Questra World Global Uk

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Questra World Global Uk

Questra World is an International Investment platform allowing a good profit margin 4% -7% WEEKLY .
Come and join my team.
Every Friday is a Payday for us



QUESTRA News April 05 April 2019
... 1. payment
- Payment from Hong Kong with Swift in dollars, later Bitcoin.
- Euro is cancelled. All accounts are converted to dollars.
- Payout date very soon.
- The deduction of 0.5% in the first year could possibly also be 1%. Has not yet been decided.
2. Cut (capital cut)
- 73% remains.
- All have to accept a new contract or no payout, hedge because of the cut.
3. cryptos
- At the end of the year there will be a separate exchange for kryptons: BTC, ETH, BHD, Burst.
- Own token from the end of the year.
4. Credit card
- Credit card only in Asia.
5. Internal Transfer
- Soon there will no longer be the possibility of pushing money internally. Only after the start, after 6 months again.
6. new partners
- As soon as the company starts, you cannot register partners for 3-6 months.
7. trader
- The traders are now all in Asia and work fully in Forex, Stocks & Cryptos.
8. directors
- And it's true, the directors get a written contract, without signature no more special bonuses.
- As mentioned earlier, the current bonuses will be cancelled.
- Here there are many changes for the director status.
- QP's will no longer exist as they do now.
- Maximum commission will be only 10%.
- There will also be no meeting like e.g. Dubai. No more money will be thrown out of the window.
9. investment packages
- There will also be changes in the package sizes: The smallest packages will not be available.
10. company
- There will be a tight and serious leadership.
- There will be at least one video transmission every month.
- There will be a different wind blowing at the new company.
11. procedure
1. first the message around BackOffice
2. then the Internet Info
3. then 3-4 weeks time to buy the packages again. Therefore, no payout in April.
Alexander Kästli
All information is from the management.
Take note of this and all information is without guarantee.
So that all information is understandable, better look twice.
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Good morning. Finally it seems that the long-awaited moment has arrived. When in August 2017 they created Five Winds detaching it from AGAM, the whole procedure lasted 3 weeks, obviously not necessarily going to last the same now that they are melting, but there is a large amount of work being that at that time we were less than 200,000 and now beyond 800,000! As soon as the site becomes active, there will be the new program where each of us will have to upload a copy of the ...ID card, an invoice (water, electricity, telephone, any no older than 3 months). In the first phase, interest can be withdrawn via Swift, ie you can transfer from the Five winds account (from now on AGAM) to a current account (iban and swift code) indicated by you. In the second phase the cards will arrive, but in the meantime those who want to withdraw can do so through the bank. This press release is to be considered unofficial because communicated by the managers close to the directors. It will become official as soon as it opens the site again and will be communicated to everyone in its telematic office. Thanks for your patience.
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Questra World ūüĎĎ‚ú®NEWSūüĒ•News April 2019
Hello together
Today there will be some news, there will be 11 points I will talk about today. And if you have any questions, it's best to check the information again. Listen again, this is of course also possible via the video, or read the text excerpts again to better understand the whole thing. I have received the information from the management and I will pass it on to you. Not that you think, I got it from somewhere, but today I was i...
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Hello everyone, welcome,
Today I would like to go back only briefly to the topic from yesterday, because there were many questions, and therefore I would like to summarize again, so that it is simply something more understandable and we have no communication problems.
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Today at 06:03 pm
Hello dear members! That began a full working year. We have already received income for the first working week in our offices . But now I want to briefly summarize the main results of the past 2018. ... The year was not easy. First, we waited for the month of May, then everything was moved to August, which also did not meet our expectations. Then we still did not know about the proceedings, blocking accounts. A little later we learned about the trial, which began in 2017 and continued in 2018, and which our company won. Then the appeal of the prosecutor on the decision of the court and again we won. The corporation has proved that they are a REAL COMPANY, AND THERE IS NO FINANCIAL PYRAMID OR HYPE. After all the court decisions won, the company changes the status of what documents were received on December 1, 2018. After changing the status of the company, they need to update the financial license. (Without this, they cannot work, lawyers will not be allowed. The deadline for obtaining a new financial license takes 3 months, you can google. With this time, it turns out December, January, February and in March it should be ready. How long the update takes, I don‚Äôt know, did not find the information). Leanoru wanted to eliminate, but at the last moment the liquidation was stopped and returned to its working condition. In the past year, Mr. Rabalo and Mukhin registered 2 companies, below in the posts there is official information. An exchange exchanger was registered in English jurisdiction with the name ATLANTIC GLOBAL FINANCIAL EXCHANGE CO LTD (according to documents, 75% belong to the Chinese and the name is very similar to the name of our corporation). All this happens at the same time - the end of April and the beginning of May 2018. I do not think that this is a coincidence. There were rumors about their own cryptocurrency. At the same time, various technical work was done on the sites. The changes are not very noticeable, but they are. In Five Winds, there are new documents for download, where new requirements for advertising and colors, fonts are indicated. Added new languages ‚Äč‚Äčin the offices and sites: translated into 5 languages: Russian, English, German, Italian, Turkish translated into 13 languages: Russian, English, Spanish, German, Polish, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Slovenian, Turkish, French , Indian translated into 9 languages: Russian, English, German, Italian, Turkish, French, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese # / login translated into 13 languages: Russian, English, Spanish, German, Polish, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Slovenian , Turkish, French, Indian.
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Today at 8:03 am
Our company was organized in 2007 in Spain and registered in the Republic of Cape Verde. In 2009, it's officially entered the world market as QUESTRA HOLDINGS and worked with an extensive list of countries. The company’s clients were legal entities. In 2014, the company decides to work also with individuals and is divided into two management companies: the investment fund Atlantic Global Asset Management (AGAM for short) and the advertising broker Questra Wo...
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We welcome the faithful partners of QW. Next year our corporation will be 10 years old. Until 2014, our company worked only with corporate clients. In February 2014, the company launched the PORTFOLIO INVESTOR project and provided people with the opportunity to invest around the world. The profitability of the first Friday of February 14, 2014 was 9.5564%. In 2015, QUESTRA HOLDINGS entered the markets of Russia and Germany and the company's progress was tremendous, as flows are controlled, the banking elite saw great dangers. Banking elites did not want people to have money, and their goal was for people to take loans and mortgages from banks. The warning from the financial regulators began in 2016. The first one was made in September 2016 - this is the Belgian regulator, in October 2016 the second one appeared - Austrian. In 2017, financial regulators began to write against the company QW, such as: Luxembourg, Italian, English, Polish, then central banks - the Slovenian National Bank and the Czech. The reason is clear - banks do not want people to take money and invest in companies. Since the warnings did not help, the Attorney General in July 2017 froze 3,000,000 euros at Caixa Economica Bank Cabo Verde and began a 9-month lawsuit. Back in July 2017, Professor Geraldo de Almeida, a lawyer for AGAM, wrote that freezing capital without trial was unconstitutional and allegedly violated the company's innocence. The Attorney General did not substantiate his accusations throughout the trial, and therefore lawyer Geraldo Almeida made a proposal to release capital defrost. Judge Dr. Antero Carlos Lubrano Varela ordered to defrost money in Caixa Economica Bank. Atlantic Global Asset Management SA is an absolutely legal and legally clean company, which is confirmed by the verdict of the Supreme Court of Cabo Verde. (TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL). Below I add photos and links that confirm the veracity of the information. We are the best global corporation, and we have a lot of evidence. The most important feature of a financially literate investor is patience. Have a nice day, everyone. gos/jurista- .. ro-varela ex.php/compo ..
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A small SUMMARY based on what I learned and / or understood: First there was the division of the world into four companies (AGAM / Questra and FWAM / Lianora) as part of the attempts: a) to sell the first to Asia Trade, focusing on the ICO (cryptocurrency)...
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"Friends once again remind you that in all the information flow that has been going on since September, the only thing that has been confirmed is that these are negotiations that have gone through several stages in different countries ... And that's all. Nobody knows the details. In compliance with the privacy policy, I am sure that none of the participants will send information (has consequences).
We all know that the company has many internal issues that need to be resolved.... Based on the latest news in the offices (that the company prepares new conditions and services for customers and agents) as well as on the answers of the technical support staff, that we are currently performing the necessary technical work to connect the main functions of the system be sure that the company's management solves internal problems related to the basic functions of depositing and disbursing funds.
We all know that the problems of the management team were solved (the election of the president of the company, the general director of the advertising broker). I am sure that these problems have taken a lot of time, and now we are all waiting for official news. I think it can happen unexpectedly and every day.
It is not necessary to search for official sources and dates on the Internet. There is no official news and there is no date on Internet.
On the day the official news appears in personal offices and key locations, it is considered as the day the company was founded. That can happen every day.
There was already a lot of time, effort and money spent on founding the company. There is no going back. Everything is done to continue the work of the company.
‚úćÔłŹ Regards ============================ JOIN OUR SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS ============================
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Share These Telegram Channel Link with Your Friends for Latest Updates
Thank You ūüôŹ
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Good afternoon to all dear Questra partners
Please do not take it as official news,
"Weekly opening on 26 November 2018!
... In the week of November 26, 2018 everyone will receive a message in their personal account with all the data.
We will be able to collect 1 time in November and 1 time in December 2018.
So check your account and your email regularly!
In the meantime, do not forget to reinvest the profits.
Good success to all "
She shared it here with you to explain to you that it is NOT AN OFFICIAL NEWS, so do not be fooled, expect as always the official through official press releases in our personal accounts or official sites.
Thank you ========================== If You Want To Join Your Team And Friends Please Share These Links: ==========================
Questra Community Group Link: ūüĎáūüĎáūüĎá ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ- Questra News Channel Link: ūüĎáūüĎáūüĎá
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Latest News From "Walter Gerhard Piranty:- German Group.
The following points indicated have been extensively elaborated to all those present. Before disclosing the following news it would be best to compare with the directors present in Barcelona.
... ūüĒł 5 billion / dollar victory and defrost in favor of Atlantic by the constitutional court. ūüĒł resumption of communications on Questra from 27.09.2018 Qu Questra solvency index in spain: 10 ūüĒł Atlantic is in possession of the international sic and duns codes Certificati the safety certificates have been renewed and are fully operational ūüĒł increase of the registered capital of 500 mil / dollars ūüĒł it is advisable to limit the inclusion of collaborators in international non-regulated chats directly by the company. the news is almost never confirmed and could cause irreparable damage. ūüĒł Diego Martin will not be CEO. ūüĒł Adv Cash will be replaced by a new internal credit card (awaiting official communication) ūüĒł the official reopening is expected in the coming weeks and withdrawals in 2018 will be 2 (pending communication on dashboard) ūüĒł there will be withdrawal limits for 6 months ūüĒł the company communicates only and exclusively via dasboard (all other info is not reliable) ūüĒł the new owner is an international banking group: Public Bank Berhad ūüĒł the Public Bank Berhad Group is well known for its sound financial performance and its prudent and consistent management. It is always consistent with the strong credit and financial ratings of local and foreign rating agencies. Public Bank Berhad has obtained a long-term rating of aaa Agency Malaysia rating. is the highest rating awarded by Agency Malaysia rating. it also received a short-term rating of p1 with a stable outlook. Standard & Poor's reaffirmed the long-term rating of Public Bank Berhad and the short-term a-2 counterparty rating with a stable outlook. Moody's Investors Service reaffirmed the long-term deposit rating in foreign currency of the public a3 bank and the short-term deposit rating of p-2 with a stable outlook.
