Remedial Therapy Clinic

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 14:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 14:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 14:30
Friday: 09:30 - 14:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Remedial Therapy Clinic

Holistic Health Therapist qualified in Myofascial Release, Sports and Remedial Massage (BTEC Diploma 4), Advanced Clinical Massage, Reiki II.

Remedial Therapy Clinic Description


Remedial Therapy Clinic is open to both male and female clients, who are suffering from chronic muscular pain, and /or stress related illnesses, or simply wish to improve their sporting performance. Remedial Therapy Clinic has had success with the following injuries /ailments:

• Sports injuries: e. g. runner’s knee, tennis and golfer’s elbow, tennis leg
• Recurring injuries
• Repetitive strain injuries, e. g. carpal tunnel syndrome
• Muscle and joint aches and discomfort i. e. back, shoulder, hip and neck
• Loss of joint mobility and flexibility, e. g. frozen shoulder
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other digestive issues /complaints
• Hot Flushes
• Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome, Anxiety issues
• Disturbed sleep patterns, sleep deprivation /insomnia

What to expect

Your initial consultation and treatment of one hour and a half will comprise a 10- 15 minute postural analysis; discussion of your medical history to assess any potential imbalances; devising an effective treatment plan and, most significantly, offering relevant after care advice to empower you to become pain free. Any further treatments that may be required would be for the duration of one hour.

Clinic Locations

The Remedial Therapy Clinic is based in two locations:

• Nuffield Health Centre, Racecourse Road, Newbury, RG14 7PN – Tuesday and Thursdays
• Pain Relief Clinic, St Marys House, 40 London Road, Newbury, RG14 1LA -Saturdays

My Journey as a Therapist

My journey in massage therapy began when I trained in Swedish and Holistic Massage. This was the beginning of my fascination with the human body, of its complexity, beauty and its wonderful ability to be able to heal with the educational touch of massage. Once qualified in Swedish and Holistic Massage, I had the drive and determination to understand further the human body and its marvel.

I later qualified in the practice of Reiki II, bringing another aspect of healing to the client's body. I continued my studies earning a distinction in Sports and Remedial Massage (BTEC 4), gaining a wealth of knowledge and a variety of techniques to help relieve chronic muscular pain.

From practising and developing these techniques, I have been able to help many clients. Some had suffered with chronic pain for many years and had accepted that this was the “norm”. With a perceptive analysis and treatment of the soft tissues and importantly, encouraging them to make the necessary simple changes within their daily lives, they were able to free themselves of this debilitating pain.

To develop my skills and to further complement my treatments, I trained in the Myofascial Release Technique which is fascinating, particularly how this understated soft connective tissue, when treated and released, can have a phenomenal result for our Mind, Body and Core.

The techniques used within the Remedial Therapy Clinic

Myofascial Release

What is fascia?

The fascia within the body is the resilient connective tissue that holds us together. It has been described as three-dimensional body stocking or web that envelopes each and every structure of the body, from the microscopic nerve to the largest bone, each has its own fascial sheath. If there were a magical substance that could dissolve all parts of the body except the fascia, what would remain would be a complete representation of the body including the expression of the face.

In a normal, healthy and hydrated state, the fascia has the ability to move without restriction. However, due to our general lifestyles, having postural imbalances, accidents, emotional trauma or repetitive strain injuries, it is common for the fascia to develop restrictions. Therefore, as fascia is entirely continuous throughout the body, a tear or scarring of the tissue will affect other parts within the body.

Fascial techniques can be used successfully to treat acute and chronic pain, fibromyalgia, ME, pelvis and menstrual problems, IBS, headaches, migraines and sports injuries, the list goes on. . . ! Myofascial Release encompasses many techniques that primarily focus on the fascia, namely Rolfing or Structural Integration (SI), Visceral Manipulation and Craniosacral Therapy.

Fascia and Pain

Muscles – The endomysium, perimysium and epimysium (layers of tissue in and around the muscle fibres) are all made of fascia, thus muscle and fascia are functionally linked. Injuries or imbalances in the muscular system will cause the fascia to tighten, dehydrate and cause pain within the musculo-skeletal system.

Nerves and blood vessels – Nerves and circulatory vessels all move through the body wrapped in fascial membranes. If the fascia is restricted, it produces a force around the structures it surrounds, hence inhibiting movement and circulation.

Organs- Our organs are surrounded and supported by fascia allowing the organs to glide freely over neighbouring surfaces. Fascial restrictions inhibit the organ's ability to do this, leading to organ dysfunction or other musculo-skeletal syndromes.

Brain and Spinal Cord – The dura meter surrounding the brain and the spinal cord is fascia. Restriction in the tension of this membrane can lead to headaches including migraines and pain. Any restrictions in the dural tube may cause pressure on the nerves entering and exiting the spinal cord serving the organs and the musculo-skeletal system.

Sports and Remedial Massage

Sports and Remedial Massage is a discipline using specific massage and neurological techniques on the soft tissues of our bodies, i. e. muscles, tendons, ligaments and the fascia surrounding these tissues, namely Neurological Massage Technique (NMT), Muscle Energy Techniques (MET), Soft Tissue Release (STR).


Sports and Remedial Massage can improve performance on both a competitive level and from a well-being perspective; hence it could be beneficial for those individuals who participate in sport and others who are not as physically active. The trials and tribulations of everyday life can take their toll, both physically and mentally for which this type of massage can also be a very effective treatment.

The massage assists the natural repair process of the soft tissues from injuries such as strains, sprains and scar tissue. The breakdown and remodelling of acute and chronic scar tissue improves the elasticity of the soft tissues, allowing greater performance of the muscles and flexibility of the joints, therefore reducing the chance of injury.

It also improves the blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, assisting in the repair of the soft tissues and removal of metabolic wastes, for example, lactic acid, a by-product of moderate to intense exercise.

On a neurological level, massage both stimulates and sedates the nervous system. Varying the tempo of the technique allows the treatment to be an effective part of both the pre-and post event process (warm up /down), treating muscle spasms and reducing stress and tension.

Postural imbalances cause the muscles to counterbalance each other to keep us upright and to protect our nervous system. Tight, weak muscles will then form, resulting in poor posture and often pain and discomfort. A remedial massage can be invaluable to manage and correct this condition thereby improving quality of life.


The word Reiki is Japanese (pronounced Ray Kee in the West and Lay Kee in Japan) and is usually translated as ‘Universal Life-Force Energy’.

We are alive because of the life force ‘Ki’ that is flowing through us. The life force flows within the physical body through pathways referred to as Chakra’s Meridians and Nadis. It flows around the whole body as a field of energy called an Aura. The life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. If this energy is disrupted, it causes a diminished performance in one or more of the organs and tissues in the body.

These life forces are responsive to our thoughts and feelings, for example - stress, and they become negative attachments within our energy field, which in turn weaken the vital function of the organs, cells and immune system.

Reiki heals by flowing the Earth’s electromagnetic field positive energy through your Aura, Chakras and energy field. It effectively raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body, releasing the negative thoughts and feelings. Reiki unblocks and heals the energy pathways, allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

More about Remedial Therapy Clinic

Remedial Therapy Clinic is located at Axminster Health and Wellbeing Centre, EX13 5DZ Axminster
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 14:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 14:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 14:30
Friday: 09:30 - 14:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -