Reset: Wellness Coach

About Reset: Wellness Coach

RESET is all about helping you get back to an abundant lifestyle full of health + wellness. You’ll feel revitalised & reinvigorated. I offer personal training and nutrition coaching.

Contact me today to see how I can help you RESET.

Reset: Wellness Coach Description

Are you struggling to prioritise your fitness?

Would you like someone to guide you through workouts tailored to your goals?

Is your nutrition taking a back seat in your busy schedule?

Are you hard—pressed for time to dedicate to minimalising the chaos of your home life?

Does your mental wellbeing need a little bit of TLC?

Would you feel better knowing someone was taking complete care of your wellbeing?

I can help you with all of the above.

Get in touch to see how we can RESET your lifestyle.



KEG PARTY 🙃 - Had fun tonight training for one of the WODs at Superhuman Games, which involves 50 keg lifts at the END of a mammoth workout. I did two rounds tonight so that's 100 keg lifts 😂 I'll share my timelapse of the full session & a little "how to" for keg lifts, because this was a learning for me too today!
Message to you: remember, no growth comes from within the walls of that comfort zone. Get out there & try something new!


DATES: WEDS 23 @ 7PM SAT 26 @ 9.30AM... WEDS 30 @ 7PM
Mixture of cardio & strength training. Learn new lifts & techniques. Train in motivating group environment. Small group = individual attention. Put the dates in the diary in advance & commit to increasing your fitness & strength.
Friends, family & partners welcome. Book with me to get involved!
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LOVE HER. - Today I asked my body what she needed, Which is a big deal Considering my journey of... Not Really Asking That Much. I thought she might need more water. Or protein. Or greens. Or yoga. Or supplements. Or movement. But as I stood in the shower Reflecting on her stretch marks, Her roundness where I would like flatness, Her softness where I would like firmness, All those conditioned wishes That form a bundle of Never-Quite-Right-Ness, She whispered very gently: Could you just love me like this? 🖤 - Author: Hollie Holden Thank you to my sister for sharing with me. Does this resonate with anyone? Let's start a conversation below. Xx . .
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INFLUENCERS 🤔 - I've been blocked from an influencer's Instagram page for openly (but politely) disagreeing with one of her very dangerous & deluded selfish agendas. I've also had my comment deleted on another one's feed, who'd put up a post about having no idea how to run, wanting to get started but feeling lost. I sent her the link to my blog where I have multiple posts about how to get started with running. She deleted it, I can only assume because she didn't want her foll...owers seeing other coaches' content...despite being in two entirely different fields 🙉. - My point here to you would be please DON'T worship the big, major, popular 'influencers' too much...they have sometimes reached that point by skewing the scene & making it seem as though everyone agrees with them. When the reality is that they panic whenever they're met with either resistance or someone who can help them. I'd recommend you stick to following real life, low key fitness & health coaches who support each other. You'll notice how often I direct you to my friends' pages because I believe they can offer you something great too, & they also do the same to me. Just saying...sometimes those with thousands of "followers" may be the most misleading of all. What do you think? . . . .
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Morning everyone! Just wanted to say a huge thank you to those who have bought my little ebook or spread the word for me! Your support is immense! Xx


Good morning & a very happy Friday! Let's make this a happy, active & healthy day. What have you got on the go today?
I've got my PT clients, then need to do my own training. After that I'll be doing some laptop work, walking my doggy & then just having a relaxed and quiet Friday night in before a weekend of work!


Yaaaaaay :-)


STRETCH IT OUT 🌸 - Despite constantly advising my clients to dedicate time to stretching, I am notoriously bad at fitting it into my own day (especially for a runner) & frankly there's no excuse ☝🏼 yesterday I headed to my mat for some stretching. I did a few breathing exercises too. Why don't you give it a go? I only did 10 minutes & feel better for it!


Mollie & I were joined on our lovely sunny run today by gorgeous Tarryn who is absolutely ON IT with the training & nutrition - this girl has goals & nothing will stop her! Always a great idea to go running with a friend & have a good old catch up on the way round! Xxx


RESET 🙂 If I released an ebook with my 6 steps to RESET your life, would you buy it? 🤷🏼‍♀️ . . .... .
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ABOVE THE SKY LINE 🙌🏼 - 1 month until I’m back here... This hike required a 3:45am wake up & a tough vertical 90 min hike on no breakfast (trust me the hunger is always my main barrier 😂). Message to you: GET UP, SEE THINGS, EXPLORE, MOVE, DISCOVER. The rewards are endless...🖤 .... . . .
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FOMO 🥵 - This pic was taken on July 14, 2018 as I was about 30km into my 100km ultra on the hottest day of the year (30 degrees!). - I’m looking back through my pics of that day because today I’ve seen two of my friends have run ultras, and I have severe FOMO! It’s unreal. I am considering booking my next one 🤔 Who’s in? I blame you @nickmodo @bradley24t for your awesome work today.... . . . . . .
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In case you missed my stories the other day, these are 3 common myths about weight loss. I liked this article and wanted to share with you:


Common running injuries. Gait Analysis. Comfort Eating. Creating Training Playlists. Canicross.
These are just some of the topics I covered in my blog in 2018! What would you like to read about in 2019? Give me some blog topic ideas that you're interested in! :-)


FRESH AIR 🍃 - Just over a week ago since this run in the Peak District. This weekend I’d invite you all to get out into an open space, breathe in some fresh air, stretch out your legs & regain a sense of perspective in this world... we are so tiny 🙃 Let me know what you get up to! . .... . . .
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HAPPY FRIDAY to my lovely FB community. What are your plans for keeping this weekend an active one?!HAPPY FRIDAY to my lovely FB community. What are your plans for keeping this weekend an active one?!


LISTEN 👂🏼 - After a good training session last night, I woke up this morning with an entirely frozen shoulder, pain radiating from my skull to the bottom of my shoulder blade. Luckily one of my clients is a therapist & he helped relieve a lot of the tension but his advice was “Lara you have to learn when your body need a rest from the beasting”. And that, my friends, I shall try to do. So today’s forced rest meant walks in the park with my angel friend @tarryn_s ... you know ...those special people who you just click with & laugh so hard with until your tummy hurts 🥰 So no training for me today, but time dedicated to friends, family, business & healing! - Thank you @blackhandnomad for my new jumper sent from Barcelona! 🙌🏼 I love it. . . . . . .
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LEARNING 🔮 - I’ve never ever been religious, in fact mostly pretty atheist. But in 2018 I was introduced by various people to a few new things that I’ve never been familiar with: sage cleanses, healing crystals & Nordic runes. Now I am still not spiritual, or religious, but I know there’s something about these tools & rituals that ties in very nicely to my way of living. So for 2019 I’m allowing myself more time & space to learn, understand what I enjoy about them & what they... can bring to me. One thing is for sure: my morning coffee sitting here being mindful looking at these beauties is certainly a better wake up ritual than reaching straight for your phone. Low key obsessed with how my little sanctuary corner is turning out 💕 . . . . .
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I DID GOOD🌟 - I interrupt the normal theme of my insta feed to share with you this beautiful review I received. Having come down from the mountains & back to my desk, I’ve finally got around to reading this which was left for me by a client I worked with in 2018. Honestly, I will never be able to put into words how grateful I am to myself for following my gut & my passion, leaving a corporate job & all the perks that go with it, to start my company. If I could make just one p...erson feel how my client who wrote this feels, I’d be so happy. But the fact that it’s more than one & the fact that this is my life now, just fills me with joy. Keep it up, beautiful clients of mine. You are all amazing & thank you for letting me into your lives 💕 . . . .
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Lara is an amazing PT! I feel very fortunate to have found her and she has certainly turned my life around. An ongoing knee issue left me overweight, unfit and generally limping around. Lara took me on was always so motivating and encouraging that I soon felt that anything was possible. She is professional and very knowledgeable and I’ve learnt so much; even though I am in my fifties, I feel reenergised, strong (and lighter) and I now have the knowledge to continue to make progress.

‘Reset’ is exactly what Lara has done for me and working with her is the definitely one of the best things I have ever done!! Thank you so much Lara!!


Lara is always inspiring me, educating me and reassuring me. She is all about balance, and is proof that life doesn't stop when you try to lead a healthy one!


Lara is a great personal trainer and will get the most out of you during your workouts. She's always teaching and always motivating me. You can't beat reset fitness if you're looking to improve yourself!


I initially spoke to Lara about wanting to get my fitness on track, so she offered to give me some nutrition advice and do a fitness session with me. Her tips around nutrition really make me think about how I could eat healthier, and made me realise that there were so many little things I could do to not only eat better, but save money and time as well through meal prep!

For our fitness session, after not being on a bike in 3 years, Lara’s guidance about mindfulness during exercise helped me to push myself, and I was thrilled to complete a 15km cycle with her. I went on to complete a 3 hour mountain biking session in Slovenia a few months later! After my initial session, I am planning to do sessions with Lara on a regular basis, and can’t wait to see my progress and complete the goals I have set myself.

Lara is a great instructor, who listens, encourages and is so passionate about what she does. I highly recommend her to anyone just starting out in their fitness, or anyone with a bit more experience who wants to achieve their goals!


I had my little girl 5 months and needed help to regain my figure! I was really unmotivated until Lara gave me the kick start I needed. Lara understood my goals and what I wanted to achieve. Her advice on my nutrition, has been really invaluable and with her PT and class sessions I have already come a long way in such a short space of time! Thank you!

More about Reset: Wellness Coach

Reset: Wellness Coach is located at GL7 1TN Cirencester, Gloucestershire