phil has a real talent for being able to listen and talk to you. This helps to unpick what challenges you might be facing and to shift your mindset. He gives advice where he feels he can and motivates you to keep setting and smashing your own personal goals. Yes....I pay him to train me,'s his job, but when you work with Phil it's clear to see that he loves what he does and that he really believes in looking after your whole self. He is a good role model for having a positive mental attitude and for setting and working towards goals.

I was completely naive when I joined up. I never realised how much focusing on improving my health and fitness would change me mentally and emotionally. Already I feel so much more energised and motivated. I'm more confident and a little bit proud of what I've achieved so far. I'm loving receiving compliments from people and dealing with negative situations and people better. This is helping me to change my life and has strengthened me mentally to grab life while we have it!

Invest in won't regret it!


It all started with a little village zumba class. I love dancing so it was the ideal class for me. I soon realised though that I was going to need to so more if I was really ever going to lose the weight I've gained since bearing children and not giving myself time. There has also been a fair amount of comfort eating since losing my husband 4 years ago to pancreatic cancer.

I have suffered with pain in my knees ever since I was knocked over by a car when I was 15. Have had operations on cartilage & ligaments etc. So jumping and running (basically anything that means both feet leaving the floor) are just impossible.

Then I saw an advert for a free preliminary coaching session and I decided to give it a go. Phil was so reassuring and positive that I decided to go for it, I guess I was just ready.

He has encouraged me, supported me and, possibly most importantly, believed in me.

I have been following the regular lessons and I have joined my local gym so I can do classes whenever I like for free.. it's hard work as I have 4 children, so finding time to exercise has been tricky, but my son, now 16, wants me to be fitter so he is helping by minding things at home for a couple of hours in the evenings.

Slowly the weight is coming off. I have lost nearly 5kg since I started 12 weeks ago. Some weeks I put weight on but I can see my body shape changing, and I know I'm building muscle.

It's a long road but but with Phil's support it is not a lonely one.

Thanks for reading my story. Lucyxxïżœ


I have just finished a 12 week training program with Phil.

His friendly approach, advice, patience (I don’t have much coordination!), knowledge and support have been amazing. I feel much more body confident and so much fitter. I still have a way to go with my fitness journey but Phil has set me up with the tools I need to go forward and keep on succeeding.

Phil is flexible when it comes to working around what time I had available to train, I found that extremely positive and essential for my dedication to the training. He is also always at the end of the phone should you need him and nothing seems to much trouble.

The studio space he uses is very well equipped and I never felt uncomfortable training there, like I have before in gyms.

I would absolutely recommend Phil whatever your training needs may be.


I found Phil through Facebook, and went for a taster session, i really enjoyed it and felt at ease with Phil, there is no judging just his willingness to help you and push you to your goals.

I am a keen swimmer and i'm training for a Channel Relay next year but my fitness seemed to have plateaued, Phil has given me a boost and i'm starting to see results in the pool. I'd done 4 weeks so far which have whizzed by and i'm looking forward to the next 4.

Phil is always happy to see you, full of encouragement, and just a nice guy who wants to help you achieve your goals. Worth every penny!


I been using the gym and not been seeing the results I was hoping to have seen, which was so deflating as I was working so hard! My friend shared Phil's page with his 12 week program, which got me interested! I went to meet Phil and instantly I knew he was the right Personal Trainer for me, he listened to why I wanted to do this and tailored the right program for me. What makes Phil completely different to all other PT's is his own story, and because of this he totally gets how we are feeling and keeps us focused on our personal goals. I am just about to start week 4 I feel noticeably stronger and my motivation is sky high, because I am seeing results! I have never enjoyed going to the gym as much as I have these past 3 weeks! Phil is professional and amazing at what he does. So excited to see what the next 8 weeks bring me.


I am now 5 weeks in and I'm feeling amazing!!!! I have lost a total of 7 inches! 2.5 off my waist, 2 off my hips and 2.5 off my chest. 54 until Thailand and I am so excited to see my end result :) thank you xxx

More about Phil Page Health And Fitness

Phil Page Health And Fitness is located at GU11 Petersfield