Sohaib Fatimi Solicitors

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Sohaib Fatimi Solicitors

A reputable and well-known name in legal practice for many years.

We are proud to announce our newly opened office based in London. We offer legal assistance in all Asylum and Immigration related matters.



Our office will remain close on Tuesday 04/06/2019 for Eid.Our office will remain close on Tuesday 04/06/2019 for Eid.


A short informational video about #Spouse #Visa in #Dari Language. Should you required further information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or send me message on this page.


A short video regarding "What are the out comes after you submitted #Further #Submission (Fresh Claim) in #Pashto language. Should you required further information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or send me message on this page.


A short video about information on making a #Fresh #Claim Application (Further Submission) in #Pashto Language. Should you required further information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or send me message on this page.


A short video regarding "Information on what can you do if your application for permission is granted". Should you required further information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or send me message on this page.


A short video regarding information on making “Application for permission to appeal” to #FTT (First Tier Tribunal) and #UT (Upper Tribunal) in #Pashto Language. Should you required further information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or send me message on this page.


A short video about standard #Visitor Visa in #Pashto language. Should you required further information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or send me message on this page.
#VisitorVisa #Pashto


We are offering 10 minutes #FREE consultation. No appointment needed. Just come and visit our office. We deal in #Asylum, #Immigration and more
Office address: Sohaib Fatimi Solicitors (UK) Limited, Chartwell House, 292-294 Hale Lane, Edgware, London, HA8 8NP.
... Phone number: 020 8381 3999
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This short video is in #Pashto Language about #Spouse Visa. Should you require more information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or email us on or message us on this page.
#SpouseVisa #Immigration


This video is in #Pashto Language about the procedure on “What can you do if your Asylum claim is refused by the Home Office”. Should you require any more information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or email us on or message us on this page.
#Asylum #Refused #HomeOffice.


This short video is about #Asylum procedure in UK. Should you require more information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or message us or email us on


A short video to describe how can one claim #Asylum. There are three main ways to claim Asylum. Should you require further information please contact us on 020 8381 3999 or send me message.


Our Ramadan Opening Times are from 9:30am to 5:00pm.Our Ramadan Opening Times are from 9:30am to 5:00pm.


درود وستايش بي كران خالق لايزال را ! جهان سپاس مژده عالي و خبر نيك ، جناب فاطمي صاحب را از دير زمان ميشناسم، موصوف از يك خانواده خيلي مشهور و روحاني سادات و از جمله نواسه هاي علامه سيد جمال الدين افغاني ميباشد موصوف يك وكيل برجسته مجرب مهربان و صادق در همه امورات محوله خويش بوده، در سخترين شرايط در مقابل دشوارترين و پيچيده ترين دوسيه هاي وكالت مقابله نموده و به طور أحسن نتيجه مثبت و عالي را حاصل نموده است ١- يادم است روزي يكي از افراد نزديكم كه به تازه گي لايسن...س دريواري گرفته بود و زياد خوش بود كه ذريعه راننده گي امرار معاش كند تا خانواده خود را در اينجا و در وطن نيز كمك كند، بدبختانه با يك اشتباه سطحي پوليس برايش 9 نوه پاينت ميدهد هر چي عذر وزاري كرد پوليس متعصب UK معذرت أش را قبول نكرد دوستم اشك ريزان نزد من مراجعه كرد من نيز ناتوان و حيران بودم توكل أم را به خدا كردم و موصوف را به پاچا صاحب فاطمي معرفي كردم، خوشبختانه پاچا صاحب با حكمت عملي و تجربه ئ كافي كه داشت بعد از تحقيق و غور كامل در ظرف بيست و چهار ساعت تمام پائينت هاي دوستم را از لايسنس أش پاك كرد، ٢-خودم به اسناد دائمي خانواده ام تقاضا كردم البته وكيل من شخص ديگري بود مدت يازده ما اسنادم موفقود گرديد بلاخره با جناب فاطمي صاحب در تماس شدم در ظرف پانزده روز اسناد دائمي من برايم ارسال گرديد و از هوم افس Home office برايم زنگ زدند واز اينكه در توضيع اسناد سهل انگاري كرده بودند معذرت خاستند، به همين ترتيب به ده ها كيس دوستان را برايش رجعت دادم موصوف طور صادقانه انجام دادند ،اول از خدا و بعدا از جناب فاطمي صاحب مشكورم ، موصوف شخصيت قابل قدر است از تمام هموطنان عزيز خواهشمندم تا با وي ارتباط و همكاري حسنه داشته باشند تا افتخار به همه ما و ملت مظلوم ما باشد جزاك الله با عرض حرمت
A great testimonial in #Dari language from our client who had a successful result.
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Learn about Asylum Law. A short video to provide some basic information regarding Asylum Law. Any questions please message me or contact us on our office telephone.
We specialise in #Immigration Law, #Asylum, #Wills, #Family Law and more. If you require any information to discuss with our team please contact us on the details provided on this page. Telephone: 020 8381 3999. We speak #English, #Pashto, #Dari, #Urdu, #Persian, #Farsi.


We are specialist #Immigration Law. We are #Solicitors based in #Edgware London. Contact number: 02083813999. Email:


I will be providing regular updates and information on Immigration Law, #Asylum and more. If you require any information to discuss with our team please contact us on the details provided on this page. Telephone: 020 8381 399. We speak #English, #Pashto, #Dari, #Urdu, #Persian, #Farsi.

More about Sohaib Fatimi Solicitors

Sohaib Fatimi Solicitors is located at Elizabeth House, 2nd Floor, Suite B, 54-58 High Street, Edgware, HA8 7EJ London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -