Slum City

About Slum City

Unique slogans and original creative designs.
If, like us, you don't want to be like everybody else, you've found the right place to buy something different!

Slum City Description

In March 2018 I quit my job and started this business because I had enough of being ordered about by people that were in higher positions, not due to their ability but because of who they knew or how long they had been around. So, based on things people say, I decided to start selling t-shirts etc.

I sat down ready to take the world by storm and then I realised. . . . . . . I didn't know how to use an art program. Oops! Bit of an oversight! So, I set about finding a suitable program and teaching this old dog some new tricks! After a few weeks I started to get the hang of it and was producing designs. Next step, build a website to sell my genius on! Easy right? Not if you've never done it before! Time to teach an old dog new tricks again! After a fair amount of research into e-commerce I found a way to build my site. So that's art program sorted, website built. Now to sell t-shirts. Finally. Nope. Now I have to understand internet advertising, marketing, social media etc. How many new tricks can an old dog learn? Well, it turns out, this old dog can learn plenty!

So, "Is it worth it?" I hear you say. For me, yes. I love the challenge and responsibility of having to make my own decisions and I'm having great fun doing it. In the first year I probably learned more than I have in the past 20, about myself as well as business. I may be enjoying it but I never said it was easy! I've spent my life playing bass guitar in bands, going to clubs and festivals, travelling to various parts of the world and working in the travel industry. All good t-shirt environments. I know what makes a good t-shirt so I've entered this hugely competitive market looking to stand out with some unique slogans and original, creative ideas. It's been a great start and an incredible learning curve and it's only going to get better! There's a great song by The Kinks called "I'm Not Like Everybody Else" and that's the aim for SLUM CITY. So if, like me, you want to be individual, stand out and be yourself, you've found the right place.

Stick around and have some fun. . . . . . .

More about Slum City

+44 7740 284739