Step Function

About Step Function

Educating the next generation of Data Analysts and Python Programmers

Step Function Description

Considering a lucrative, fulfilling and varied career in data science?

Our 6 week hands-on course will get you exactly where you need to be: in front of high-paying employers, skilled up in the areas that really matter, with a dazzling portfolio of practical experience under your belt.

Small class sizes and a hands-on approach aren't all that set us apart! We are also passionate about expert career coaching; committed to matching every student with the right employer upon graduation.

Keen to learn more? Connect with us today by hitting the sign up button above! Or head over to our website for more info and a copy of our prospectus.

More about Step Function

Step Function is located at King William House, 2A, Eastcheap, EC3M 1AE London, United Kingdom