
About Simcas

Simcas provides prehospital emergency medical care in the counties of Kent, Sussex & Surrey. We have 15 members who respond for South East Coast Ambulance Service as part of their 999 response to emergencies.

Simcas Description

SIMCAS (South East Coast Immediate Care Scheme) is a charity affiliated to the British Association for Immediate care (BASICS). We have 15 members across Sussex Kent and Surrey who respond for South East Coast Ambulance Service in response to a 999 call. Our members are predominantly doctors and include GPs, anaesthetists, two emergency medicine consultants, as well as a nurse and a dual registered nurse /paramedic.
Our members have undertaken a range of specialist training and are all experienced clinicians used to working in the prehospital environment. A number of our members teach prehospital care for BASICS and one is an examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh for the Diploma in Immediate Care.
Our services are provided on a voluntary basis and SIMCAS relies on the generosity of the public (including a number of grateful ex-patients and their families). To train and equip a member costs an average of £10, 000 and each member undertakes refresher training on a regular basis. Additionally used equipment and drugs requires replacing all of which provide a constant drain on our finances.