Sho Vij - The Female Body Tone Coach

About Sho Vij - The Female Body Tone Coach

I help busy working females, who have failed to get in shape for years, drop dress sizes & regain their happiness without dieting with my Goddess Online Coaching Programme.

I also offer Gym Personal Training at Raw Muscle Derry for Men & Women.

Sho Vij - The Female Body Tone Coach Description

Hi, my names Sho, I'm a fully qualified and insured Personal Trainer based in Derry /Londonderry. I have been training for many years now and through trial, error, research and knowledge gained through my own training experience, helping others along the way and my degree (Bsc Sports and Exercise Science), I have gained a solid base to work from to provide you with the results you desire.

What differentiates me from other Personal Trainers is that i have a Sports and Exercise Science degree which is much more detailed and in-depth than Personal Trainer courses in regards to how the body works and adapts to certain stimuli (exercise).

Providing a friendly top quality service to my clients. Taking the time to find out what you are about and what you wish to achieve, then tailoring a Personalised Programme to suit your needs along with providing sound Nutritional advice to help you along the way to achieving your goal.

My passion and philosophy is to help people of all abilities no matter what your goals are, whether it be muscle gain, strength gain, fat loss, toning, fitness or health and wellbeing, whether your 18 or 58 I will more than happily cater for everyone. I look forward to helping you reach your potential with my driven and enthusiastic approach.

*1-1 Personal Training + Nutritional advice

*2-1 'Buddy up' Personal Training + Nutritional advice (a more affordable way of achieving your goals with added motivation of training with your friend)

* Group Personal Training 4-1

*Training programme and Nutritional advice only (No personal sessions)

If you are interested in knowing more about my services please feel free to contact me via phone or facebook.



Ever go out for a meal or be invited out, then your wrecking your brains and thinking what the hell your supposed to order that won't fuck up your progress?
Not knowing how to approach the restaurant menu as it seems much like a mine field of calorie dense meals and deliciously devilish dishes 🤤😈
... Heres are my 5 awesome tips to keep your on track:
✅ 1 - EAT LEAN CUTS OF MEAT Stick to lean cuts of meat with no fat, chicken, fish, etc & skip the starter.
✅ 2 - ORDER SALAD AS YOUR SIDE Depends how strict you want to be here, you could order 1 side or simply order a side salad
✅ 3 - DRINK ZERO / LOW CALORIE DRINKS Its easy to put back two glasses off coke, thats like 280 calories you could be saving by consuming low calorie drinks such as Coke Zero, Dilute or Water
✅ 4 - AVOID SAUCE OR CREAMY MEALS This meals will be loaded with calories an fat from the sauces so id stay well clear, or if you must as for the sauce to be put in a bowl so you can moderate it and not use it all
✅ 5 - GET A WORKOUT IN THAT DAY OR FAST Depending on whether you get dessert or not the meal could be quite calorific so get a workout in or fast in the morning e.g. say your awake 10am, fast until 2/3pm (have black coffee) then have a light lunch & protein shake, then your set for your meal at night.
If you go all out get a starter, creamy main meal, drink coke or beer & get dessert your talking anything from 2000 - 3000 calories right there so yes enjoy yourself but be sensible too.
Any questions guys, comment below or feel free to pm me 🙂
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Which one is best for you?
Dark Chocolate... + More Fibre + Less Sugar + Easier to moderate as not as palatable - Doesn't taste as good (subjective)
Milk Chocolate + Taste better (subjective) - Less Fibre - More Sugar - May be hard to moderate
✅ CONCLUSION - On paper you think, Dark chocolate is the winner by a mile, not so fast!
Chocolate is consumed in moderation so won't have a huge impact no matter which kind you eat, so eat whatever kind you prefer, personally I hate dark chocolate so I won't be going near it.
Sugar won't kill you in moderation and who the hell eats chocolate so they can boost their fibre intake, no one.
Don't be forcing yourself to eat dark chocolate 'because its healthier' it still contain calories.
Any questions guys, comment below or feel free to pm me 🙂
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Have you EVER seen anyone sit down & just eat sugar regularly? No me either
But I can't stop eating cream buns, biscuits & chocolate... sugar is clearly addictive Sho!
... You'll find you like the taste of foods that 'contain sugar' but these foods often contain other ingredients to make them taste ever better such as fat & salt & you also enjoy them because they have a certain type of texture.
These foods are known as hyper palatable foods.
CONCLUSION? 🤯 Sugar is not addictive
Any questions guys, comment below or feel free to pm me 🙂
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How many of you sit at night with a packet of biscuits watch your favourite show, then 30mins later, half the packet is gone? 🙄
Yeah you've just eaten like 500 calories 😰
... ✅ SOLUTION - Grab a 2-3 biscuits, put the biscuits away, sit your arse down with a cup of tea and enjoy.
Don't even think about getting up to grab the rest of the packet, its all about how motivated you are to resist temptation, if you can't handle it and binge on biscuits, its simple, don't have them in your home or find a similar biscuit, that doesn't taste as good but you still enjoy...Problem solved.
Theres no need AT ALL to ban foods you enjoy, you can have these in moderation and still get fantastic results!
If there are certain things you like and simply can't stop eating (trigger foods), your best bet is to not have them in your house.
Im like you too guys I have these problems but I got the solution for me if theres a bag of fizzy sweets, traybakes, malteser or caramel squares I WILL DEMOLISH them, so I make sure I very very rarely buy them as I know it will seriously put me off track!
Any questions guys, comment below or feel free to pm me :)
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The above would apply relating to healthy individuals & you get de-motivated & wonder whats holding onto your fat, the reason being your simply not consistently in a calorie deficit, if you were, your body would be tapping into your fat for energy.
SOLUTION - Track your calories, everything that passes your mouth, log it onto myfitnesspal, make sure you add in the correct portion sizes, if you got to weigh food, do it, after a few weeks you'll know your portion sizes then weighing isn't necessary.
Select lose 0.5-1lb a week, DO NOT select lose 1.5-2lbs because that will put you on miserably low calories.
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✅ Scenario A - An example of Emma's week before she begins her fat loss journey: - 4 cans a coke a day - 6 beer on Saturday night... - 3 takeaways a week - Eats mostly chocolate when snacking
✅ Scenario B - Now is it a good idea for Emma to go from the above to: - 4 bottles of water a day - No alcohol on Saturday night - 0 takeaways a week - No chocolate at all
Definitely not! These changes are very drastic, totally unnecessary, will lead to unhappiness & will lead to Emma likely reverting back to her old ways, so what would be a good idea for her to do?
✅ Scenario C - Emma now tries this method using small changes advised by her coach instead: - 2 cans a coke & 2 cans of Coke Zero & some water - 3 beer & 2 light beer on Saturday night - 1 takeaway a week - Eats mostly mixed nuts & fruit as snacks but still has her fix of chocolate when snacking
✅ Scenario D - From the above Emma can continue to improve her ways from Scenario C above to Scenario D which may look like: - Mostly water but 1 can of Coke Zero for dinner - 4 light beer on Saturday night - 1 takeaway a week or every 2 weeks - Eats mostly mixed nuts & fruit as snacks but still has her fix of chocolate when snacking, introduction of further healthy snacks
Hopefully this opens your eyes guys to show you that drastic changes to your nutrition will lead to failure & yo yoing & losing the same 10 lbs each year. Your going around in circles making zero progress & constantly feeling unhappy, uncomfortable & lacking confidence because you are going from Scenario A - Scenario B.
No more guys! Lets change for life not a couple months, lets go from Scenario A - Scenario C then to Scenario D, lets get you feeling sexy, happy, comfortable & confident in your body again! 😀
Any questions comment below or feel free to pm me 🙂
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❌ No help problem solving as your given strict diet plan & get trained, thats it, job done
... ❌ No work on Sustainable Nutrition with the Client
❌ Smash the client every single session so they are on the floor after the session possibly even sick after sessions. Sessions too hard & a choir.
❌ No real support, you’ve done your sessions and the trainer has beasted you, their job is done as far as their concerned
✅ Offer solutions to client problems to help with lifestyle change
✅ Work ‘with them’ on Sustainable Nutrition
✅ Take them through productive & purposeful workouts, individualised based on their injuries, range of motion, fitness, etc
✅ Offer on going help & support outside of training sessions to help make clients life easier
This is my personal take on what personal training should be, maybe you agree, maybe you don't, either way its cool, but as someone who's extremely passionate about changing peoples lives this is my 2 pence.
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✅ 1 - WATER Most of your fluid intake should come from water, this is a no brainer, the rest can help supplement your intake.
... ✅ 2 - FLAVOURED WATER Some are really low calories while some can have quite bit of calories, make sure to read the label go for one that is 0-20 calories per 500ml.
✅ 3 - SUGAR FREE DILUTE 100ml of double concentrated is usually 0-5 calories
✅ 4 - DIET / ZERO FIZZY DRINKS Usually 0-5 calories per Can
✅ 5 - ZERO CALORIE ENERGY DRINKS Next to no calories in these, a great pick me up before the gym or when you need a boost of energy.
✅ 6 - HOMEMADE COFFEE Only calories you need to worry about here is the milk, 50ml or so would make 1 mug of tea so thats around 25 calories.
✅ 7 - TEA Same as coffee the only calories you need to worry about here is the milk, 50ml or so would make 1 mug of tea so thats around 25 calories.
Be wary though lets say you drink loads of tea and/or coffee lets say you have 5 mugs a day thats 125 Calories.
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Can I eat after 6pm? Can I have Carbs at night? Check this out, keep it simple, no need to overcomplicate things guys.
... As long as your within your Calories for Fat loss (Calorie Deficit) whether you eat most your calories during the day or night won't make a significant difference.
Nail the basics, stop making it complicated, people who don't get results fail to nail the basic science of fat loss & that is consistently eat within a calorie deficit, this is the main factor.
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✅ 1 - FLEXIBLE EATING They eat mostly nutritious food but also eat junk food now and again within moderation to keep themselves sane & to help prevent junk food binges especially at weekends.
... ✅ 2 - CONSUME FRUIT & VEGETABLES MOST DAYS They consume & fill their meals up with nutritious food in the way of fruit & vegetables most days to help fuel their body & keep them full instead of consuming large amounts of other foods such as carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes) & junk food.
✅ 3 - SIMILAR FOODS, MEALS, PORTION SIZES They know what is contained in foods they are eating (calories) as they are familiar to them, so know when they may be over eating or if there eating is on point. Im not saying don't ever try new foods no, but it is a very good idea to get a large amount of foods your familiar with and rotate them.
✅ 4 - AWARE OF LIQUID & HIDDEN CALORIES Alot drink away at lattes from the local coffee shop, cans of coke, smoothies & don't really consider the impact they are having in the ways of excess calories. The same goes for hidden calories that alot of people don't track or count such as butter, milk, margarine, olive oil.
A latte, can of coke, few teaspoons of butter, few teaspoons of olive oil all add up this is like 600 calories in ONE DAY mutiple that by 7 days in the week = a whopping 4,200 Calories!
✅ 5 - KEEP ACTIVE MOST DAYS Whether they are walking the dog or are getting in loads of steps at work, they don't necessary have to workout out most days but due to their activity at work they burn alot of calories compared to say an office worker who is sedentary most of the day. If they don't work out alot I bet their steps are quite high most days.
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✅ 1 - EAT MORE PROTEIN Protein tends to keep you fuller for longer, unless you got kidney issues and lets say your goal is fat loss, toning or muscle gain, its very beneficial you follow a high protein nutrition plan.
... Aim for 1.6g per KG of your bodyweight.
✅ 2 - EAT MORE FIBRE Fibre is essential or digestive health, bowel movements and also help keep you fuller for longer.
20-30g daily is a solid recommendation.
✅ 3 - DRINK MORE FLUIDS Sometimes you may confuse thirst for hunger, so when you feel hunger, drink a glass of water then see how you feel.
Fluid intake depends on many factors so roughly aim for 3 litres, 500ml on your workout days.
These tips are crucial especially if your looking to lose fat as you'll be in a calorie deficit so may find your hungry at times but the above 3 tips will help ALOT!
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There’s always one person trying to fuck up your progress
What you going to do?
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🔴 Client Progress - 8 weeks 🔴
Meg - 55 years of age 💁
Progress shots front, side and back for week 1, week 4 and week 8 📷 I didn't actually realise how far she had come until she showed me the pictures to which I was gobsmacked 😲
... Background ✅ Meg had trained elsewhere before coming to me and just didn't get the advice and guidance she required to get her to where she wanted to be.
Believe it or not the difference between the week 1 and week 8 pictures is only 6lbs! This shows you the scales are not the best indicator of progress, seeing yourself in the mirror is. Meg got worried after a couple of weeks after not seeing much movement on the scales, so i explained indepth what was going on and that the the scales aren't the best indicator of progress at times, for her not to worry and to trust me. Following my nutritional advice and the fact she trained her butt off every single session it's clear to see the hard work has paid off.
It honestly looks like she's lost at least a good stone (14lbs) of fat and has built muscle along the way meaning her body has toned up instead of looking flat due using an advanced mix of resistance training & cardio to scorch fat 🔥
I'm happy to say Meg is still with me and still going strong and looking to continue until she reaches her goal. Truly a pleasure to train and has the fitness levels of a woman half her age, well done Meg 🙌🏾
#noquickfix #lifestylechange #bloodsweattears #dedication
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i have just completed a 28 day home workout with Sho,.the workouts were always posted early in the morning and where complete with videos and instructions in case u didn't know how to do the exercises. Sho was always on hand to answer any questions and helped in loads of ways. He is a great motivator and is very knowledgeable in providing nutritional information. He has even got me now on his next challenge which started today. If anyone looking to lose weight,get fitter or just want to eat healthier i would recommend u get in touch with him.


Well where do I start .. At the beginning I guess .. I contacted Sho about 10weeks ago, Id lost all motivation and all confidence but had heard great things so decided to take the plunge and I can honestly say thats its the best decision I have ever made .. Not only has my fitness improved but so has my sleep pattern, my energy levels and im finally feeling like myself again.

I was so nervous the 1st day I walked into the gym but Sho made me feel totally at ease, explained everything to me and also made me laugh (def an added bonus) I have to admit I do like the fact Sho never uses the word diet and everything is allowed in moderation! Plus hes always on hand to answer any questions you might have and trust me I had and still have alot!

Sho always makes the sessions fun and is always there to encourage you, even when you feel like giving up he always gives you that extra boost!

In 10 weeks my life has done a 360 and I would recommend Sho to anyone and everyone , The guy knows his stuff and his results def show that! I absolutely love training with Sho and cant see me ever giving that up now!!


The first training I’ve ever stuck too, sho makes it to enjoyable so it’s easy to train! Nutritional advice is also very good as it’s not set and sho is always on hand for any questions of “can i have this”. Thanks for your guidance & training I am now a beast � hahahah


Thank you Sho for all the support and great advice during the 28 day home workout. The exercises were great, full body workout and all done from the comfort of my living room, can’t beat that! All your nutritional advice was so easy to take on board, ideas and amounts I never felt I was missing out on anything. Lost 5 pounds and almost 9 inches, so happy with the result!! Thanks so much, highly recommend your programme!


Sho is a great sport , he gives you a plan that is so easy to follow with fun to do workouts. He will always check in with you spurring you on. I have never had a fitness plan, I love to keep fit and I do what i can to keep active but these extra exercises from the online 6 week home workout plan were great and so easy to fit in through the week. Personally I liked that there was no diet plan because I dont agree with that. Just eat good food and everything in moderation 😀. I do feel stronger and ill continue to throw in some of the new exercises ive learned into my workouts from now on. I 100% recommend that you complete one of Shos Fitness Plans. Youll feel awesome👊. GO TRY!


Recently completed an online 4 week home workout group challange! Im no stranger to exercise and good eating but recently have been pretty slack. This was the perfect way to ease myself back into it and with 4 kids I didn't even have to leave the house! The online support and communication from Sho was fantastic. Would def recommend!!


Just finishing up a 28 Day Home Workout Programme with Sho and I absolutely loved it! I was so buzzing with how I felt throughout the programme and im now a lot more confident in my appearance thanks to the help, advice and support that Sho gave me! Even when I was feeling shitty about my weight staying the same at 2 weigh ins Sho made me feel better assuring me that it might’ve been to do with the time of day or whatever I had ate that day so all was good and on I went! Honestly couldn’t fault the guys efforts to keep us on track and motivate us onwards, loved it so much Im doing a 6 week home workout with Sho now starting tomorrow so roll on even better results ��


Just finished up on the 6 week shred programme, losing 11lbs in total I’m very happy with progress I have gotten and the support from Sho was second to none.

Received a great deal of information and Ive managed to clean up my diet, have an overall better mood and I feel stronger.

Never was there a question left unanswered and everything explained in great detail.

Thanks again Sho!


Just completed my 6 week shred online with Sho and I'd highly recommend! Im a regular bootcamper but it must be said that the gym workouts devised by Sho made all the difference. In only 6 weeks the difference beginning to emerge in my shape is impressive! I'm a lot stronger and definitely fitter. Sho will go beyond the call of duty to assist with alternative workout options/ diet suggestions etc. Plus- he is very entertaining and witty and takes a realistic approach to improving your diet! Thank you, Sho!


In less than 6 weeks Sho has changed my whole outlook on fitness and nutrition. I honestly didn't think I'd stick to the program but im still here 8lb down and loving it. I have a long way to go and I know with Sho's guidance il reach my goals. The workouts are quick and effective and his knowledge on nutrition is second to none, I never ate so well and nothing is off limits. He's always on hand when I need him, Ive have learnt so much in this short time with Sho . Cant wait to see were this journey takes us .


I've just completed a 10 week program with Sho and can honestly say it was so simple. I needed some guidance as anything l tried before on my own wasn't working even though l was doing the work. Sho made me realise l was over complicating things and instead of depriving myself l included good habits. The exercises and food tips were great and easy to follow. I wasn't 100% all the time but that's ok l didn't give up just draw a line under a bad day and move on instead of beating myself up. I love his simplistic approach and l learned l can loose weight and still live without depriving myself. I've lost 4.5kg and 14.5 inches all over and feel really positive about continuing good habits. Thanks Sho 😁


I started as an online client with Sho 5 weeks ago. This was perfect for me because I can't commit to the same time every week as my work schedule changes weekly. However still wanted the support! Since then my clothes are loose I'm 8lb down and 6 inches all over I feel great and more energetic. I love my tailored work outs and never miss a session at the gym. Sho is really supportive and always on hand for advice. The best part is you still get to have a social life. Thanks Sho highly recommended! Before this I didn't have great knowledge on food and calories etc but you have opened my eyes instead of supply a bog standard military chicken greens and rice diet. 👌


I seen Sho’s Videos on Facebook and Instagram thought they were informative yet hilarious at times but didn’t know much about him until my brother mentioned that he had been going to Sho for awhile.So I decided over Christmas that I would start with Sho after the new year. I myself race mountain bike and need a specific type of work out. Since the first night with Sho he has went to extra mile to accommodate my needs, may it be the work outs, the diet everything is covered. Work outs are tough as I like them and everything is explained in detail.

This man will go the extra mile whatever you needs and I can not recommend this man highly enough.


I just finished up a 6-week shred online program with Sho, and I would highly recommend it to everyone! Sho is highly knowledgeable and really knows what he is doing when it comes to fitness and nutrition. Sho made the program easy to follow and the check-ins and motivation Sho provided on a daily basis helped me to stick to my goals. Sho was always available when I had questions or needed suggestions. The program was flexible but effective which was nice for someone like me who is really busy. I highly recommend you contact Sho if you are looking to make a positive change in your life!


I just completed a 6 week online home workout....i loved how i could do the workouts from the comfort of my home and was so handy getting them sent every couple of days! Sho was very helpfull throughout the 6 weeks, Very realistic when it came to my diet and now i feel far healthier. I feel i have alot more energy, definitely fitter, and its crazy how 6 weeks can make such a difference to my overall shape!


I have just finished a 28 day online programme wit sho .. I lost 3 1/2 pounds and 8 inches and am buzzing .. was great to be able to do workouts at home as I'm not a fan of the gym .. sho was always there to answer any questions I had and was a great motivator ... I now have better knowledge of healthy eating without feeling starved or bored eating same thing ... highly recommend ..


I have just completed a 6 week challenge with Sho,I had saw a couple of videos and thought he was down to earth and was talking sense. The thing I liked best were my workouts, they were posted 3 times per week and I was able to complete them at home, I'm not a gym person. Workouts varied. Changing things slowly over the time, which is what Sho recommends, really worked for me, i have lost pounds, and inches. My clothes are looser and I feel the difference in my flexibility. I am more aware now of what I am eating but nothing is Disallowed, which made such a difference as I don't feel as if I am losing out and can be eating like this for life. I would definitely recommend Sho if you are wanting to make changes, give it a go. Thanks Sho for all your help and support.


I did a 4 week home workout programme with Should throughout the month of November. During this period, I lost at least an inch in every area we were targeting (chest, stomach, hips, thighs) and also added inches to my biceps.

On top of this, I lost 8lbs in the 28 days I was training with Sho which was great in the build up to Xmas. Even though it was an online only programme, Sho was constantly in touch and constantly looking for updates which was great for motivation. The programme was fairly laid back in terms of eating (not just a case of chicken and rice which most PTS recommend) and it was fairly flexible in terms of what you could and couldn't eat which was great.

I would 100% recommend Sho who is an all round top guy! Thanks again Sho for the programme.


After loosing the motivation to workout myself I got in contact with Sho to give myself a push and get back on track. I’d seen some of his videos and posts on Facebook and knew he was the right PT for me and not a poser like a lot of other local Personal Trainers. I started with Sho just before Christmas and I’m still really enjoying the sessions and always have a bit of craic as well. Although he’ll give you a bit of a kick when you need it too.. eating had gone off track but after talking to Sho he gave me advice on gettin it back on track and managed to shed half a stone � No 2 workouts are the same, Sho is always coming up with new exercises and things to try to help you progress. Can definitely see a difference already, as well as gaining a lot more confidence and just generally a happier person, can’t wait to see the difference in another few months ���

More about Sho Vij - The Female Body Tone Coach

Sho Vij - The Female Body Tone Coach is located at Orchard Business Park, Pennyburn Industrial Estate Derry, BT48 0LU Derry, Northern Ireland