WORKING PLAN OF THE NEW OWNER 1 - fund and company restructuring 2 - expected bonus payment to directors 3 - expected reopening of withdrawals 4 - new banking circuit 5 - new legal positioning and presence all over the world 6-fund boost
PREVIEW THE RECOVERY OF THE LEVIES 2018: two withdrawals are scheduled and then for 6 months there will be a monthly withdrawal.
‚Ěá packages up to 500,000 = ‚ā¨ 2500 per month withdrawal ‚Ěá the packages from ‚ā¨ 500,000 to ‚ā¨ 1,500,000 = ‚ā¨ 3,500 withdrawal per month ‚Ěá packages from 1,500,000 to 2,500.00 = withdrawal of ‚ā¨ 5,000 a month ‚Ěá packages with more than 2,500,000 = ‚ā¨ 7,500 withdrawal per month.
Join Us For More Information ūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎá
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The meeting in Hong Kong in relation to obtaining our bank (to receive our payments) took place and the sale was concluded with the Chinese. The meeting in Madrid during the reopening of the company was also confirmed with the aim of taking over MLM to promote the investment products of F.W.A.M /A.G.A.M
All this had a link in the greatest secrecy to avoid new problems of interbank competition. With a yield of 4% per week for its clients, it is understandable that many banks a...
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Rachid Cherkaoui: Menu VOLUME NO. 0205/16 AGAM: Opportunities of Investments in the Agricultural Markets China National News... 27 Jan 2017, 10 GMT+10
Atlantic Global Asset Management Fund has discussed opportunities of investments in the agricultural markets of Africa with Chinese businessmen.
The 60% of suitable for agriculture African land is not cultivated, and the population is almost completely unemployed.
It was China that opened new horizons during the last several years to become the largest investor in Africa. Nowadays, China annually invests dozens of billions of dollars in African countries (especially in the agricultural market).
Huge investments in Africa has started to pay off and give incredibly high income compared to other sustainable regions. It was clear from the outset that Africa is developing rapidly, providing a wide range of financial opportunities.
Atlantic Global Asset Management Investment Fund entered the African market in the autumn of last year, which was repeatedly covered by the media of several countries of the continent. The AGAM management was successful in establishing contacts with local businesses, which helped outline the most profitable investment projects. Results achieved: several millions of USD have been invested in the development of agriculture of North Africa.
Earlier this year, the Fund's management, being on the constant lookout for profitable investment projects, has hosted a number of meetings with Chinese investors operating in the African agricultural market. As a result, several fundamental and mutual agreements on cooperation in this promising area have been concluded.
"There is no question that this region has a great potential, and it will only increase in the coming years,' Antonino Vieira Robalo, president of the Atlantic Global Asset Management said Friday. "Therefore, it is important now to secure a foothold in the African market. We are willing to become a bridge between Africa and China, not just to make profit for our investors, but also to make this beautiful continent rich and prosperous.'
Thanks to Chinese partners and the agreements reached, the AGAM investors' funds would soon be used for development of the African agricultural market. They believe that their cooperation with the companies and foundations of the People's Republic of China, having considerable working experience in Africa, will help them secure investments and launch the most profitable large-scale projects.
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‚úÖ Official group Diego Martin. Brief summary.21 / 09/2018.
‚úÖ In his conversation with the family, Mr. Diego congratulated everyone "With the International Day of Peace". I wanted every good day to be filled with positive energy.
‚úÖ The conversation passed with the training elements. Mr. Diego noted that many high-level directors (example, level 10 director) did not work properly with the teams. And there are directors (level 6) who know more than high-ranking directors. Time ...
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Still a few issues to be sorted before our great comeback.
At the moment, the company's management solves issues on settling withdraw / deposit options and other important questions. A lot of resources and forces have been already spent to cope with the mentioned issue, and the last stages also require no less efforts. Now the company is working on the completion of these works, doing fare-the-well. At the same time, unfortunately, we can not inform You... about the exact or expected date.
-- Alfred from Five Winds Asset Management
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More about Questra World Global Uk

Questra World Global Uk is located at Pield Heath Road, Hillingdon, UB8 London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00