Scottish Socialist Party

About Scottish Socialist Party

Founded in 1998, the SSP stands for an independent socialist Scotland - a modern, democratic republic.

Scottish Socialist Party Description

We are Scotland's socialist political party. Our goals are for an independent socialist Scotland - a modern democratic republic.



A million children - denied the human potential to be their own best selves. It is a miserable, desperate tragedy. And it is almost entirely avoidable.
Poverty is man-made, with the political will to redistribute wealth, it can be unmade.


In a climate change initiative the Scottish Socialist Party first advocated 15 years ago, Luxembourg is to become the first country to make all public transport free.
This is very welcome, and absolutely the right start to fighting transport emissions.


The latest issue of the Scottish Socialist Voice is out on Friday. In it, SSP joint national spokesperson Colin Fox reflects on the discussion raised at a recent CWU union meeting, on Brexit, Independence and Workers Rights.
"Tying Independence to the EU not only peddles illusions in the EU, it undermines the fundamental case for self-determination. That is not what EU membership brought Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain or Portugal."


We will be supporting the budget day action outside the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 12th December in support of a pay rise for council workers.
The SSP puts emphasis on replacing the 27-year old Council Tax with the Scottish Service Tax (doubling the funds raised) and setting no cuts budgets as means of meeting the dire need for increased spending at local authority level.


"Class Not Creed" pamphlets still flying out the door. Free hugs if you get one off Richie Venton in person. If you want a copy, but want to avoid a hug, get one for three quid here! /…/class-not-creed…


A thousand welcomes to new Scots everywhere. United we stand against racism and fascism.
We respect and admire the courage it takes to leave your homeland in search of a better life elsewhere. We are immensely proud to welcome so many who have come to bring their social and cultural gifts to Scotland.


"We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity." - Fred Hampton


With the Scottish Green Party finally adopting our pioneering climate change free public transport policy, Ann successfully led the drive for the SSP to update, review and develop the party’s environmental policies, and to support a greater emphasis on such issues to prioritise socialist campaigning for a class-based approach to averting climate chaos.
For ecosocialism, and winning the economic imperative against capitalism's climate destruction, begin the fight back today.
https://membership.scottishsocialistparty .org/join_us/


In addition to supporting public servants claims in Scotland, the SSP continues to fight for a decent living wage for all workers. On the streets. In the unions. The independence movement. Everywhere open to us.
For a £10 an hour Living Wage and dignity in employment!


Clinton, Blair and the usual 'centrist' wasters think capitulating to the xenophobic right is "a legitimate concern" but haven't lifted a finger on the redistribution of wealth, or ongoing austerity regimes.
It is nonsense. Capitulating to bigotry keeps workers from recognising our common interests and organising for better housing, decent jobs, energy, transport and living wages.


An underseen, under-reported dispute with the Communication Workers Union and the Royal Mail.
Solidarity is the best way to beat bullying in the workplace and Thatcher's hated anti-union laws.


Scottish Teachers have been robbed of 24% of their pay since 2008. 10% is a very modest proposal.
Tax the rich with more than 1%, or replace the council tax with a model that distributes wealth, and they'll find a lot of restorative deals affordable.
It's long past time to reject Tory economics as your baseline.


Scottish teachers have comprehensively rejected the ‘final’ pay offer put to them by the Scottish Government and COSLA.
98% rejection on a 74% turnout. Unprecedented and powerful.


"Don't mourn, organise!"


And you're all welcome!


"Israel is a pariah state oppressing the Palestinian people at home while waging aggression against its neighbours. It does this with the open support of the British Government."
Ahead of the Scotland/Israel game at Hamden, SSP international secretary Bill Bonnar pledges our ongoing support and solidarity for oppressed Palestinians.
Stirling SSP were on the ball, too - staging an effective counter-demonstration against the University's Politics Society's invitation of an Israeli diplomat.


Writing for The National, our newly elected joint national spokesperson, Róisín McLaren, discusses what brought her towards fighting for an independent socialist Scotland.


“The SSP has fought alongside rail-workers’ unions for democratic public ownership of the entire railway system since we were formed 20 years ago."
"This vote in the Scottish Parliament makes us all the more determined to continue that campaign"

More about Scottish Socialist Party

Scottish Socialist Party is located at Suite 370, Central Chambers, 93 Hope Street, G2 6LD Glasgow, United Kingdom