South Woodham Ferrers Eyott Sailing Club

About South Woodham Ferrers Eyott Sailing Club

Eyott Sailing Club is a family oriented club, situated in Fenn Creek, on the north side of the River Crouch. We sail & race Herons, Miracles, Mirrors, Comet & Solo. We also have membership for canoes, kayaks and Paddleboards.

South Woodham Ferrers Eyott Sailing Club Description

Eyott Sailing Club is a family oriented club, situated at the top of Fenn Creek, on the north side of the River Crouch. With a sailing season starting as early as March continuing right through to November, we are sure to keep you entertained.

The club not only provides informal but exciting weekend racing, but also supports new members who wish to learn. Typically we sail boats under 12 feet including Heron, Miracle, Mirror, Solo and range of Comets. In recent years families have joined us for the great conditions and launching of canoes.

Eyott members also enjoys an active social life, so if you are not so keen on sailing, you can enjoy quiz nights, BBQ's, bonfires and games evenings.

If you are looking for a fun new hobby, or are returning to a forgotten passion, contact our commodore for more information.

Hope to see you on the water soon.



Not long now ! Until Eyott Week, have you booked the time off ? Is your boat and kit ready ? Have you pre booked in for the Fish & Chip Quiz and BBQ ? #sailinginessex #swf #regatta #openmeeting Up River Yacht Club SWF Yacht Club


WEEKEND UPDATE Last weekend we had a fully packed schedule with multiple races and a well attended taster session. On Saturday Three boats raced in windy conditions and additionally two Heron dinghies were rigged to take visitors for a 'Taster Sail'. We had 10 visitors, 8 of whom were taken out sailing and some also had a ride in one of clubs two safety boats which were both on the water. On Sunday unusually three races held simultaneously over same course, President Series... Race 4, Caton Junior Trophy (age 18 and under) and Sweepstake race for remaining helms. Some helms able to qualify for two out of three races. One was so close that it was decided for the Presidents race should be a draw between Nigel and Toby because when corrected time adjusted to two decimal places instead of three they were tied for the lead. RYA East #swf #sailinginessex #taster
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RACE RESULTS A busy few days at Eyotts. Working morning on Thursday & Saturday to cut the grass and trim the hedges. Thanks for those that helped. Racing Thursday evening, results now attached. Racing Sunday in light wind conditions with close racing at the finish line. After #RYA handicap calculations were applied Idris Lewis was the winner in his Mirror Dinghy Next Saturday is last taster day lots of interest so far ! July 20th at 14.30


MID WEEK RACE Last night we held a race for those that wanted to enjoy the #tide and lovely #englishsummer 5 Boats out, results to follow. Also are some further pictures from last weekend racing


WEEKEND RACE RESULTS Saturday an 'ad-hoc' race was held with 6 boats entering. Wind varied from 0.5mph at the club to 7.4mph in the main river. Race finished in the creek due to lack of wind at club. Very close on corrected time with Alan narrowly beating Bob.
Sunday was a points race for overall year, with 11 boats racing and one pottering. Gareth Lewis retired after breaking anohter part on his old National Solo Class Association dinghy so retired. The wind was very spo...radic so the race officer shortened the very optomistic course at Horse the second time to go back to the club.
Our last taster session for 2019 is 20th July at 14:30 off White Tree Court, Celeborn Street. To reserve a place please call Alan 01245 322282 / Liesl 07974 933042 in advance or message the club on social media
#swf #sailinginessex #activeessex
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Another lovely day at Eyott on a Friday. Lovely #weather, amazing high #tide, so why not ! 3 Boats sailing, 3 canoes and 2 paddleboarders on the water plus one repair on going. Racing all weekend to follow


Being a member of Eyott means you can use the facilities whenever you want. Some chose Sat morning when they chose to go paddle boarding as there was no racing. Liesl and Tierney went on the paddle boards and Clement took William out in Puff. When Eyotts looks this good why would you want to be anywhere else ?


