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A place to watch cool content.



They are known as the Partitioned; people born with superhuman powers and abilities.
Following a worldwide attack orchestrated by those who considered them a threat, the Partitioned became few, scattered, and hunted.
Now on the brink of extinction, the Partitioned face the daily struggle for survival until they come across events that set them in a whole new direction… perhaps towards each other? Find out in "The Partitioned”!
... Pilot episode available at:…< br> The Partitioned
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When the city is swarmed with a sudden crime wave and the police cannot be trusted, an honest cop must join forces with an unlikely ally…
An anthropomorphised garbage can who takes justice into his own hands.
As man and can team up, will they find out what’s behind it all and take out the trash before it’s too late? Find out in "Night Can"!
... Pilot episode available at:…< br> See More


When a professional thief infiltrates a back-street auction, his plan to steal the proceeds is up turned when he realises what’s on the final lot:
A girl as the devil in human form.
As he ventures to rescue her from the hands of her captors, will he manage to get out with the girl, the money, and more importantly, his life?
... Watch and rate “I am not the Devil”, a gripping, action-packed pilot about a man’s struggle against overwhelming foes.
Pilot episode available at:…< br> I am not the Devil
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Following an undisclosed catastrophe over Skype, Delores decides to keep her family up to date with her new life in Los Angeles through a series of videos.
Watch and rate “The Adventures of Delores Briggam”, a hilarious mockumentary following a slightly delusional but always delightful late bloomer as she attempts to create a home away from home, one misstep at a time.
Pilot episode available at:…< br>


How long is a day?
Most are no more than a few hours, but others go on for a lifetime.
Moving into adulthood, Jappan finds himself reliving a heart-breaking experience of his childhood under the thumb of his parents’ principles and ideals. As he’s about to start a new life with his partner, will he ever be able to move past that day?
... “From Jappan” offers a sharp yet sensitive look into the divided heart of a man as generations and cultures clash.
Pilot episode available at:…< br> See More


Julian knows it now.
After some time looking for luck, he finally he accepts that without the help of his family he will not get very far… Even when escaping from his family and their shady business was what drove him away from Peru to Argentina in the first place.
How much is Julian willing to pay to start a new life?
... Find out in "Che Peruano", a drama about the hardships and trails of a young man looking for a better future in a foreign country.
Pilot episode available at:…< br> Che Peruano
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What should a man do if, going bankrupt, suddenly he found himself begging for hospitality in his own house, which was occupied by shady people who had converted it into a centre for all sorts of illegal activities?
Maybe, he should become one of them.
Join Lorenzo and his newly found friends in “Connection House”, a heart-warming comedy about a man who learns that losing everything might be just what he needed.
... Pilot episode available at:…< br> Connection House Cvf Napoli
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When seven strangers show up in a house with no recollection of how they got there, they realize they are not only the guests of none other than Satan himself, but the stars of a sick reality show.
Join this adorable group of sinful souls in “7 Deadly Roommates”, and tell us who your favorite sinner is (and be honest)!
Pilot episode available at:…< br>... 7 Deadly Roommates
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Finally - YOU have a say at what gets made for TV! While we can't tell you which one's to watch, one of the 35 could be the next House of Cards or Sex and the City. Just click on an image below and get ready to choose TV's next biggest hit. Judging ends this weekend.


“The Record” documents the singular relationships between couples who strive to achieve a world record.
For some, it’s their greatest achievement, for others, a source of shame, but all are desperate to be recognised and remembered... even if that turns out not to be as fulfilling as they thought…
Pilot episode available at:…< br>... @TheRecordTV
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Alina, a girl obsessed with detective novels, finds in her books a way to cope with working at The Amazing Hoolister Park, the most boring theme park in the world... That is, until the night she runs into the bloodied body of a colleague…
Suddenly dragged into a murder mystery, will Alina manage to crack this case before more victims are made?
Find out in “The Amazing Hoolister Park”, an engaging dark comedy about a theme park where nothing is what it seems.
... Pilot episode available at:…< br> Finoli Films
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In “People Like Us”, four gay men from different backgrounds navigate the pitfalls of lust and love in the dating scene of Singapore.
As joy, sorrow, hope and rejection pave their ways, will they manage to find the connection they so deeply yearn for?
Pilot episode available at:…< br>... People Like Us Web Series
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Meet Jezabel, a talented mute musician who found in her work a means to express herself. Suddenly, one day, amid her struggles with creative block, she receives a mysterious message from the mother she never knew.
As Jezabel starts to understand that only by facing her history will she be able to get her emotions and inspiration back, she decides to go and face her mother. If only she can find her first…
Watch and rate “Jezabel”, a groundbreaking drama about the trials and ha...rdships of a young woman’s journey in search of both her mother and herself.
Pilot episode available at:…< br> Jezabel
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In the age of fake news and alternative facts, the world needs more brave news outlets that aren’t afraid to dig deep and red pill the crowds. But does the world need…
A news channel hosted by three smug and earnest millennial reporters who care more about themselves than the subjects they investigate.
... Find out the disastrous side-effects of arrogant media types being given a voice they haven’t earned in satirical mockumentary “DAFUQ?”!
Pilot episode available at:…< br> Mad Kids
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When a young group of loafing ghost investigators get busted for tax evasion, they must learn the hard way that keeping together through the good, the bad and the haunted is the only way they’re going to be able to avoid prison, survive Uncle Sam, the supernatural, and above all…
Watch and rate "Ghosts ‘n Stuff Inc.", a haunting comedy about the terrifying trials and tribulations of moving into adulthood.
... Pilot episode available at:…< br> Ghosts 'n Stuff Inc.
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What should you do if your date invites you to go see improvisational theatre?
Lean to navigate the tricky dating scene in "30, Debt-Free & Far from Happy", a witty comedy about two self-centered women in their 30’s that find themselves disillusioned by their supposed success and heart-broken from the loss of their loosely held and never-pursued dreams.
Pilot episode available at:…< br>... 30, Debt-Free & Far From Happy
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