St. Mary'S Church, Walthamstow

About St. Mary'S Church, Walthamstow

A diverse and inclusive community learning the way of Jesus and growing in love. A centre of arts, prayer and transformation in Walthamstow.

St. Mary'S Church, Walthamstow Description

St Mary's is a diverse, inclusive Christian community of 300 + in the heart of Walthamstow learning the way of Jesus and growing in love. Our goal is to be a centre of ministry in East London and a focal point of activity in Walthamstow: a place where interesting and transformative things happen.

We enjoy a range of Sunday worship and midweek activities for people of all ages and backgrounds. We run parenting, marriage and Alpha courses, help people out of debt through our Christians Against Poverty centre, advocate for affordable housing and other important issues through our partnership with Citizens UK and support the Forest Churches Emergency Night Shelter.

Our ancient building is the historic parish church of Walthamstow. People have worshipped here for nearly a thousand years - a great tradition we carry on, both on Sundays (8 am, 10. 30 am and 7 pm) and during the week (Wednesdays at 7. 30 pm).

All we do celebrates and explores life in response to God’s love. We believe Jesus offers real hope for our world, and whilst we don’t get everything right, we want to contribute to the good of all in our community in the way of Jesus.



Explore stillness and contemplation tonight (17th July) and every Wednesday, 7.30pm, at Vespers: 40 minutes of peace in #Walthamstow's ancient church and oldest building. Each Vespers gathering features two periods of silence, two pieces of music and a short reflection. Best of all, it's always free, always for everyone. #StMarysWalthamstow #ContemplativePrayer #InclusiveChurch #StTeresaOfAvila #E17


This Sunday 14th July, we'll have two services: an 8am communion led by Revd Adam Childs, and a 10.30am gathering with Adam leading and Revd Saffron Ryan from Hornchurch Parish speaking. Join us this Sunday at St Mary's, a church for the whole community where all are welcome, always. #Walthamstow #StMarysWalthamstow #E17 #InclusiveChurch #Anglican


Explore stillness and contemplation tonight (10th July) and every Wednesday, 7.30pm, at Vespers: 40 minutes of peace in #Walthamstow's ancient church and oldest building. Each Vespers gathering features two periods of silence, two pieces of music and a short reflection. Best of all, it's always free, always for everyone. #StMarysWalthamstow #ContemplativePrayer #InclusiveChurch #E17 #StJohnCassian


This Sunday 7th July, we'll share communion at both 8am with Revd Ade Eleyae presiding and at 10.30am with Revd Adam Childs leading and Revd Jill Mowbray speaking. Join us this Sunday at St Mary's, a church for the whole community where all are welcome, always. #Walthamstow #StMarysWalthamstow #E17 #InclusiveChurch #Anglican


Explore stillness and contemplation tonight (3rd July) and every Wednesday, 7.30pm, at Vespers: 40 minutes of peace in #Walthamstow's ancient church and oldest building. Each Vespers gathering features two periods of silence, two pieces of music and a short reflection. Best of all, it's always free, always for everyone. #StMarysWalthamstow #ContemplativePrayer #InclusiveChurch #E17


This Sunday 30th June, we'll have two services: an 8am communion with Revd Adam Childs presiding, and a 10.30am gathering with Adam leading and Rob Duddridge speaking. Join us this Sunday at St Mary's, a church for the whole community where all are welcome, always. #Walthamstow #StMarysWalthamstow #E17 #InclusiveChurch #Anglican


Such a brilliant project - do take a stroll round the churchyard and make sure to visit the pond! Thanks Walthamstow Village in Bloom team! #Walthamstow #StMarysWalthamstow


Explore stillness and contemplation tonight (26th June) and every Wednesday, 7.30pm, at Vespers: 40 minutes of peace in #Walthamstow's ancient church and oldest building. Each Vespers gathering features two periods of silence, two pieces of music and a short reflection. Best of all, it's always free, always for everyone. #StMarysWalthamstow #ContemplativePrayer #InclusiveChurch #E17 #StJohnCassian


This Sunday 23rd June, we'll have two services: an 8am communion led by Revd Ade Eleyae and a 10.30am 'all-age' service with all generations together led by Revd Adam Childs and his all-age team. Join us this Sunday at St Mary's, a church for the whole community where all are welcome, always. #Walthamstow #StMarysWalthamstow #E17 #InclusiveChurch #Anglican


Explore stillness and contemplation tonight (19th June) and every Wednesday, 7.30pm, at Vespers: 40 minutes of peace in #Walthamstow's ancient church and oldest building. Each Vespers gathering features two periods of silence, two pieces of music and a short reflection. Best of all, it's always free, always for everyone. #StMarysWalthamstow #ContemplativePrayer #InclusiveChurch #StJohnOfTheCross #E17


We're so thankful to partner with our friends at Walthamstow Village in Bloom in making Walthamstow a better place to live, and in making our churchyards wildlife-friendly and people-friendly. Many thanks also to our volunteer gardeners, and especially to head gardener Tim Hewitt, as well as to John Fairlamb, Jakob Hartmann, Helen Lerner and many others. We're hopeful that with future funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, we can do even more to engage local people in gardening and our natural environment. Here's hoping for a successful judging day!


Join us for this annual service - which this year will be held on Sunday 23rd June 2019 at 3pm - as we remember and give thanks for friends and family who have died recently or many years ago. All are welcome to join us for this special time of remembrance. #Walthamstow #StMarysWalthamstow #MemorialService #E17


Starting Rite is a baby-centred course that will run five Wednesdays beginning 19th June with fun activities for babies ages 0-1: singing, story-telling, bathing, baby massage and other multi-sensory play.
Register here:
The course is open to any parent/ carer of a baby, however there are only eight places per course so please get in touch via the link above if you are interested. The course is free of charge and tea and coffee will be served from ...9.30 am; sessions run from 10am -11.30 am, and the dates of the course are: 19th June / 26th June / 3rd July / 10th July / 17th July.
During our five-session course you and your baby will spend time playing, singing, splashing, cuddling and having fun together. We will also use these times of playful interaction to think about ways in which you can help your child understand more about God. For example:
• You may be asking yourself what church is about
• You may be thinking about having your child baptised, but would like to understand more
• You may be wondering about what values you would like your child to grow up with
• You may be interested in how to pray or talk about God with your child
Starting Rite helps you to think through and answer some of these questions. Do join us for this new course - all are welcome! #StMarysWalthamstow #Walthamstow #WalthamstowParents #E17 #WalthamstowVillage #baptism #Anglican #InclusiveChurch The Church of England Walthamstow Village
See More


On Sunday 16th June, we'll share communion at two services: at 8am with Revd Ade Eleyae presiding, and at 10.30am with Revd Adam Childs leading and Revd Elise Petersen from Chigwell Parish speaking. Join us this Sunday at St Mary's, a church for the whole community where all are welcome, always. #Walthamstow #StMarysWalthamstow #E17 #InclusiveChurch #Anglican


Explore stillness and contemplation tonight (12th June) and every Wednesday, 7.30pm, at Vespers: 40 minutes of peace in #Walthamstow's ancient church. Each Vespers gathering features two periods of silence, two pieces of music and a short reflection. Best of all, it's always free, always for everyone. #StMarysWalthamstow #ContemplativePrayer #InclusiveChurch #RSThomas #E17


On #Pentecost Sunday, 9th June, we'll have two services: an 8am communion led by Revd Adam Childs and a joyful 10.30am gathering with baptisms and re-affirmations of baptisms led by Adam with guest speaker Revd Robert Otule from St John's, Stratford. WF Citizens Living Wage trophy will be in the building and a chance to win a goodie bag! There will be cake and games! Join us this Sunday at St Mary's, a church for the whole community where all are welcome, always. #Walthamstow #StMarysWalthamstow #E17 #HolySpirit #InclusiveChurch #Anglican


On #Pentecost Sunday, 9th June, we'll have two services: an 8am communion led by Revd Adam Childs and a joyful 10.30am gathering with baptisms and re-affirmations of baptisms led by Adam with guest speaker Revd Robert Otule from St John's, Stratford. Join us this Sunday at St Mary's, a church for the whole community where all are welcome, always. #Walthamstow #StMarysWalthamstow #E17 #HolySpirit #InclusiveChurch #Anglican


Explore stillness and contemplation tonight (5th June) and every Wednesday, 7.30pm, at Vespers: 40 minutes of peace in #Walthamstow's ancient church. Each Vespers gathering features two periods of silence, two pieces of choral or instrumental music and a short reflection. Best of all, it's always free, always for everyone. #StMarysWalthamstow #E17 #InclusiveChurch #ContemplativePrayer #StCatherineOfSiena

More about St. Mary'S Church, Walthamstow