WEEKEND RACE RESULTS Great weather and great results last weekend. Nigel won despite being late to the club and late across the start line ! How does he do it? #heatwave this weekend ? #southwoodham


WEEKEND RESULTS Another succesful weekend of sailing on the #river crouch and fenn creek. Saturday was race 5 of the sat series in a good breeze. Sunday was a points race counting towards the overall years results. Before the race we were recording 30mph+ gusts. Some boats took off form their trailers whilst being launched ! We had 3 starts one with a new member re joining after several years away. Some boats retired before even entering the main river. Others had some very close battles. Some of the sailing was all about #survival as there were multiple capsizes to keep the safety boat on their toes. In the end the race was by Gareth Lewis in his National Solo Class Association numbered 96. #swf #southwoodhamferrers #sailinginessex #activeessex


SCOUTS VISIT A big thank you to everyone who helped with the 1st Woodham Ferrers Scout Group event this week. We had at least 18 cubs & parents. Last year they obtained their 'dry sailing' badge - on land demonstration/practical. This year it was to obtain their 'on water' sailing badge. They all had a great time and were awarded their badges. We had just the right amount of wind for the whole evening and the rain just held off until the very end. Pictures show prep for dry capsize traning


EYOTT WEEK Don't forget to put in your diary's week commencing August 19th 5 days of racing plus social activities !! Not to be missed #crabbing SWF Yacht Club Up River Yacht Club


SUNDAY RACE RESULTS 9 boats racing two pottering in 10 to 12 mph winds SE. we had 3 starts with the biggest fleet being miracles. The Topper took early lead but goes aground at heart break corner. #doeswhatitsaysonthetin Then Andrew Dale is leading 2nd start does exactly same thing. 40years experience and we are all still learning where the mud is !! After 15 mins Andy has caught the first start who were originally 5 mins ahead. On the safety boat all we smell is sausage...s on a bbq somewhere in #swf Gentle tacking all the way past ditch trying to get to the river #crouch for more wind however there was not. Course shortened after only horse, ledger, miles, river then back to the club Andy took the lead on the water after an hour after his start. Guess what happened as soon as we shortened course ? the #wind came up !
#rya #southwoodhamferrers #rivercrouch #sailinginessex
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RACE RESULTS From last weekend


SAILING UPDATE FRIDAY Four boats took advantage at the end of half term of a good forecast and late morning tide to get some sailing in and a capsize practice for a junior member with his Dad. SATURDAY 7 boats raced in very light winds at the start which fortunately increased slightly later. To celebrate John birthday his family had invited over 50 friends to a picnic and time out on the water after the race sailing and kayaking. It was a great to see the club so busy. visisotrs to our taster day who enjoyed being on the water SUNDAY 5 boats raced in strong winds with gusts of 25mph. Plenty of long reaches made for an exciting sail with 1st & 2nd places separated by only 12 seconds on corrected time. Two families took to the water whilst race was underway in a Mirror dinghy and their kayaks.
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LAST WEEKEND On Saturday Five boats raced in The Peter Dale Personal Handicap pursuit race over 60 minutes after delayed start because of lack of water.Mike and Sue won after Jeremy had to put in a last minute tack! The race was followed by an evening BBQ which which a number of non sailors came along for. Sunday there was no race but a lovely evening with strong wind reducing to perfect later in the evening. 4 boats took to the water, a Miracle, two toppers and an Optimist.... Everyone got at least 60 minutes sailing. We launched the support boat 'just in case'. One family spent their time practising capsizing and recovery whilst 2 other youngsters were learning to sail under the watchful guidance of their parents! Thanks to all those who came along and for your support; it was a great way to enjoy a Bank Holiday Sunday evening. TASTER SAIL TODAY 10.45 #SWF
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SUNDAY RACE RESULTS 9 boats racing in very little wind, beat from Line A and round Heartbreak was a real struggle. Amazingly we actually got as far as Ledger buoy. Les retired because he was so far back by time he got too Horse. NEXT TASTER DAY JUNE 1ST, MESSAGE FOR MORE DETAILS

More about South Woodham Ferrers Eyott Sailing Club

South Woodham Ferrers Eyott Sailing Club is located at White Tree Court, CM3 7AL Chelmsford, Essex