St Stephen'S, Canonbury

About St Stephen'S, Canonbury

exploring faith, sharing hope, growing in love

St Stephen'S, Canonbury Description

We are a local Christian community in Islington, part of the Anglican Church, aiming to know God better through Jesus and encounter him in worship, service, love for each other and those around us. Together we seek God’s kingdom, discovering it to be revealed as our daily lives interact with the Bible, the creeds, experience and tradition.



Every person here, let us pray and for all who are affected. NZ we pray with you 💙🙏🏼💙


Lord of light, in the darkness of this season open our eyes to the light of your presence. In our moments of joy and delight. In our moments of loneliness and isolation.... In our moments of pain and sadness. In our moments of exhaustion and weakness. As we travel the journey of life remind us that you have taken each step before us and that you walk each path beside us, lighting the way ahead. Open our eyes to your presence today, and make us watchful for your coming in glory, when we will know the joy of our journey’s end and find true fulfilment in your presence, for all eternity. Amen ying-together/
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Advent Services:
Sunday 2nd December – Advent Sunday 11am Confirmation service with RT Rev Ric Thorpe – Bishop of Islington 6.30pm Advent service of light with music, readings and candles
... Saturday 8th December 3pm Messy Advent Advent crafts and worship for all ages.
Sunday 9th December 11am Morning Worship – Songs of Advent – Isaiah’s Song 6.30pm Advent reflections
Sunday 16th December 11am Holy Communion – Songs of Advent – Mary’s Song 5pm Carols by Candlelight. A service for all the family. Children are invited to come dressed as nativity characters.
Sunday 23rd December 11am Morning Worship – Songs of Advent – Zechariah’s Song
Christmas Eve 4pm Family crib service A chance for all ages to look forward to the excitement of Christmas Day
Christmas Day 11am Christmas Celebration with Communion You are invited to bring something from your stocking to show
Contact the vicar, Rev John Beauchamp, to find out more about any of our services. – 020 7226 7526
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Advent and Christmas at St Stephen’s
Follow the Star
We wish you a special Advent and a happy and peaceful Christmas
... Through Advent we look forward to celebrating Christmas and invite you to join us at any of our services. Join us as we follow the star to Bethlehem and look for the Christ child.
Sunday 2nd December – Advent Sunday 11am Confirmation service with RT Rev Ric Thorpe – Bishop of Islington 6.30pm Advent service of light with music, readings and candles
Saturday 8th December 3pm Messy Advent Advent crafts and worship for all ages.
Sunday 9th December 11am Morning Worship – Songs of Advent – Isaiah’s Song 6.30pm Advent reflections
Sunday 16th December 11am Holy Communion – Songs of Advent – Mary’s Song 5pm Carols by Candlelight. A service for all the family. Children are invited to come dressed as nativity characters.
Sunday 23rd December 11am Morning Worship – Songs of Advent – Zechariah’s Song
Christmas Eve 4pm Family crib service A chance for all ages to look forward to the excitement of Christmas Day
Christmas Day 11am Christmas Celebration with Communion You are invited to bring something from your stocking to show
Contact the vicar, Rev John Beauchamp, to find out more about any of our services. – 020 7226 7526
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Coventry liturgy of reconciliation
Following the bombing of the mediaeval Cathedral in Coventry in 1940, Provost Howard had the words ‘Father Forgive’ inscribed on the wall behind the Altar of the ruined building. These words are used as the response in the Coventry Litany of Reconciliation, which is prayed in the new Cathedral every weekday at noon (in the Ruins on Fridays), and is used throughout the world by the Community of the Cross of Nails.
All have sinned and fallen ...short of the glory of God.
The hatred which divides nation from nation, race from race, class from class,
The covetous desires of people and nations to possess what is not their own,
The greed which exploits the work of human hands and lays waste the earth,
Our envy of the welfare and happiness of others,
Our indifference to the plight of the imprisoned, the homeless, the refugee,
The lust which dishonours the bodies of men, women and children,
The pride which leads us to trust in ourselves and not in God,
Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
The prayer for peace
Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth; lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust; lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe. ying-together/
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A map of the Parishioners who fell in the First World War. Lest we forget.


‪John Woolf and St Stephen’s Canonbury are looking into the history of those who fought and died in the First World War from our Parish - to commemorate it’s #centenary this November. Any #information on local families helpful.…/search-fo r-stories-behind-nam…


The Homeless Sunday prayer
Loving God in your house there is room for everyone. Help us as we strive for a world where everyone has a home that truly meets their needs.... Give us the grace to welcome strangers and refugees. Give us the insight to see where inequality hurts. Fill us with courage to do our part. Save us from being overwhelmed by the scale of the housing crisis, and show us, O Lord, where to begin. Amen ying-together/
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Thank you to Kathy Mohan, CEO of Housing Justice who spoke to us, along with The Manna’s Kate Moore on the topic of homelessness for #homelesssunday. Our prayers are with all those who cannot find rest today, whether housed or on our streets


Lord, you challenge us to be people of truth, living in truth amongst ourselves and speaking truth to the world. Pour into our hearts the salt of truth,... that we may set aside our selfish, sinful nature and bring the flavour of your kingdom into the church and the world. Preserve and renew your kingdom salt within us that we may live at peace with each other and challenge the way of the world, for the glory of your name. Amen ying-together/
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Almighty God, in Jesus you show us how to walk the path of humility and sacrifice as he did not cling onto his equality with you but made himself nothing. Show us what true humility means for us... and lead us to live as you command: “Whoever wants to be first must be the last And the servant of all.” May we serve each other and serve the world as Christ has served us, with humility and grace for all people; in Jesus name. Amen ying-together/
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Lord, your Word shares a vision of a world without barriers or borders, where each person sees in the other your image stamped at our heart, and your call to ‘love our neighbour’ shapes the world and our lives. In this increasingly divided world, and in our divided city,... inspire us to be ‘Good Samaritans’ for those we see in need. Give us the courage to bridge the divides and cross the borders, and bind up the wounds of those that society pushes to the edges. As your church and in our lives, may we rise to the challenge to love, and sow seeds of transformation on our streets, in our neighbourhoods and across our parish; in the name of the King of love, who draws all people to himself. Amen ying-together/
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Heavenly Father, we look with wonder as Jesus walked on water as he set out to fulfil your purpose and will in his calling to be Messiah and Christ. Help us to hear your calling in our lives... and not allow your voice to be drowned out by the restricting doubts and expectations of others. Give us the faith to defy expectation, that we may be able to walk on the water of other’s doubt, and respond to the call you place upon us, no matter how surprising and unexpected that may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ying-together/
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God of peace and love, we pray for this community, our city and the world. Where difference and ambition spark violence and hatred, pour out your Spirit of peace and love. Where pride and arrogance spark division and enmity,... pour out your Spirit of reconciliation and friendship. Where misunderstanding and fear spark rivalry and tension, pour out your Spirit of unity and grace. On this often violent and divided world pour out your Spirit of renewal and hope, that all people, near and far, young and old, wealthy and poor, powerful and powerless, can be united in the common striving for peace and fellowship; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ying-together/
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Lord, you tell us that the seeds of your kingdom are like mustard seeds, the smallest seeds from which the largest plants grow. Give us eyes to see the smallest kingdom seeds around us. that, when the world is oblivious to your presence,... we can rejoice as your kingdom grows here in this place. Help us to rejoice in the small things you give to us, and to nurture what is small that we may see the fruits of your kingdom grow amongst us here in St Stephen’s and in our parish; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ying-together/
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Lord of light, in a world so full of darkness and despair, show us how to be light. May the light of your love burn within us, that, in all we do and say,,... we may join you in your continuing work of redemption and healing for all people. May we as your church be a beacon of hope for all who walk in dark places, as we seek to share your kingdom light in our parish and beyond; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ying-together/
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Lord, your voice is a quiet whisper within the drowning noise of the world. Open our ears to hear your call, and make us ready to listen.... Speak Lord, for your servants are listening; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ying-together/
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More about St Stephen'S, Canonbury

St Stephen'S, Canonbury is located at 17 Canonbury Road, N1 2DF London, United Kingdom
020 7226 7526