Staines Fit Box

Monday: 06:00 - 21:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:30
Friday: 06:00 - 19:30
Saturday: 07:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Staines Fit Box

Personal Training Studio based in Staines-upon-Thames

Staines Fit Box Description

At Staines Fit Box, we pride ourselves on providing a superior service to all of our clients.
We develop their individual needs and tailor our workouts to progress them.

If your goal is to lose fat, gain muscle, get extremely fit, improve your flexibility, our proficient trainers will support you along the way.

We offer small group personal training, 1-1 personal training, body composition testing, dietary and nutritional guidance.

Come along for a free trial session today and see if you feel the difference! Email us. . .
'Think inside the box'



A few clips from Dan’s killer leg session tonight🔥
Only 3 exercises but 3 big exercises with a lot of working sets🏋🏽‍♂️
The highlight was a 145kg V-squat for 10 reps😳


Short on time? Supersets are the answer!
Supersets (two exercises back to back with no rest in between) these are great to use if you’re short on time or just want to minimise the time you spend in the gym!
You can do two exercises on the same muscle group or different muscles- depending on what you’re working that day!
... Superset benefits:
✅ More time efficient! ✅ More training volume in less time! ✅ More calories burnt! ✅ Increased strength! ✅ Improved fitness levels!
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Here’s some clips of our amazing clients at Staines and Weybridge Fitbox putting in some serious work!
To really see the changes you want in your body it’s so important that you push yourself! Most people struggle to step outside their comfort zone when they train and end up stuck in the same routine- making little to no progress.
We’re here to ensure that doesn’t happen! Every session you’ll be pushed out of your comfort zone (relative to your ability level) and you’ll be p...rogressing something in one way or another.
Note that nearly all of the videos shown are our clients weight training- you’ll get far better results focusing on weights as opposed to cardio!
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❌Skipping breakfast is bad- no, it’s simply not. It’s neither good or bad, it really doesn’t matter. It literally comes down to what suits the individual, as long as your overall daily calories are not over or under your target then it’s fine. If you can’t stomach breakfast in the mornings then don’t worry about it!
❌Light weight and high reps makes you lose weight and “toned” - no, whether you’re doing a set of 20 or a set of 5 you have to be pushing yoursel...f to the limit and the weight has to be as heavy as possible for that rep range but also remain safe by keeping good form. The weight has to be challenging for you otherwise your body won’t creative an adaptive response and will not change, go to complete failure at least a couple of times per session.
❌No carbs after 6pm- no, eat carbs whenever you want, again as long as you’re not going over your daily calorie target it won’t do you any harm at all. This myth has come from carbs being best absorbed pre and post workout, which is true so if you train in the mornings it might be worth having less carbs in the evening, if you train in the evenings then definitely eat carbs afterwards. It is being in a calorie surplus which makes you gain weight NOT EATING CARBS IN THE EVENING.
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Love getting messages like this👌🏻this Fitbox client has been training with us for 6 weeks now, in that time she’s dropped a few kilo’s, lost several inches off her waist and is fitting into sizes she’s never worn before!
This shows what a bit of consistency with training and diet over time can do for your body!


🤸🏻‍♀️🏋🏽‍♀️CIRCUIT CLASSES🏋🏽‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️
At Staines Fitbox we run a circuit class EVERY DAY!
They also come FREE with every membership!
... Here are the circuit class times:
MONDAY- 10:30am TUESDAY- 7:30pm WEDNESDAY- 10:30am THURSDAY- 7:30pm FRIDAY- 10:30am SATURDAY- 9am and 11am
We offer pay as you go for non members as well! Get in touch if you’d like to book in, but hurry as they’re getting booked up very quickly!
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After training/dieting for a while it is common to hit a plateau in your fat loss, this is when a good trainer/coach will make adjustments in order to ensure the client keeps progressing.
When it comes to speeding up the fat loss process we have 2 options:
1️⃣ Reduce calories further- meaning eating less food, furthering the deficit.
... 2️⃣ Increase exercise, not just workouts in the gym but could be exercise outside of that. Something as simple as taking your steps from 5,000 a day to 10,000 a day can make a huge difference and help break through that plateau. This will burn more calories day to day, again furthering the deficit.
A combination of the two will obviously be a great option, however we want to make sure that it is sustainable for you and your lifestyle, so don’t go too crazy with reducing calories and upping the exercise- it must be something that can be stuck to long term!
We will only ever make adjustments to training/ diet providing what we have set previously has been fully stuck to. Otherwise how do we know if it isn’t working anymore- this is where inexperienced trainers will panic and make adjustments anyway!
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These phrases, as personal trainers are something we have heard extremely often in our careers. “Toning” isn’t actually a thing. What people generally mean by “toning” is that they want their muscles to become more visible.
To achieve this you have to get lean enough for your muscles to show and you have to have built the muscle in the first place.
The way to get you this physique is to follow these two steps consistently over time:
... 1️⃣Sustained calorie deficit- this will get you lean so your muscles show.
2️⃣Regular resistance training- this will build the muscles you want to show and also further the calorie deficit which will help get you leaner.
If you want to speed up the process then you can either decrease calories or increase exercise e.g; more resistance training, additional cardio, increased steps per day. Need help getting lean? Book your free trial session📩📩
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Are you struggling to feel your back being worked?
Here’s 5 tips to ensure you’re feeling back movements where you should be as opposed to your biceps and forearms!
1️⃣ Ensure that you’re not slouching- keep the chest up high and pin the shoulders back on all movements.
... 2️⃣ Going heavy is good but only when you can contract the back! If the weight is so heavy that you’re losing form and can only feel it in your arms, just lighten the weight and perform the exercise correctly in order to feel it in the back.
3️⃣ Pause at the peak of the movement, this really makes you contract the back- Andrew is shown doing this in the video.
4️⃣ A slow eccentric phase (in this case the way down) of the exercise will go a long way when working the back.
5️⃣ Really focus on the muscle you’re trying to target- doing this and really thinking about using your back and getting it working will really help- the more you focus on it over a period of time the more natural it’ll feel to get the back working.
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1️⃣ Metabolically it is a lot better for you- you will burn more calories in the long run compared to cardio.
2️⃣ To stop yourself plateauing in every aspect, you must progress- it is far easier to progress weight training than it is cardio.
... 3️⃣ Doing a lot of cardio tends to cause bad posture, when weight training you can strengthen certain muscles in order to improve posture and your ability to function in day to day life.
4️⃣ The more muscle you carry, the more calories your body can cope with.
5️⃣ People who do a lot of cardio tend to eat away at the muscle they have and still carry stubborn body fat- weight training does the opposite.
6️⃣ As you grow older weight training is scientifically proven to keep your body healthier and stronger in many aspects and shows phenomenal results at doing so- a bit of cardio combined also has great benefits.
7️⃣ Your body gets used to cardio very easily and adjusts, with weight training as long as you’re progressing it won’t.
8️⃣ Weight training you can target weak areas/ parts of your body you dislike and build/ improve them- cardio you cannot.
In summary, most people can actually get in the shape they want to be in just by weight training regularly and through the right nutrition.
Cardio is not as important as people think and weight training is so underrated- you must train hard though!
Lifting weights properly a minimum of twice a week, combined with nutrition will have you seeing results, also hit 10,000 steps per day. If you’re doing all of those and don’t want to reduce calories further this is when extra cardio should be introduced- it’s a back up tool used to further the calorie deficit when needed!
If you have any questions on any of the points, please feel free to leave a comment!
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1️⃣ Compound movements should be prioritised.
2️⃣ Form over weight every time- the numbers don’t matter if form is rubbish.
3️⃣ Keep track of weights/ reps/ sets you’re doing especially on compound movements.
... 4️⃣ Progress something every session- weight, reps, slower tempo, more exercises, shorter rest etc.
5️⃣ Vary the sessions by all means, but never stray away from the basic movements.
6️⃣ “Stand proud” on every exercise- meaning chest up, back straight, shoulders down- this will make sure you’re contracting the targeted muscle.
7️⃣ If you want a muscle to grow quickly- train it a minimum of twice weekly.
8️⃣ Supersets, drop sets, giant sets and rest-pause sets are a great way of increasing intensity and breaking plateau’s.
9️⃣ Don’t go to failure on every single set, just a couple of times per body part in each session.
🔟 Train hard- put the effort in and the muscle will grow!
This is just training- nutrition plays a key role in building muscle as well! Combine the above whilst eating adequate protein and in a calorie surplus and you’ll build muscle in the most efficient way possible!
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At Staines Fitbox our main concept is a little different to the norm, our sessions are done in small groups with no more than 1 trainer to 3 clients. This is so that we can keep it personal, goal specific and more cost effective than traditional personal training, you’re effectively splitting the cost with people you don’t know.
We’re open ‪from 6am-9:30pm‬ ‪Monday- Thursday‬, on Fridays we close ‪at 7:30pm‬ and Saturdays we’ open ‪from 7am to 12‬.
There is no joining fee, no contract and we have 3 different types of memberships:
🥉Bronze (1 session a week)- £100 per month (£23 per hour)
🥈Silver (2 sessions a week)- £165 per month (£19 per hour)
🥇Gold (1 session a day)- £225 per month (£8.65 per hour)
🏆All memberships come with unlimited circuit classes🏆
🥩🥦Nutrition is covered in every membership as well🥦🥩
📩 Everyone is entitled to a free trial session so that you can fully experience how effective the concept is! Drop us a message to book yours in.
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This is a great tip that most people can take on board in order to simplify nutrition a lot for themselves!
Many people will tell you to focus on your protein, fat and carbohydrate intake, however this only becomes essential if you’re in a performance based sport or wanting to compete in bodybuilding etc. The majority of people can get in the exact shape that they want to if they keep their protein levels high and slowly reduce calories over time.
The amount of fats and carbs... people generally eat works out to be just fine- if fat loss is the goal and you’re hitting your protein target the numbers will work out okay.
A calorie deficit will always be the main priority for fat loss.
We have found this method to be extremely effective with our clients for improving their body composition. One of the main reasons it’s so effective is because it is realistic and easy to follow, therefore people will stick to it!
To find out how much protein and how many calories you should be eating, send us a message and we’ll work it out🤓
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🤸🏻‍♀️🏋🏽‍♀️CIRCUIT CLASSES🏋🏽‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️
At Staines Fitbox we run a circuit class EVERY DAY!
They also come FREE with every membership!
... Here are the circuit class times:
MONDAY- 10:30am TUESDAY- 7:30pm WEDNESDAY- 10:30am THURSDAY- 7:30pm FRIDAY- 10:30am SATURDAY- 9am and 11am
We offer pay as you go for non members as well! Get in touch if you’d like to book in, but hurry as they’re getting booked up very quickly!
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Sharon working hard in a leg session here! It’s so important to train your legs and it’s often a part of the body which is neglected.
Here’s just a few reasons you should be training legs:
🔥You’ll burn the most calories training legs- if you’re training hard enough that is.
... 🔥When training legs, most movements you’ll be working other muscles too.. core, back etc.
🔥Having strong legs and glutes will reduce the risk of picking up injuries drastically.
🔥Having strong legs makes day to day life a lot easier from a functional perspective.
🔥Having good legs is aesthetically pleasing.
That’s just a few of so many reasons to train legs! It may not be the most pleasant thing to do at the time, but you’ll feel great for it after.. then slightly sore for the next few days😈
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Many people use their age as an excuse to let themselves go and people often think that once you get past a certain age that you should stop exercising completely. This couldn’t be further from what you should do, as you age you should be remaining consistent with exercise.. That is if you want to stay healthy and feel younger that is!
Weight training in particular has phenomenal benefits as you age, here are just a few:
✅ Improved bone health... ✅ Increased mobility and functionality ✅ Improved hormonal environment ✅ Improved cognitive function and health ✅ Preserved metabolic rate ✅ Improved glucose control and nutrient sensitivity
Weight training benefits people of all ages and it’s never too late to start!
If you’ve never been to the gym before it can be quite daunting, that’s why at both of our gyms we’ve created an environment that’s friendly and not intimidating in the slightest! We aim to make you feel welcome and let you enjoy the sessions whilst achieving your goals.
If you’re interested in either Staines or Weybridge Fitbox you’re entitled to book a free trial session to see what it’s all about! Just drop us a message and we’ll get you booked in📩
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Here’s a very useful tip when performing the Romanian deadlift- put two plates underneath your toes.
By doing this you’re forced to feel the weight in the heels which will put way more emphasis on the hamstrings.
... Often people do this exercise and they don’t feel it where they should be feeling it! Follow these steps and your hamstrings will be feeling it for sure🔥
✅ Toes pulled up or on plates as demonstrated. ✅ Keep soft knees throughout the movement- don’t bend too much as you go down, you’ll lose the stretch. ✅ Have a slight pause at the bottom where the hamstrings are stretching. ✅ As soon as the bar begins the upward phase ensure glutes are engaged and that you’re thrusting forward.
There are many other teaching points, however those are the main ones, if you’re struggling to feel it in your hamstrings- ensure you’re doing all of the above and you will.
Another useful tip for those of you with flexible hamstrings is to use smaller plates on the bar, this will allow you to go lower and get more of a stretch in the hamstring.
Maintain good form, go slowly on the way down and progress the weight/ reps over time and your hamstrings, glutes and back will develop nicely!
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We’re looking to hire a personal trainer for 22-35 hours a week. Must be able to train small groups as well as 1-1. Hourly rate will depend upon experience. Email CV’s to:


Your not going to find better trainers elsewhere, trust me I have tried. Top work lads


Went to the 1730 session with David..2hrs after the session finished I am having trouble walking, tomorrow is going to be worse . It is the best gym by far you can go to


Such an awesome place i was so nervous about being in a gym they have really made me feel welcome and such great value for money


Stephen Gray is a fantastic trainer. Great space. Can highly recommend if you are looking to get fit and need a positive and constructive trainers with a wealth of knowledge.


I find that I get a better workout at staines fitbox and the boys make hard work but results are worth the push and pain they make you do. So 10 out 10 the best place to go to get amazing results. Thanks guys☺


I can't thank the team enough on how confident I am to walk in and do a session. Fitbox literally triumph over any other gym I've been to. Great value for money in a fun and comfortable environment ����

More about Staines Fit Box

Staines Fit Box is located at 1st Floor Chiltern House, Drake Avenue, TW18 2AW Staines, United Kingdom
01784 559709
Monday: 06:00 - 21:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:30
Friday: 06:00 - 19:30
Saturday: 07:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -