Reiki By Zoe

About Reiki By Zoe

Reiki available North London N7 for sessions from 40 mins. Please contact me directly for more information.

Reiki By Zoe Description

What does it mean?
Reiki is a system of natural healing involving the laying on of hands ( mostly non touching, hands hover above the body) and is more than thousands of years old. Reiki is a beautiful and powerful holistic healing system.

It involves working with a white light energy from a higher being to bring physical and emotional healing to the recipient. It is believed that the technique was first used by Tibetan Buddhist monks and was rediscovered in the 1800s by Mikao Ushui. The Ushui system of Reiki is a very simple but powerful healing technique that is easily given, received by anyone.

what can it help with?

Promotes and accelerates the body’s own natural ability to heal
Aids in sleep, restful, peaceful sleep
Balances Chakras in the body
Allows a better dealing with daily stress and viruses
Relieves pains and relaxes muscles
Helps to free from addictions
Clears toxins from the body
Relaxes and reduces stress
Treats the root of illness and is preventative

Stress- ability to deal with it
helps healing physically
helps emotionally
Can help with anxiety and depression
Can bring balance into your life
Aids manifestation of what you want in life if it is for your highest good

Benefits of a session, what happens:

A Reiki healing session will begin with a brief conversation to talk through how you are feeling on a physical and emotional level and to find out what you are expecting to achieve.
Then the client is asked to lie on a therapy couch fully clothed (in some cases it is also possible to give the Reiki treatment while sitting in a chair if this is more comfortable for the client).
When making the appointment for the healing session I always remind to my clients that it is very important to wear comfortable clothes. During the treatment the client will be covered with a soft blanket. It is advisable to remove your belt, jewellery (except your wedding ring).
Relaxing music will be played in the background and a private, soothing and comfortable space will be created for the client before the treatment.

The whole treatment usually lasts approximately 30-40 minutes.

Is it religious?

No it is not religious - it is a spiritual life force energy that can be passed from the hands of the healer into the body.
The healing does not come directly from the healer, the healer channels the life force.

What happens in a session?

You will lie fully clothed on a table in a comfortable position, the reiki 'massage' consists of placing the hands lightly over parts of the body or simply holding the hands over the body to guide the energy in. It is mostly a non touching healing, but some parts of the body such as the head, arms, legs and feet maybe lightly touched, just placing and holding the hands still over the body with the clients consent.

Everyone’s experience varies and it might occur that the person might not feel anything at all. Some people will feel Reiki as heat, others as coolness or tingling sensations and others might have a strong emotional release.

However, feeling of deep relaxation is usually felt by everyone and some may even fall asleep or see visions or beautiful bright colours as this wonderful energy will be flowing through their energy bodies.

I will be placing my hands on or above the body, starting at the recipient’s head and then continue holding my hands on each chakra point or wherever my intuition guides me to the spot that needs healing. As Reiki energy will be sent to the person’s etheric bodies, the client will start feeling balanced and refreshed.

After about half way through the session, I will ask you to turn over and lie on your front. I will continue with the Reiki healing on the back of your body. At the end of the treatment, you will be offered glass of water or a fresh herbal tea and we will discuss your experiences.

What does the word Reiki mean? What is Reiki Energy and where does it come from?

Reiki energy is the Chi or life force energy that runs through each of us. ‘Rei’ means ‘ Universal, spiritual consciousness and the higher wisdom from Universe or the higher self. Rei is present everywhere at the same time and is understood as all-knowing and all guiding to heal whatever is needed. ‘Ki’ is translated as ‘Life Force’ that gives life to all living things.

Importance of Ki Energy

The Ancient cultures understood the importance of Ki energy and how it impacts our wellbeing. Ki can be activated for the purpose of healing. This is non- physical energy that flows through all living things. This is our life energy and it connects and pervades us all. Therefore Reiki means ‘Universal Life Force’ or the directing of Chi energy to the right place for the healing that is needed.

The term is a combination of two Japanese words, rei (universal) and ki (life energy), Reiki is a term that was formulated and used by the late Mikao Usui, a mountain-dwelling Buddhist monk from southern Japan, who developed this spiritual-healing technique in the Twenties

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning ‘universal life force energy’. It is said to be derived from ancient Tibetan Buddhist healing practices which were rediscovered by a Japanese theologian, Dr Usui in the late 19th century. Practitioners hold their hands on or over the body in a number of specific positions (centred around the main energy points or chakras) and stimulate healing energy in the system.

Life force flows within the physical body though pathways called chakras, meridians and nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. Life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body.

The life force is responsive to thoughts and feelings. It becomes disrupted when we accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves. These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the physical body.

Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

The word Reiki can be broken down into two parts 'Rei' which represents: sacred, soul, spirit, mystery, gift; And Ki: the life force energy that flows through every living thing: people, animals, plants.
Overtime, Reiki has come to be known as 'Universal Life Energy' and it is a process that all can benefit from and everyone can learn to do. It can bring comfort and help with a host of conditions and issues - the possibilities of which are endless. Ultimately, Reiki supports and accelerates your own body's natural ability to heal itself on physiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual levels.
It can also enhance other types of complementary therapy such a massage and Reflexology and conventional medical treatment. Although it can be very effective, Reiki should not be regarded as a cure for conditions nor is it a religion or a belief system.

Scientists have confirmed that everything in the universe is made up of energy - it exists, on a continuum from most dense and least conscience which we call 'physical matter' to least dense and most conscious which we call 'spiritual'.
Reiki is a 'spiritual energy' that vibrates at a very high frequency, working at an energetic level with the physical matter of the body and the electromagnetic field that surrounds it. The Reiki practitioner channels this universal healing energy which is abundant and all around us to flow into the recipient (or themselves) for their highest good by placing the hands gently on or just above different areas the body.
Typically, the physical responses experienced during a Reiki treatment are deep relaxation, tingling, heat and cooling sensations flowing through areas of the body. Recipients may also reach a meditative state and feel like they are floating, sinking or see images, colours, scenarios playing out. In some cases, clients experience the release of suppressed emotions and problems. This is the result of Reiki energy vibrating through the body balancing energy and stimulating the body's natural healing process.

The wonderful thing about this method is that you don't need to believe in Reiki for it to work!

About Me:

BA Hons Degree Fine Art & English Literary Studies, 2: 1, Worcester University College, 1998
Acting for Screen, Met Film School, London, 2014
Screen Acting and Method /Meisner, The City Lit Drama School, London, 2012
IPA Certificate, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, London, 2007

Worked for many years in digital advertising for brands such as Google, Yahoo and Bloomberg.
Trained and qualified in the Usui Reiki method of natural healing with a First and Second Degree certification 2015
Introduction to Counselling Skills Certificate Level 2016
Trained in Counselling Skills Level 3 person centered approach 2017.
Paint and sell my own art work, interests in meditation, writing and acting.

More about Reiki By Zoe

Reiki By Zoe is located at Holloway N7, N7 9 London, United Kingdom