
About Sebhaus

A page to host the various mixes and music podcasts I've been working on. If you like what you hear, feel free to give it a like, a share. . . spread the love! Most importantly, I hope you enjoy it!

Sebhaus Description

Half French, half English and a little bit obsessed with finding new music from all types of genres. After years of annoying friends by forcing music on them, I went on to write for blogs, and now currently work in radio as a music assistant, freelance assistant producer and producer on three different radio stations. Inspired by regularly working with some amazing presenters and DJs, I thought this would be a good way for me to force my musical tastes on even more people - people like you! The aim of this is to share some of the stuff I've found with you, and hopefully introduce people to new music they may not have found otherwise! These will eventually include: techno, acid, house, electro, DnB and a few surprises along the way as nothing is off limits!

More about Sebhaus