Sri Lankan Diaspora Uk

About Sri Lankan Diaspora Uk

Previously Known as (THE SRI LANKAN MUSLIM COUNCIL IN BRITAIN) This organisation created to bring voice for Muslims in Sri Lanka including other communities. It has been created by professionals & Human Right Activist and Intellectuals

Sri Lankan Diaspora Uk Description

This organisation has been created by a group of individuals from Sri Lanka coming from various parts of the country, from Jaffna to Trincomalee, from Kandy to Colombo or Mannar to Galle, without any conflict or differentiation among them. ONE VOICE FOR SRI LANKAN MUSLIMS. It is open to everyone.




The second meeting of The Sri Lankan Muslim Council of Britain (TSMCB) duly called and held on 13th February 2014 at Lawland Solicitors, 141 Ground Floor, Cannon Street Road, London E1 2LX, commencing at 7pm.

Present were:

1. Mohamed Sameem
2. Mohamed Faheer
3. Samoon Azmath
4. Afham Ismail
5. Ziyath Gaffoor
6. Mohamed Jameel
7. Jawfer M.
8. Mohamed Faiz
9. Nazeem Mansoor

With the approval of the Committee members present, Mr Mohamed Sameem LLB, LLM acted as President of the meeting and Mr Afham Ismail as secretary recorded the minutes.

6. Other Businesses

Various basic discussions took place for future of the organisation. These will be continued in the next meeting. No decision was made.

Minutes submitted by Afham Ismail - Secretary

MINUTES for 1st meeting
Date: 30th of January 2014 @ 19. 45
Venue: Lowland Solicitors, 141 Cannon street Road London E12XL
Facilitator: Mr. Mohamed Nazism (Solicitor) LLB, Attorney at Law and Mohamed
Sameem (Attorney-at-Law) LLB, LLM
14. . . . .
15. '. . . . .
The meeting called by Mr. Mohamed Sameem to discuss issues Sri Lankan Muslims
Encounter, Visiting Member of Parliament from Sri Lanka . Hon. Mr. HUNAIS FAROOK
MP, who currently plays active role in Sri Lankan Muslim welfare particularly
northern resettlement and reconciliation , is a principal participant in the discussion.
Hon Hunais Farook points up the recent development in resettlement of northern
Muslims and problems they are competing with. He illustrates in detail the issues
which he handle to overcome the barriers for the community development in the
resettlement area.
The discussion cover general issues currently exist among communities in Sri Lanka
as well and the measures which already taken up to harmonies the situation.
Participants actively involved in the discussion, questions asked by participanis and
answered by Humans Farook. This session mainly dominate the issue of northern
resettlement and reconciliation.
Dinner Hosted by Mr. Nazism Mansoor at lahori Restaurant, the event was most
Right after dinner participant gathered at law land solicitors and discussion last until
12. 30, this session takes up thefollowing important discussion topics.
1. Peace and Reconciliation among the community. (" l. . AAA I--, , . "'\ MV~ ~ )
2. Journey towards common goal among Muslim co~mity ~ "-1 (~~
3. Muslim land issues andfuture shape of Sri Lankan Muslims participattbn: in ~
countries administration service '
Following the discussion there are many concern expressed by the participants and
Hon Hunais Farook detailed the current situation concerning the discussed issues.
Finally need of a common body, to study and communicate the critical issues
srilankari Muslims meet regularly, is impressed by Participants and Hon Hunais
Farook agreed to have firm initiation to have knowledge based flat form in Sri Lanka
, participants unanimously agreed toform a supporting organization in United
kingdom to support andfacilitate to the endowers.
Mr Nazeem Mansoor firmly promised tofacilities the organizational and operational
needs of the proposed organization in United Kingdom and Mr Sameem looking after
the formation activity of the same.
Participants unanimously agreed to suggest names in next few days and
communication will continue among members to have a name for the organization
The discussion came to an end with lots of thanks and appreciation to Mr. Nazeem
Mansoor for the initiation and facilitation of the event.
Action Person Responsible Deadline
1. Name Selection Mohamed Sameem No Dead line Agreed
2. Initiation Mohamed Sameem No Dead line agreed
3. Facilitation Nazeem Mansoor with immediate effect
4. Communication Mohamed Sameem

More about Sri Lankan Diaspora Uk

Sri Lankan Diaspora Uk is located at plashet grove, e61ae London, United Kingdom