Royal College Of Nursing

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
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About Royal College Of Nursing

Our Facebook page is monitored Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. For questions about your membership or workplace support, please call 0345 772 6100.



This weekend we’ll be at Hull Pride and Southend Pride! If you’re attending, don’t forget to tag @theRCN and use #ProudRCN for your photos on Instagram and Twitter.


Have you considered an overseas elective? Find out about one nursing student's life-changing experiences in Ghana. /…/new-perspectives


Before you head off on your summer travels, ask yourself one important question: are your measles vaccinations up to date?


Applications are now open to actively represent your RCN forum or branch as a voting member at Congress 2019. Find out more about what a voting member does, how to apply and the funding you'll get to attend congress:…/fundi ng-to-attend-congress


Are you passionate about improving the working lives of nursing staff? Could you support, lead and inspire others in your profession?
Don't miss this Friday's deadline to put yourself forward to be the next RCN President.


Find out who the candidates are for the roles of Chair and Vice Chair of RCN Congress.


Disease is powerful. It devastates communities, threatens global security and challenges modern health care.
Explore the impact of global diseases past and present in our online Pandemic exhibition: n/pandemic-nursing


Welcome news of a pay rise for staff in England on Agenda for Change contract terms outside the NHS.


This weekend we will be attending Bristol Pride, Glasgow Pride and Llandudno's L-fest. Come along and say hello!


The RCN professional forums represent some of the most expert, dedicated and inspirational specialist nurses.
Four forum members were recently honoured in the RCNi Nurse Awards, including Eric Teague-Hellon (pictured), forensic custody nurse and member of the RCN Nursing in Justice and Forensic Health Care Forum.
Many of his patients are homeless and alcoholism and intravenous drug use take a huge toll on their health. Knowing that they wouldn’t use mainstream services, Eric ...decided to take health care to them, with a range of initiatives. These include visiting local night shelters, in his own time, where he offers assessment, check-ups and treatment; providing food bank vouchers for those in crisis; and taking out hot food to the rough sleepers.
Eric’s proactive and innovative work has made a huge impact on the most vulnerable in his community.
On receiving the award, Eric said: “I am so pleased. It’s helped me spread the word to a much wider audience, with nurses contacting me and wanting to help.
“It’s been amazing seeing the results [of this work]. It only takes one nurse in each place to make a huge impact on our most vulnerable.
“As a nurse, you don’t want to watch someone deteriorate when you have the skills and knowledge to stop that happening.”
Read more of Eric’s story and find out which other specialist nurses were recognised at the awards:…/bullet…/2018/july/in spirational-specialists
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Two years on from the removal of the NHS student bursary, applications to nursing degree courses have plummeted by a third in England. Ministers must look again at student funding. Do you agree?


Booking is now open for the for the joint RCN and SOM Occupational Health Nursing Conference on Friday 30 November 2018. Join us to expand your knowledge and skills whilst remaining professionally up to date with developments in public health and care in the workplace setting.


From making changes in the kitchen, to experimenting with different ways of keeping fit, read our blog for tips and advice on practicing self-care.


Thanks to those of you who helped shape our response to the NMC's consultation on nursing associates. What are your thoughts on our response? You can read more below.


Diane was recently awarded the RCN credential for Advanced Level Nursing Practice. Read her thoughts on the importance of standardising roles used in Primary Care.


"Always available", "amazing compassion" - just some of the ways to describe RCN Nurse of the Year Angela Hall.


Have your say on the proposed three-year pay deal for NHS staff in Scotland.


The digital transformation of health care will remain a pipe-dream unless nurses are involved.


Congratulations to Christie Watson on becoming the first ever RCN Foundation patron.
Get to know the inspirational author in this insightful Q&A.


"You can't just 'snap out of it'. Living with a mental health issue is so much more complex than that."
Meet RCNi Award winner Mark Field, who is fighting for mental health in his community.
Buckley Boxing Club St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


treating members like idiots this pay deal is a real terms pay cut yet again and your still trying to get us to accept - in Governments pockets !! and do not even answer peoples comments or questions voting NO then i'm off with my subscription money. A union that does not fight for its members.


Weak organisation that takes our hard earned cash in subscriptions then screws us all over by telling us to accept this joke of a pay rise (cut).

My 9 year old daughter could have negotiated a better deal!

I for one will be voting not to accept and encourage others to do so also.

Now is time for industrial action against the fascists in parliament.


Voting begins in England on 23rd April. The pay calculator you provide does not give members an clear choice as it does not give a comparison with what we would get if the existing deal continued. When we talked during the campaign of a 1% pay cap increments were a separate issue now in the pay deal they are being rolled into quoted pay rises of up to 29%. Give members an informed choice to make this a fair vote. Many members are too confused about the complexities of this to know how to vote. The fall back position always seems to be 'well it's better than nothing'. When I asked about pay rises keeping up with inflation (which I understood to be a red line) I was told that forecasts for inflation where predicting it would drop. How do we know this is going to happen post brexit?


UPDATE - Ok so have now read the information on your website. Can you please explain how RCN feels the pay offer will “improve staff happiness and wellbeing at work” particularly for those like me who are at top of Banding?


I’ve had no communication what so ever either by post or email from RCN about the latest pay deal - why? Colleagues in other unions have had information packs - why nothing from RCN? From what I’ve read in the press this pay offer is an insult. Jeremy Hunt & Unions allegedly think it will motivate staff - HOW?


Time for Josie Irwin to do some equality and diversity training. I'm deeply offended by her stereotyping of males. Can you please let us know the disciplinary process has been started - and if not, why not? "RCN's Josie Irwin: A ‘male’ style of negotiation would not have delivered a better pay deal"


Shafted us again.

I'm out of this so called union who has done absolutely nothing for their members in this ongoing pay dispute.

If you think 6.5% over years is a good deal then you need your head examining.


Really thought this year you’d make a stand an make us proud.

A member nearly 40 Yrs. But to advise us to except this years offer. Claim to represent the best interests of nurses. You should hold your head in shame. Because you clearly do not.


On Tuesday I have my last shift with the NHS, and I can only say that the RCN has been abysmal during my years as a member. The pay deal is a sad joke, and the RCN is impotent in looking after the interests of its members.


Not interested in securing a decent pay deal. Then going on to lie to members by including increments we would receive anyway, as if it’s part of the pay rise... I won’t get 16.18% extra over 3 years.. I will get 3.2% over 3 years..


No transparency in this deal at all and half of the agreement is not yet discussed ie changes to sick pay ect. A below inflation pay deal is no deal at all and I think the intelligence of staff working in the NHS is being greatly underestimated. Its a huge fat no from me and I am saddened that the organisation, paid for by its members, have come down in favour of recruitment rather than retaining the experienced practitioners already in post.


If the RCN really cares about Nurses they will release an updated calculator that includes the agenda for change increments and subtracts the estimated rate of inflation over the course of the next three years.


I don't appreciate the very biased way the union has presented the pay deal and the tactics being used trying to get us to accept. Using the governments own spin rather than facts.

Incremental pay should not have been factored into the percentage as we would have got this anyway without the deal. Yes, the structure of increments would change but, again, should not be presented as a victory for staff. What is a very poor deal should be presented objectively in plain English. You're meant to work for us, your members who pay your extortionate wages! It seems you are now far removed from the realities your membership face. Perhaps your wages should be more in line with ours instead of the other ivory tower dwellers and maybe you would have more empathy and understanding?


How you can perpetuate government spin that the pay deal on offer is a good offer is beyond me. Represent and fight for your members.... we need a pay rise that will start to reverse the years of cuts we have had to endure. This offer will neither improve retention nor encourage new staff into the profession.


Firstly they were totally rubbish support when I needed support with a work issue. Now the recent ‘pay scale increase’ negotiations have just proved how rubbish, spineless and weak they are. To represent a large staff group such as nursing you need back bone and leadership. I definitely would not recommend the RCN.


Failing to represent those that pay you to do just that. Using government spin to lie to your members claiming a higher pay rise than people in reality will receive and then saying well if you don’t like it you won’t get better. After the vote me and I’m certain a large proportion of your membership will be off to a decent union who care about its members.


Disgusted that the RCN has attempted to rig the consultation by inserting pro-Yes propaganda into the Survey/ Vote.

Nurses are intelligent enough to do research on the issue before voting, there's no need to have any information within the Vote at all, for either side.

It's absolutely immoral.


Disappointing. I expected negotiations on pay to gain an above pay increase for all. I expected honesty and transparency in the details of the offer so that members can make a fully informed decision. I see the RCN has provided neither. To add insult to injury I have seen posts from within the RCN hierarchy berating members for posting angry reactions to the pay deal (or should I say calling people "keyboard warriors") -not something I expect to see.


Can someone at the RCN please come up with an algorithm/calculator so that their members can work out for themselves whether the current offer is good for them or not?

I say this because a lot of members are saying this deal is a terrible idea, however I feel that these opinions are coming from an emotional knee-jerk reaction to misleading reports. A few of my friends who work in the NHS have taken the time to work it out for themselves, and have found that they are in fact £4,000 odd better off over the three years, which for some also works out as a 12.4% pay rise over the three years.

I want people/members of the RCN to be able to make a well informed decision based on their individual circumstances regarding this deal, and not possibly make a huge mistake by rejecting it based on misleading reports which blanket everyone together and don't take into account where members are within their bands/paypoints.

Kind regards,



Absolutely disgusted,received the pay champions pack which basically states even if I disagree with the pay deal I should still promote it amongst my colleagues. If that's what they want I will gladly put up the posters but will tell members to vote no and then start looking for a union which is prepared to fight for it's members. I also received an email about the AGM and on the agenda is a members resolution to allow the council to set membership fees for the next 5 years. My idea is to reduce the fees as most of us will still end up having a pay cut.

More about Royal College Of Nursing

Royal College Of Nursing is located at 20 Cavendish Square, W1G 0RN London, United Kingdom
0345 772 6100
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -