Soas, Centre For Translation Studies(Cts)

About Soas, Centre For Translation Studies(Cts)

SOAS’s Centre for Translation Studies (CTS) aims at exploring and developing area-based Translation Studies across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.



Nicky Harman ( taught at the SOAS MA Translation module “Critical Thinking in Translation”. It was a wonderful lecture!


SOAS Centre for Translation Studies will be hosting a Chinese Translation Workshop: Translating Cultures, Literature, Films, and Non-Fiction on 28 and 29 March 2019.
Confirmed presenters and tutors are below: Robert Neather (HKBU, Hong Kong) Wai-Ping Yau (HKBU, Hong Kong)... MA Huijuan (BFSU, Beijing) Nicoletta Pesaro (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) Claudia Pozzana (University of Bologna) Marie Laureillard (Institut D'Asie Orientale, Lyon) Cosima Bruno (SOAS, University of London)
Please register from:…/translation- workshop-by-cts-marc…
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CTS@SOAS and CenTraS@UCL Global Translation Lectures 2018-19 (Free event, all is welcome)
Dr Jacob Blakesley, University of Leeds A sociological approach to poetry translation: modern European poet-translators... Date: Wednesday 6th February 2019 Time: 5-6:00 pm Location: Cruciform Building, B404 – LT2 Link: ing
Talk outline The sociology of (poetry) translation can be classified into three types: the study of translators, the study of the translation process, and the study of translations. In my talk, I will deal primarily with the first and the third of these topics. Taking as a case study 20th and 21st century European poet-translators (English-language, French-language, and Italian-language), I will demonstrate the results of using such a methodological broad-based approach, rather than a more standard approach that relies on close reading and textual comparison. Drawing on my recent monograph, my talk will address such issues as which national traditions translate the most and from which languages; how the translations carried out by poets fit within their own poetic careers; and the gender disparity in translating poetry.
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Today’s Global Translation Lecture ‘Translating Basho’ at SOAS was well received! Many thanks to Isao Miura and Chris Beckett for their wonderful talk and artworks, and people participating.


CTS@SOAS and CenTraS@UCL Global Translation Lectures 2018-19
Presentation title: Translating Basho Date: Wednesday 23 January 2019...
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MA Translation open day! please come and join us. MA Translation students and MA program convener (Dr Sato-Rossberg) will join this event. Please book through here: evenings/


Translating Basho Isao Miura and Chris Beckett
After their very successful exhibition, Travels in a Paper Coat, in Deptford last summer, Japanese artist Isao Miura and London poet Chris Beckett come to SOAS to talk about their love of Matsuo Bashō’s The Narrow Road to the Deep North, and about the joys and difficulties of translating Japanese poetry into painting and sculpture, as well as into English.
... In 1689, Bashō sold his house in Tokyo and set off on a risky 6-month journey through the wilds of north Japan, taking with him just “his body and a paper coat”. He longed to see the places which had inspired his favourite poets of the past. These are called Uta Makura in Japan, literally “Poem Pillow” but used to mean something like “Poetry Place”, so that a mere mention of its name will conjure up all the stories and poems associated with it.
Isao will tell us about his on-going project to “translate” Basho’s account of the journey visually and imagatively, not as illustration but as a re-imagining of the Uta Makura together with Basho’s own response to them through his haiku. Isao uses traditional materials like oil paint, bronze, paper, gold leaf, sumi ink in new and surprising ways, He also made a shoji and tatami “Temple” to show a film and soundtrack from parts of the Narrow Road made by Nikolai Azariah in 2016.
And with Chris Beckett, they have also made some new textual translations to “illustrate” the work and make it accessible to an English-speaking audience. Isao and Chris will try to explain their practise and how they use the internet to help research the words and previous translations of Basho’s poems.
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More photos from APFTIS 7 at SOAS! Many thanks to Jin.


SOAS Centre for Translation Studies hosted APFTIS 7! Thanks to all participants. Here are some photos. Enjoy!


SOAS Centre for Translation Studies will be hosting a Japanese Translation Workshop on 4 and 5 July 2019. Confirmed presenters and tutors are below:
Hiromi Ito (translator, poet, author) Anne Bayard-Sakai (INALCO, Paris) Caterina Mazza (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)... Stephen Dodd (SOAS, University of London) Nana Sato-Rossberg (SOAS, University of London)
You will need to register for this workshop. We will let you know more details later!
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SOAS Centre for Translation Studies will be hosting a Chinese Translation Workshop on 28 and 29 March 2019. Confirmed presenters and tutors are below:
Robert Neither (HKBU) Wai-Ping Yau (HKBU) MA Huijuan (BFSU)... Nicoletta Pesaro (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) Claudia Pozzana (University of Bologna) Marie Laureillard (Institut D'Asie Orientale, Lyon) Cosima Bruno (SOAS, University of London)
You will need to register for this workshop. We will let you know more details later!…/progr ammes/ma-translation/
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SOAS MA Translation student Luna Chiaverini has received the Paper of Excellence Award of the APFTIS Conference 7 for her research paper. Congratulations!


SOAS MA Translation student Megumi Sakata has awarded first prize in the Democracy Now subtitle competition. Congratulations! 8


Now the program of the 7th Asian-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies (APFTIS) is ready! _Asia-Pacific_Foru…
If you plan to join, please register from here:…/the-7th-asia npacific-forum-on-tr…


The SOAS Centre for Translation Studies (CTS) and CenTrans@UCL are pleased to invite you to the next of a joint seminar series of Global Translation Lectures
Speaker: Dr. Wangũi wa Goro Wednesday, December 5, 2018. ... 3.30PM -5PM FG 01 (Faber Building), SOAS.
‘Hide and seek: intersectionality in unravelling pasts, presents and futures.'
Words are fluid and can move back and forth in time. We have seen the rolling back of meaning and sense-making through history of values and lived lives, moving forward, then further pushed back by the tides of events, natural, social, political or economic. What is fake meaning or not fake meaning? How do we learn to distinguish the difference? What happens to meaning in a context, particularly, in relation to narrative and narrative devices changes, whether suddenly, or more subtly over time and how do we render them? What ethical issues can we address and technical issues can we apply to address them? Do words remain static through time? Do their nuances change and what is the role of the translator, publishers and readers? The text will explore themes of coloniality, decoloniality and recoloniality through traducture.
Speaker bio: Dr. Wangui wa Goro has served as an academic, critic, public intellectual, translator, editor, writer, social and cultural catalyst, advocate, activist and campaigner for human and cultural rights for over three decades. While also a practicing translator, her main field of research Translation Studies which she promotes globally as the convenor of the high profile Sidensi intercultural dialogues ( Her main field of scholarship is a pioneering translation scholar/theorist and practitioner in Gikuyu, French, Italian, Kiswahili and English, which she taught for several years. This includes works her theoretical work and practice of translating award-winning authors including Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Veronique Tadjo amongst others.
This event is free! Ro
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Now you can register online for the 7th Asian-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies (APFTIS) Conference at SOAS, University of London (4-5 January 2019) . Please note that the fee includes two lunch, refreshments, and a conference dinner on 4 January (on campus). General registration: GBP 150, Students: GBP 75. Please click here:…/the-7th-asia npacific-forum-on-tr…


MA in Translation Studies? SOAS, University of London Ro&t=24s
Please visit our website for more information;...…/progr ammes/ma-translation/
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More about Soas, Centre For Translation Studies(Cts)

Soas, Centre For Translation Studies(Cts) is located at Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, WC1H 0XG London, United Kingdom
44 (0)2078984224