St Mary Of The Angels

About St Mary Of The Angels

A community where God’s love is shared among all



On Friday Feb. 22 at 7pm we will be holding a welcome evening for New Parishioners. All those who have joined the parish in the last year are welcome to attend: we will be writing to you if you filled in one of our New Parishioner forms. If you have not, please fill in one of the forms at the back of Church and hand it in. We hope parishioners who are involved on one or more of our parish activities will also come along to share what they do. Cheese and wine provided.


New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. On New Year’s Eve (Monday) we shall have Ado-ration of the Blessed Sacrament from 11pm until just after Midnight, followed by refresh-ments in the Newman Room (Back Room): all welcome. New Year’s Day (Tuesday) is a holyday of Obligation when all Catholics should attend Mass if at all possible. There will be Masses at 10am and 7pm.


Following our very successful Meeting for Volunteers earlier this year, we are going to hold another one on Friday 9 Nov. from 7pm onwards in the Back Room of the Parish House. We invite all those who volunteer in the parish in any capacity – readers, eucharistic minsters, church cleaners, catechists, night shelter helpers, etc. - to come along for this so-cial event, where there will be an opportunity to share briefly about what you do. Bring some food to share.


Our Christmas Bazaar this year will be held on Sat. Nov. 24 from 11am-3pm. We do hope that all parishioners will attend this, even if only for a few minutes, as it is one of the events in which we all come together socially as a parish.


On Monday the 8th of October, at 7pm, our parish will begin running the Alpha course, a parish evangelisation course based on hospitality, sharing and open conversation. It enables people to ask their questions, share ideas, build friendships and experience the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is also a powerful way of building community among parishioners. Millions of people have experienced Alpha in over 100 countries and over 100 languages around the globe. If you are interested in taking part, please sign up at the back of the church, speak to Fr. Keith or contact the parish office. And please feel free to invite anyone you think might benefit from it.


A Day of Prayer, Penance & Reparation for the sins committed within the Church and the nation will be led by Bishop John Keenan of Paisley, Scotland, in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday, 22 September, 9.30am to 4.30pm, with Holy Mass at 10.30am and Confession times throughout. Please come to intercede for the Mercy of God upon his Church through repentance. Full programme available from


Lord, in good health I want to praise and thank you – and I often forget. In sickness I want to get better and pray for your healing power. Sometimes I blame you. Please help me to live in hope, while looking calmly and deeply at life and death. You are Lord of life. I thank you for the life you have given me. Strengthen my life, my love and my trust. Amen (Fr. Michael Hollings)

More about St Mary Of The Angels

St Mary Of The Angels is located at Moorhouse Road, W25 London, United Kingdom