Retroscreen Virology

About Retroscreen Virology

Retroscreen Virology is a UK life sciences company pioneering a technology platform called hVIVO to study new drugs and investigate disease.

Retroscreen Virology Description

Retroscreen Virology was incorporated in 1988 as a spin-out company from Queen Mary, University of London to commercialise the academic research of Professor John Oxford in the field of retroviruses, which at the time, were considered to have promise in the fight against HIV /Aids. The initial contract led to further studies with other world leading pharmaceutical companies. Whilst the scientific focus of Retroscreen Virology has changed significantly since its inception, the Company has always been demand-led, and has greatly evolved over time.

The concept of infecting human volunteers with a respiratory virus became commonplace in 1948 at the Common Cold Unit in Salisbury, where Professor Oxford was subsequently involved in several studies. Volunteers were housed in detached buildings, and were physically isolated from both staff and other volunteers.

In 2001, Professor Oxford was asked to expand from the laboratory and leverage his early career experience in these early Human Viral Challenge Studies. Studies were conducted at Retroscreen Virology, led by Dr. Robert Lambkin-Williams and Dr. Anthony Gilbert, to develop a series of well-characterised virus stocks whilst demonstrating that the Human Viral Challenge Model could be effective in offering clients a faster and cost effective route to market for their therapeutics. One notable study was the first proof of the efficacy of a siRNA therapeutic, in which Retroscreen Virology’s Human Viral Challenge Model proved instrumental.

With the Human Viral Challenge Model gaining acceptance in an increasing number of peer-reviewed publications, Retroscreen Virology designed and built its own dedicated, bespoke quarantine unit in London, which opened in early 2011. Since this time, the scientific and medical teams have expanded substantially, and between them, have significant experience of designing and conducting Human Viral Challenge Model studies.



Retroscreen Virology changed name to hVIVO in April 2015. Retroscreen Virology social media is now dormant. Please now like us on Facebook, connect with us on Linkedin, and follow us on Twitter, at hVIVO. Why not do it now!


This page is closed. Please visit our hVIVO pages on Facebook, or LinkedIn


It's now or never...10 days to go until we close this page! Don't delay move across to hVIVO today. 75653624553


Latest TV appearance can be found on our new hViVO Facebook page now. Feeling proud of the FluCamp team!
Don't delay move across to hVIVO today. 75653624553


LESS THAN A go before we officially close this page.
Join us on our new hVIVO company page for all the latest industry commentary, speaker events and company news -
... 75653624553
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Hi everyone. Just to let you know it's not too late to move across to our new page. However we now have a close date for this page. On 16th June 2015, this page will no longer exist and all information we post will ONLY be available on 75653624553 We hope you'll join us. :)


Hope you had a nice Bank Holiday Weekend! Don't forget we've moved. We'd love to see you at 75653624553?ref=hl


Morning everyone! Why not start the new week on our new Facebook page! There won't be any more news updates on this page now... come and see us all here


Don't forget: we've moved to Join us on our new page and view our latest exciting TV appearance!


Hi everyone! As of today, we are delighted to announce that our new company name is hVIVO and we have moved to a shiny new Facebook page! We would love you to meet us there!


Friday Fact: Your left and right lungs aren’t the same. Your right lung is divided into two lobes and your left into three.


Retroscreen is moving into studies involving volunteers who already have an existing illness, such as asthma or COPD


Thursday thought for the day: - #IAmAScientistBecause


Biochip 'to speed up drug research'


Have you taken the asthma risk test?


Have fun and keep well and healthy over the Easter Holidays!


Anything you ever wanted to know about seasonal Influenza from The WHO


Inspired by #thevoiceuk ? This group of singers certainly is.

More about Retroscreen Virology

Retroscreen Virology is located at 42 New Road, E1 2AX London, United Kingdom
020 7118 0727