
Monday: 06:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 19:00
Friday: 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Pt-Lukas

Personal Trainer

Pt-Lukas Description

Personal Trainer



I know I have been silent here. Sorry, everyone.
For the time being, I have spent some time running a few youtube videos. The link is in the comments


Who will next?
Want to become leaner? Get stronger? Become more confident in the gym? Send me a message and let me help you get started.


The second youtube video is up. If you want to watch me lift and talk dieting have a look :) J4


Exercise - Lunge. Variation - Barbell Lunge Key points 🔴Keep the core tight 🔴Great variation if grip is an issue when holding dumbbells in hands... 🔴Squeeze the glutes.
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Huge milestone by this guy. Finally he is strong and light enough to nail his first chin up. Then he does another one 😂 All those days and hours of hard work are really starting to show.
Well done mate.


The barbell back squat.
To first variation that I will run trough is the low bar variant.
Simply put the barbell will rest lower on your shoulders.... The squat is a lot more hip dominant, so it means your glutes and hamstrings will do a lot of work. This tends to prefered by powerlifters since it is a stronger possition.
Next exercise I will run trough will be a high bar squat.
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One day I will be consistent with videos on youtube ;)


So, protein is sorted, you have taken a week or two got used to hitting the required amount and now we need to find out the total calories for the day.
After all, if you are not tracking, you are guessing and stopping yourself from achieving results.
Fat loss is simple, eat less than needed for your total daily energy requirement and you will lose weight or fat. The higher the deficit the faster you will lose; however, it will also be harder and counterproductive to muscle ...retention.
There is a fine line with a moderate deficit of 300/500 calories. Which can help lose fat and keep as much muscle tissue as possible.
Working out your calories is simple, especially in our digitized world. Start out by finding out your BMR or Basal metabolic rate. This number gives you an estimate of what your body needs to survive, so think liver, brain, breathing and those sorts of functions.
Using the AARR ( method we can take your lean body mass in KG and multiply that by 25.3. Which will give us a rough estimate to aim for.
Once the BMR is set we can then account for activity levels so 1.1. to 1.7 depending on how active you are. We would multiply you BRM by one of those numbers to give us a calorie goal. Then reduce that by a small deficit, track weight and adjust for the rate of fat loss. I would always recommend going one activity level lower then you think you are, this way if you are dropping fat too fast you can add calories, rather then cut more.
And there you have it, some numbers and formulae to use to track and find out. Using apps such as my fitness pal or my macros are free tools to use as a food diary and very user-friendly. I would highly suggest using them as they take out the guesswork and a lot of hassle when it comes to tracking food.
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So, body composition has been established, it is time to set some small goals. Let’s start with protein as that is the most common macronutrient you will hear about, and probably one of the more important one. Protein is can be calculated in a few ways. We can use your lean body mass or LBM for short. This is done by taking your body composition taking the body fat away and using the estimated lean mass to multiply it by 1. To 1.3 grams of protein. Secondly, we can also tak...e your total weight in kilos and multiply that by 1.5 to 2 grams. The more aggressive your fat loss goal is the higher end of the spectrum of protein you want to be. For example, a male of 82kg wanting to lose 0.5kg a week will set a fairly aggressive goal for fat loss and multiply by 2 grams to get to 164 grams of protein per day. This is assuming he exercises and lifts weights. Don’t worry too much if you struggle to hit the protein goal in the beginning, it may take some time to adjust to eating protein with every meal.
Lastly, protein is and can be affected by a few variables, such as activity level, muscle mass and how aggressive you want to be in your fat loss goal.
Understanding protein and learning to hit that number every day consistently should be your number one focus in the start.
If you have any questions about hitting protein or types of food that can help you, please do contact me and I can give you some ideas.
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So, you set yourself a goal of getting in shape, what to do next? Getting your nutrition sorted is probably going to be your number one priority. But before we do this we need to set out a starting point, you need to find out where your current body composition is at so we can measure and track progress. Body composition refers to your muscle to fat ratio. Which we define with body fat percentage. This will be your starting point. Reason for finding these out is so we can ...use that information later to find out your calories and dietary requirements you may need, such as protein, fats, and carbs. There are many ways to get an idea of your body composition. 1. You can use progress pictures, however, be honest with them and don’t sugar coat the progress made or not made. 2. Electrical body fat machines, even though most gyms may have these they tend to have a large room for error so if you use a certain type of machine always use that. 3. Calipers tend to be one of the most accurate methods of measuring, however you do need someone who is qualified for using them to make sure it is done properly. 4. Dexa scan can be very expensive and hard to find. Using a combination of any 2 tools to track progress, I find can be more motivating and help keep you accountable. Progress pictures alongside a body fat machine can be paired well. Make sure the pictures are honest, use the same light and you are relaxed in them.
If you are waiting to get started and want some help, drop me a message and we can arrange a chat.
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Online client update.
The major things we have been working on in the past are to adapt to training and keep consistent. Training has been 4 to 5 days a week, each session an hour or so long.
... We have had major strength gains working all the way up to a 140kg deadlift and a 120kg deadlift while dropping down in body fat.
The hardest part has been keeping the food habits in check and not binging on food. Learning when to say enough is enough has been the major focus of our training lately.
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Nothing too major on my part here. The before picture was right after I came back from Christmas around the end of January. The after was about a month ago.
Weight difference here is around 87kg vs 83kg.
... Currently, I am still in a calorie deficit and once I have reached a point I am happy about I will update you guys.
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Forget netlfix and watch me eat a doughnut 🍩


Progress can be measured in many ways, how strong you are now compared to how strong you were when you started. Visually, metric and pictures. Each one has its use for a certain situation.
Wanting to change and being a student has its challenges. Late nights at the library, exam stress and possible stress eating. We had to face some of these challenges during my time with Sebastian. The progress here is over a 4 week period. His main goals were getting stronger, body fat was not an issue, but increasing his training volume keeping an eye and eating less junk over a month has definitely made a small, yet notable difference to his physique.


Let's talk progress.
Working an office job with no background in exercise. CK reached out to me wanting to change his lifestyle. We set some goals for weight loss, build muscle and increase mobility as his posture needed some work.
... Fast forward 6months and we are down in bodyweight. Increased his strength by crazy amounts, I mean bench pressing with 4kg to now bench pressing 45kg. Moves and feels better has a better understanding of food and managing his lifestyle.
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I think this may be very relevant to post on a Sunday afternoon.


What 90% of powerlifting really is.


This is a long overdue review for a very awesome person whom I now consider as my friend!! Lukas Dudenas, my personal trainer at Fresh Fitness in Storhaug. Although we have only been acquainted and worked together for such a short time on improving my health and fitness, I must say that I can see a tremendous difference in my physic and my mental wellbeing. He has motivated me in the most positive way to think about my eating habits and improving it. I would like to say that I am immensely satisfied with all the work he has done with me and I would like to thank him for his patience with me, as I am not an easy person to please. Lukas is very knowledgeable and extremely professional at all times when dealing with me. We have build a very good and professional relationship as to where he shares all his knowledge of fitness with me and gives me tips on improving my techniques when working out. We always share a joke or two and this helps to not make the workout all stiff and boring. Sometimes we have so much fun working out together and then I don’t feel like going home. And this is kind of rare for me as I used to just work out before and go home. Lukas Dudenas has really changed my whole mindset on health and fitness and I have to thank him and give him all the credit for all the energy has inputted to drive me to be the best I can be and for always igniting the fire within me. Thanks Lukas, looking forward to the next four weeks of ass kicking training!!!


This guy! I've never had a PT before, but I've met a lot of fysiotherapists, psychologists and other therapists/ instructurs in my life - and this guy has it all, no kidding! The knowledge, human insight and ability to help you drag yourself out of all your silly excuses not to work out - and most important, a healthy, contagious attitude and special kind if power that will make you love what you do! Best investment ever


The results I have achieved to date are largely due to Lukas's perfect combination of diverse training methods, individualized exercise programs & challenging yet achievable goal setting. His professionalism, extensive knowledge and enthusiastic commitment to his work and ultimately his clients, provides the perfect scenario for success and sets foundations for a new healthier lifestyle!" . He works with the whole person -- mentally, emotionally and physically. Because of his efforts, I am stronger and more flexible, I have better balance and most importantly, working out has become fun. I recommend him without hesitation .


Lukas was a great trainer. I started with no background in strength training and in poor shape overall, and after working with Lukas I saw great improvements in my strength and workouts, being able to rep my bodyweight in squats and deadlifts. Lukas has a good sense of humour and adjusts the intensity of the workouts based on your personal condition. Had my office not moved, I would have stuck with Lukas as my PT.


I’ve gone from being a lady with arms as flimsy as Olive from Popeye to lifting my own body weight unassisted (chin ups and pull ups) in the space of 6 months all thanks to Lukas, a truly fantastic trainer!!

Similar to some of the reviews on here I was never comfortable in the weights area of the gym, I wasn’t sure if I was doing the move correctly or understood which muscles were meant to be engaged. In such a short space of time I’m not only comfortable but I can notice on my own when something’s not right, Lukas has such an easy way of talking you through what you’re doing and why (and I love love love knowing why!).

He’s got a genuine interest in your progression which is outstandingly encouraging, I went further than I ever thought I could!! On top of all this he has an infectiously positive personality and a love for eating doughnuts I can’t describe!

Thank you so much Lukas!


I’ve been training with Lukas now for over a year. Before starting with him, I could barely squat my own body weight, got freaked out in the weight section of the gym and, to be honest, even found walking in a straight line somewhat difficult!

Lukas gradually helped break down my preconceptions about exercising and gymming, and we slowly built up my repertoire to include things I could have only imagined me doing.

Despite his burly looks, he is one of the most approachable people I have met; listens to what you want, and provides a fully rounded service.

If you’re wondering if you should train with him, definitely do it!


I've trained with Lukas for a bit more than a year, and I can only highly recommand him. Not only is he very efficient, but also he will teach you every thing you need to be autonomous, to better understand what you're doing, and why you're doing it. If I could I would continued with him.


I've just finished working with Lukas and I had a great time. I've learnt so much about training, diet and fitness, and have progressed so far in the two months we've had together. Lukas himself is warm, enthusiastic and very knowledgeable so if you are considering a personal trainer I would highly recommend him.


I did weekly PT sessions with Lukas at Regent's Health gym in London for several months. I have learned a lot working with Lukas, seen great results in weights and noticed a difference in my outlook on the gym.

Working together, I went from beginner to being confident with olympic lifts, accessory exercises, and mobility exercises. We spent time dialling in my nutrition and habits, setting me up for long term success.

Lukas always made himself available for questions, form-check videos and welcomed feedback on his training constantly. Working with Lukas was great and I would 100% recommend his services to anyone who wants to see results and to build their knowledge and skills in the gym.


I approached Lukas a month ago with a specific set of fitness goals that I wanted to seriously include into my life routine. After a month of rigorous work outs and frequent training sessions, I can honestly say that I could not have gotten a better instructor. I was first impressed by his knowledge. Lukas has an amazing grasp of the fundamentals of fitness and training and what is more impressive, is that he is able to communicate this in a precise and "easy to understand" manner. He is focused on the details of technique and provides motivation in the form of concrete feedback and example. Lukas has reignited my willingness to get back to the gym to get into better shape and has modelled my routine in a fun but constructive way. After a month of training with me, I am already seeing results and know for a fact that good things are waiting for him along his chosen career path. Had he been in Norway longer, I would have booked him for a year and I do not say this lightly. In addition to his expertise and excellent communication skills, he is pleasant, smart and "walks the walks" as much as he "talks the talk".

More about Pt-Lukas

Monday: 06:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 19:00
Friday: 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -