
Monday: 06:15 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:15 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:15 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:15 - 20:30
Friday: 06:16 - 20:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:30
Sunday: 09:00 - 14:30

About Sweat

SWEAT is the UK's leading semi private personal training facilities. Results based training at its finest.



Big day coming up. Watch. This. Space. рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹҘі


6 weeks and a whopping 6% body fat loss! рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹҘірҹҘір ҹҘірҹҘірҹҘі


рҹ’Ҙboom рҹ‘Җ 7.8% body fat down and 5kg of total weight рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ


Coming soon вҸ° #wheyprotein #bcca #supplements #supplementsthatwork #fuelsupplements #canarywharf


There is NEVER the right time. Get it done рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ


рҹҷҢрҹҸ» you know!


WhatвҖҷs your fav? рҹӨ”


Calling all SWEAT members рҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘір ҹҘірҹҘірҹҘі


LetвҖҷs make 2019 one to remember рҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘірҹҘі


Tom@smashing his 6 week program!
рҹ‘үрҹҸјdown 7kg in weight рҹ‘үрҹҸјdown 6.1% body fat
... 6 weeks and 18 sessions.... YUS!!! рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪвң…
See More


SWEAT Christmas Games Saturday 15th December 10am! #noachenocake #sweatclubs


Rahana smashing her training after just 4 weeks рҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ‘ҸрҹҸј keep up that hard work as itвҖҷs paying off! рҹ’ғрҹҸ»рҹ’ғрҹҸ»рҹ’ғрҹҸ»


Ranak smashing his 4 week program! -6.1% body fat in 4 weeks рҹҳ® рҹҳҜ рҹҳІ amazing!!!!


Shout out to all of our SWEAT games crew last weekend рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪвңҢрҹҸјвңҢрҹҸјвңҢ рҹҸјвңҢрҹҸј


Finishing off 6 weeks with a 7.5% body fat drop.... smashing the target! Well done Liz рҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹ‘ҸрҹҸјрҹҳҒрҹҳҒр ҹҳҒрҹҳҒрҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙ


Massive shout out to Kate who 2 weeks into her program and just 6 sessions in his smashing her training! #sweat #canarywharf


SWEAT squad рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹӨӘрҹӨӘрҹӨӘрҹӨӘ #sweat


Lunchtime massive crew working up a #sweat @sweatclubs рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹӨ©рҹӨ©рҹӨ©рҹӨ©р ҹӨ©рҹӨ©


Big shout out to Krystal who is down 4.5kg in just 4 weeks рҹҷҢрҹҸ» Hard work and #sweat paying off рҹ‘ҠрҹҸј


This place is the real deal if you are ready for change, great facility, great trainers and the nest 6 week program I have ever done #Respect


The SWEAT team is great. I have managed to lose 6.6% of body fat during their 6 weeks challenge, I lost 5kg of total weight but also gained 2kg of muscles which means I lost 7kg of pure fat!!! Important is to come to the sessions three times per week and follow their nutritionist advices, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and the results will come. Really there is no philosophy your body needs certain number of calories when you are not doing anything, if you create a calorie deficit (input less per day than you are spending during trainings and other activity) you will inevitably lose weight пҝҪ The team at SWEAT will measure that for you. Highly recommended! Good luck ;)


Thank you for the great facility and all the support highly recommend!


No fuss, straight to the point, brilliant for those who wouldnвҖҷt know what to do without guidance. This enterprise creates true value for the customer.


Loved every minute of my Six week challenge. Not at the time, because I was to tired, but once itвҖҷs done you feel good. :)The trainers worked us hard, but enjoyed every single bit. Listen to what they have to say about eating habits and you will smash you goal out of the park!

Now to continue the work!


Lost 8.1% body fat and 15 years off my metabolic age in 6 weeks! What else do I need to say? My experience with SWEAT gym has been really positive. The trainers are knowledgeable supportive and very friendly and as it is a small niche gym you get to know everyone pretty quickly and don't get that 'i shouldn't be here's feeling' that you get at some larger gyms. The challenge is designed around a strict regime of 3 training sessions per week with a maximum of 10 people. Every session I went to varied in the combination of exercises which kept it challenging and interesting. Using the recipe book was a must for me and I now regularly bulk cook the chilli and chicken rice pepper pot for the freezer for when I am in a rush or don't feel like cooking. The fruit and nut porridge has also become a favourite. I also cannot recommend using myfitness pal enough to log your food and ensure you are maintaing the right balance of carbs, healthy fats and proteins.

Basically I would highly recommend this to anyone who needs to re-energise their health and fitness routine and get incredible results in just 6 weeks!!

Thank you SWEAT - this challenge has been incredible for me and I definitely will not be going back to my old ways!


I was big with 120 kg, been to couple of gyms, tried personal trainer, had injuries and gave up nothing happened.

Then I met Sweat. Perfect place for training. Perfect diet plans. Ideas . Very friendly people who treats like family. Always come up with something new form of exercises that help improving body and mind.

Thank you LIZ, MUSTY, NOAH, SARAH, SAM and JOE . YOU showed us the way to improve lifestyle and how to train fit.

I am 68 kg now and can my muscle popping out. It takes time but with this intense workout it's getting in shape..good results ..Thank you once.

I do recommend people should try Sweat at least for a month .

Rizzi Minaj.


I know it's the best gym because the manager is my dearest sweet friend Liz , you have made us all so proud this year you are a star ! A bit if Sweat makes us all feel better X


I joined sweat around 4months ago after losing my motivation and enjoyment of my gym and exercise in general.

Since joining SWEAt This has all changed.

The classes are challenging, always different, fun and most importantly motivating.

IвҖҷve lost 5.4% body fat, inches off my body, I look and feel better and my friends are noticing the difference.

I dont live or work nearby but I can drive and park there so I make the effortпҝҪ

If your looking for something a bit different and Tailored to your needs this is the place for you.


I have successfully completed the Sweat 6 Week Challenge and massive thanks to the team at Sweat for helping me through it. Having exercised very little in 2017, I went in to the experience under no illusions that it would be tough. Having to commit to 3 sessions a week was just what I needed to ensure I was working hard regularly, when normally IвҖҷd make excuses to avoid the gym.

This experience instilled the discipline and focus that I needed to get myself in to shape, through regular workouts, a sensible diet and all round focus on my general well-being, something I know for sure I would not have had elsewhere.

The team take an interest in you and are a great bunch who help make the gruelling workouts enjoyable.

I started the challenge at 25% body fat and 89kg, and ended losing 6% body fat, as well as adding muscle mass - so a totally successful experience!


I have recently completed the 6 week challenge and have enjoyed every second of it. SWEAT club is nothing like I have experienced before, gyms I have been to in the past are unwelcoming with limited direction and zero encouragement and SWEAT is the exact opposite. I have learnt so much from the instructors, not just about what I should be doing in the gym but also outside of the the gym. The sessions are varied and keeps you on your toes and I have managed to achieve the body fat loss I was aiming for because of joining SWEAT. Overall I have had a great experience and would recommend it to anyone!


I have never has such quick and visible results at a gym as I did at SWEAT. I lost 11 pounds in just 6 weeks (!) and I am fitter than ever before. These "gains" are due to to the short but tough group work-outs that are given by 1 or 2 fitness instructors. Because the groups are small it's almost like personal training; you don't get a chance to do an exercise with bad posture. The instructors are also always there for everyone to give advice about exercise and nutrition.

I'm glad I've signed up and will continue using everything I've learned!


I finished my 6 week challeng and I never been so proud of my self, feeling my strength growing up day by day at the same time I was having fun and the result are visible so fast so you get motivated even more.

The team is great helping you with all your doubts about feeding, making you do the exercises correctly and pushing yourself.

Thank to them is the first time I'm not getting bored at the gym, every day was different working out all the muscles so basically you do not need to go more than 3 times per week, at least something very important for my because I have not much free time.

I would recommend this gym to anyone.


Honestly if I can do this anyone can!!

Thank you Sweat clubs for the last 6 weeks your encouragement has been amazing

Ask anyone of my friends I was not someone who went to the gym or classes. The main reason was I was scared of looking stupid because I just had no idea what to do other than run on a treadmill (and even then I wasnвҖҷt sure if I was doing that right), the other reason was just laziness, making excuses and the fact I would rather go out with my friends for a drink

I canвҖҷt say this challenge is easy but itвҖҷs possible

The things I did to make it work were that...

1. I made the decision to commit to it fully

2. Followed a healthy eating plan to fuel my body correctly and support my workouts

3. Attended 3 classes at Sweat a week

4. Drank plenty of water

5. Believed I could do it

I needed to make a change and thatвҖҷs exactly what the six week challenge has made me do

IвҖҷve even built some upper body strength that IвҖҷve never had before.

Ask any of the trainers at Sweat who asked me to do a press-up in the first couple of weeks, I gave it a go but IвҖҷm not sure they were impressed (they had to keep making the exercise easier to give me half a chance of doing it)

IвҖҷve genuinely learnt so much through the programme and the trainers have pushed me where their felt I could do more. They are so supportive and keep you going, offering advice when I asked.

I would recommend SweatвҖҷs six week challenge to anyone

ItвҖҷs the best thing I have done for myself in a long time to actively improve my health and fitness


Great place to get motivated with a fantastic team.. Without sounding cliche it's for real people of all levels who are driven to get fit. I have never religiously been to any gym/personal training prior to this and am now heading into month 3! Considerably cheaper than local competition for personal/semi personal training. Brilliant results with bang for your buck!


Great atmosphere, knowledgeable staff, results focused with each client's needs at the very heart of what they do. Love this place and if you need results - don't even think twice!! пҝҪ


Fantastic team who motivate individuals to achieve their personal goals. Very friendly and supportive environment with focus on technique and nutrition as well as working hard in HIIT sessions which vary each day. Definitely a good investment in yourself.


Came here to train with oscar! Not only has my body changed because of his knowledge! But he has helped me with my diets and motivated me! I owe this guy so much


Came here to train with Rumena - one of the best decisions I've made after working with trainers who were not as professional or dedicated. I'm finally starting to see some real results after training with her!


This place is the real deal if you are ready for change, great facility, great trainers and the nest 6 week program I have ever done #Respect


The SWEAT team is great. I have managed to lose 6.6% of body fat during their 6 weeks challenge, I lost 5kg of total weight but also gained 2kg of muscles which means I lost 7kg of pure fat!!! Important is to come to the sessions three times per week and follow their nutritionist advices, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and the results will come. Really there is no philosophy your body needs certain number of calories when you are not doing anything, if you create a calorie deficit (input less per day than you are spending during trainings and other activity) you will inevitably lose weight пҝҪ The team at SWEAT will measure that for you. Highly recommended! Good luck ;)


Thank you for the great facility and all the support highly recommend!


No fuss, straight to the point, brilliant for those who wouldnвҖҷt know what to do without guidance. This enterprise creates true value for the customer.


Loved every minute of my Six week challenge. Not at the time, because I was to tired, but once itвҖҷs done you feel good. :)The trainers worked us hard, but enjoyed every single bit. Listen to what they have to say about eating habits and you will smash you goal out of the park!

Now to continue the work!


Lost 8.1% body fat and 15 years off my metabolic age in 6 weeks! What else do I need to say? My experience with SWEAT gym has been really positive. The trainers are knowledgeable supportive and very friendly and as it is a small niche gym you get to know everyone pretty quickly and don't get that 'i shouldn't be here's feeling' that you get at some larger gyms. The challenge is designed around a strict regime of 3 training sessions per week with a maximum of 10 people. Every session I went to varied in the combination of exercises which kept it challenging and interesting. Using the recipe book was a must for me and I now regularly bulk cook the chilli and chicken rice pepper pot for the freezer for when I am in a rush or don't feel like cooking. The fruit and nut porridge has also become a favourite. I also cannot recommend using myfitness pal enough to log your food and ensure you are maintaing the right balance of carbs, healthy fats and proteins.

Basically I would highly recommend this to anyone who needs to re-energise their health and fitness routine and get incredible results in just 6 weeks!!

Thank you SWEAT - this challenge has been incredible for me and I definitely will not be going back to my old ways!


I was big with 120 kg, been to couple of gyms, tried personal trainer, had injuries and gave up nothing happened.

Then I met Sweat. Perfect place for training. Perfect diet plans. Ideas . Very friendly people who treats like family. Always come up with something new form of exercises that help improving body and mind.

Thank you LIZ, MUSTY, NOAH, SARAH, SAM and JOE . YOU showed us the way to improve lifestyle and how to train fit.

I am 68 kg now and can my muscle popping out. It takes time but with this intense workout it's getting in shape..good results ..Thank you once.

I do recommend people should try Sweat at least for a month .

Rizzi Minaj.


I know it's the best gym because the manager is my dearest sweet friend Liz , you have made us all so proud this year you are a star ! A bit if Sweat makes us all feel better X


I joined sweat around 4months ago after losing my motivation and enjoyment of my gym and exercise in general.

Since joining SWEAt This has all changed.

The classes are challenging, always different, fun and most importantly motivating.

IвҖҷve lost 5.4% body fat, inches off my body, I look and feel better and my friends are noticing the difference.

I dont live or work nearby but I can drive and park there so I make the effortпҝҪ

If your looking for something a bit different and Tailored to your needs this is the place for you.


I have successfully completed the Sweat 6 Week Challenge and massive thanks to the team at Sweat for helping me through it. Having exercised very little in 2017, I went in to the experience under no illusions that it would be tough. Having to commit to 3 sessions a week was just what I needed to ensure I was working hard regularly, when normally IвҖҷd make excuses to avoid the gym.

This experience instilled the discipline and focus that I needed to get myself in to shape, through regular workouts, a sensible diet and all round focus on my general well-being, something I know for sure I would not have had elsewhere.

The team take an interest in you and are a great bunch who help make the gruelling workouts enjoyable.

I started the challenge at 25% body fat and 89kg, and ended losing 6% body fat, as well as adding muscle mass - so a totally successful experience!


I have recently completed the 6 week challenge and have enjoyed every second of it. SWEAT club is nothing like I have experienced before, gyms I have been to in the past are unwelcoming with limited direction and zero encouragement and SWEAT is the exact opposite. I have learnt so much from the instructors, not just about what I should be doing in the gym but also outside of the the gym. The sessions are varied and keeps you on your toes and I have managed to achieve the body fat loss I was aiming for because of joining SWEAT. Overall I have had a great experience and would recommend it to anyone!


I have never has such quick and visible results at a gym as I did at SWEAT. I lost 11 pounds in just 6 weeks (!) and I am fitter than ever before. These "gains" are due to to the short but tough group work-outs that are given by 1 or 2 fitness instructors. Because the groups are small it's almost like personal training; you don't get a chance to do an exercise with bad posture. The instructors are also always there for everyone to give advice about exercise and nutrition.

I'm glad I've signed up and will continue using everything I've learned!


I finished my 6 week challeng and I never been so proud of my self, feeling my strength growing up day by day at the same time I was having fun and the result are visible so fast so you get motivated even more.

The team is great helping you with all your doubts about feeding, making you do the exercises correctly and pushing yourself.

Thank to them is the first time I'm not getting bored at the gym, every day was different working out all the muscles so basically you do not need to go more than 3 times per week, at least something very important for my because I have not much free time.

I would recommend this gym to anyone.


Honestly if I can do this anyone can!!

Thank you Sweat clubs for the last 6 weeks your encouragement has been amazing

Ask anyone of my friends I was not someone who went to the gym or classes. The main reason was I was scared of looking stupid because I just had no idea what to do other than run on a treadmill (and even then I wasnвҖҷt sure if I was doing that right), the other reason was just laziness, making excuses and the fact I would rather go out with my friends for a drink

I canвҖҷt say this challenge is easy but itвҖҷs possible

The things I did to make it work were that...

1. I made the decision to commit to it fully

2. Followed a healthy eating plan to fuel my body correctly and support my workouts

3. Attended 3 classes at Sweat a week

4. Drank plenty of water

5. Believed I could do it

I needed to make a change and thatвҖҷs exactly what the six week challenge has made me do

IвҖҷve even built some upper body strength that IвҖҷve never had before.

Ask any of the trainers at Sweat who asked me to do a press-up in the first couple of weeks, I gave it a go but IвҖҷm not sure they were impressed (they had to keep making the exercise easier to give me half a chance of doing it)

IвҖҷve genuinely learnt so much through the programme and the trainers have pushed me where their felt I could do more. They are so supportive and keep you going, offering advice when I asked.

I would recommend SweatвҖҷs six week challenge to anyone

ItвҖҷs the best thing I have done for myself in a long time to actively improve my health and fitness


Great place to get motivated with a fantastic team.. Without sounding cliche it's for real people of all levels who are driven to get fit. I have never religiously been to any gym/personal training prior to this and am now heading into month 3! Considerably cheaper than local competition for personal/semi personal training. Brilliant results with bang for your buck!


Great atmosphere, knowledgeable staff, results focused with each client's needs at the very heart of what they do. Love this place and if you need results - don't even think twice!! пҝҪ


Fantastic team who motivate individuals to achieve their personal goals. Very friendly and supportive environment with focus on technique and nutrition as well as working hard in HIIT sessions which vary each day. Definitely a good investment in yourself.


Came here to train with oscar! Not only has my body changed because of his knowledge! But he has helped me with my diets and motivated me! I owe this guy so much


Came here to train with Rumena - one of the best decisions I've made after working with trainers who were not as professional or dedicated. I'm finally starting to see some real results after training with her!


This place is the real deal if you are ready for change, great facility, great trainers and the nest 6 week program I have ever done #Respect


The SWEAT team is great. I have managed to lose 6.6% of body fat during their 6 weeks challenge, I lost 5kg of total weight but also gained 2kg of muscles which means I lost 7kg of pure fat!!! Important is to come to the sessions three times per week and follow their nutritionist advices, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and the results will come. Really there is no philosophy your body needs certain number of calories when you are not doing anything, if you create a calorie deficit (input less per day than you are spending during trainings and other activity) you will inevitably lose weight пҝҪ The team at SWEAT will measure that for you. Highly recommended! Good luck ;)


Thank you for the great facility and all the support highly recommend!


No fuss, straight to the point, brilliant for those who wouldnвҖҷt know what to do without guidance. This enterprise creates true value for the customer.


Loved every minute of my Six week challenge. Not at the time, because I was to tired, but once itвҖҷs done you feel good. :)The trainers worked us hard, but enjoyed every single bit. Listen to what they have to say about eating habits and you will smash you goal out of the park!

Now to continue the work!


Lost 8.1% body fat and 15 years off my metabolic age in 6 weeks! What else do I need to say? My experience with SWEAT gym has been really positive. The trainers are knowledgeable supportive and very friendly and as it is a small niche gym you get to know everyone pretty quickly and don't get that 'i shouldn't be here's feeling' that you get at some larger gyms. The challenge is designed around a strict regime of 3 training sessions per week with a maximum of 10 people. Every session I went to varied in the combination of exercises which kept it challenging and interesting. Using the recipe book was a must for me and I now regularly bulk cook the chilli and chicken rice pepper pot for the freezer for when I am in a rush or don't feel like cooking. The fruit and nut porridge has also become a favourite. I also cannot recommend using myfitness pal enough to log your food and ensure you are maintaing the right balance of carbs, healthy fats and proteins.

Basically I would highly recommend this to anyone who needs to re-energise their health and fitness routine and get incredible results in just 6 weeks!!

Thank you SWEAT - this challenge has been incredible for me and I definitely will not be going back to my old ways!


I was big with 120 kg, been to couple of gyms, tried personal trainer, had injuries and gave up nothing happened.

Then I met Sweat. Perfect place for training. Perfect diet plans. Ideas . Very friendly people who treats like family. Always come up with something new form of exercises that help improving body and mind.

Thank you LIZ, MUSTY, NOAH, SARAH, SAM and JOE . YOU showed us the way to improve lifestyle and how to train fit.

I am 68 kg now and can my muscle popping out. It takes time but with this intense workout it's getting in shape..good results ..Thank you once.

I do recommend people should try Sweat at least for a month .

Rizzi Minaj.


I know it's the best gym because the manager is my dearest sweet friend Liz , you have made us all so proud this year you are a star ! A bit if Sweat makes us all feel better X


I joined sweat around 4months ago after losing my motivation and enjoyment of my gym and exercise in general.

Since joining SWEAt This has all changed.

The classes are challenging, always different, fun and most importantly motivating.

IвҖҷve lost 5.4% body fat, inches off my body, I look and feel better and my friends are noticing the difference.

I dont live or work nearby but I can drive and park there so I make the effortпҝҪ

If your looking for something a bit different and Tailored to your needs this is the place for you.


I have successfully completed the Sweat 6 Week Challenge and massive thanks to the team at Sweat for helping me through it. Having exercised very little in 2017, I went in to the experience under no illusions that it would be tough. Having to commit to 3 sessions a week was just what I needed to ensure I was working hard regularly, when normally IвҖҷd make excuses to avoid the gym.

This experience instilled the discipline and focus that I needed to get myself in to shape, through regular workouts, a sensible diet and all round focus on my general well-being, something I know for sure I would not have had elsewhere.

The team take an interest in you and are a great bunch who help make the gruelling workouts enjoyable.

I started the challenge at 25% body fat and 89kg, and ended losing 6% body fat, as well as adding muscle mass - so a totally successful experience!


I have recently completed the 6 week challenge and have enjoyed every second of it. SWEAT club is nothing like I have experienced before, gyms I have been to in the past are unwelcoming with limited direction and zero encouragement and SWEAT is the exact opposite. I have learnt so much from the instructors, not just about what I should be doing in the gym but also outside of the the gym. The sessions are varied and keeps you on your toes and I have managed to achieve the body fat loss I was aiming for because of joining SWEAT. Overall I have had a great experience and would recommend it to anyone!


I have never has such quick and visible results at a gym as I did at SWEAT. I lost 11 pounds in just 6 weeks (!) and I am fitter than ever before. These "gains" are due to to the short but tough group work-outs that are given by 1 or 2 fitness instructors. Because the groups are small it's almost like personal training; you don't get a chance to do an exercise with bad posture. The instructors are also always there for everyone to give advice about exercise and nutrition.

I'm glad I've signed up and will continue using everything I've learned!


I finished my 6 week challeng and I never been so proud of my self, feeling my strength growing up day by day at the same time I was having fun and the result are visible so fast so you get motivated even more.

The team is great helping you with all your doubts about feeding, making you do the exercises correctly and pushing yourself.

Thank to them is the first time I'm not getting bored at the gym, every day was different working out all the muscles so basically you do not need to go more than 3 times per week, at least something very important for my because I have not much free time.

I would recommend this gym to anyone.


Honestly if I can do this anyone can!!

Thank you Sweat clubs for the last 6 weeks your encouragement has been amazing

Ask anyone of my friends I was not someone who went to the gym or classes. The main reason was I was scared of looking stupid because I just had no idea what to do other than run on a treadmill (and even then I wasnвҖҷt sure if I was doing that right), the other reason was just laziness, making excuses and the fact I would rather go out with my friends for a drink

I canвҖҷt say this challenge is easy but itвҖҷs possible

The things I did to make it work were that...

1. I made the decision to commit to it fully

2. Followed a healthy eating plan to fuel my body correctly and support my workouts

3. Attended 3 classes at Sweat a week

4. Drank plenty of water

5. Believed I could do it

I needed to make a change and thatвҖҷs exactly what the six week challenge has made me do

IвҖҷve even built some upper body strength that IвҖҷve never had before.

Ask any of the trainers at Sweat who asked me to do a press-up in the first couple of weeks, I gave it a go but IвҖҷm not sure they were impressed (they had to keep making the exercise easier to give me half a chance of doing it)

IвҖҷve genuinely learnt so much through the programme and the trainers have pushed me where their felt I could do more. They are so supportive and keep you going, offering advice when I asked.

I would recommend SweatвҖҷs six week challenge to anyone

ItвҖҷs the best thing I have done for myself in a long time to actively improve my health and fitness


Great place to get motivated with a fantastic team.. Without sounding cliche it's for real people of all levels who are driven to get fit. I have never religiously been to any gym/personal training prior to this and am now heading into month 3! Considerably cheaper than local competition for personal/semi personal training. Brilliant results with bang for your buck!


Great atmosphere, knowledgeable staff, results focused with each client's needs at the very heart of what they do. Love this place and if you need results - don't even think twice!! пҝҪ


Fantastic team who motivate individuals to achieve their personal goals. Very friendly and supportive environment with focus on technique and nutrition as well as working hard in HIIT sessions which vary each day. Definitely a good investment in yourself.


Came here to train with oscar! Not only has my body changed because of his knowledge! But he has helped me with my diets and motivated me! I owe this guy so much


Came here to train with Rumena - one of the best decisions I've made after working with trainers who were not as professional or dedicated. I'm finally starting to see some real results after training with her!


This place is the real deal if you are ready for change, great facility, great trainers and the nest 6 week program I have ever done #Respect


The SWEAT team is great. I have managed to lose 6.6% of body fat during their 6 weeks challenge, I lost 5kg of total weight but also gained 2kg of muscles which means I lost 7kg of pure fat!!! Important is to come to the sessions three times per week and follow their nutritionist advices, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and the results will come. Really there is no philosophy your body needs certain number of calories when you are not doing anything, if you create a calorie deficit (input less per day than you are spending during trainings and other activity) you will inevitably lose weight пҝҪ The team at SWEAT will measure that for you. Highly recommended! Good luck ;)


Thank you for the great facility and all the support highly recommend!


No fuss, straight to the point, brilliant for those who wouldnвҖҷt know what to do without guidance. This enterprise creates true value for the customer.


Loved every minute of my Six week challenge. Not at the time, because I was to tired, but once itвҖҷs done you feel good. :)The trainers worked us hard, but enjoyed every single bit. Listen to what they have to say about eating habits and you will smash you goal out of the park!

Now to continue the work!


Lost 8.1% body fat and 15 years off my metabolic age in 6 weeks! What else do I need to say? My experience with SWEAT gym has been really positive. The trainers are knowledgeable supportive and very friendly and as it is a small niche gym you get to know everyone pretty quickly and don't get that 'i shouldn't be here's feeling' that you get at some larger gyms. The challenge is designed around a strict regime of 3 training sessions per week with a maximum of 10 people. Every session I went to varied in the combination of exercises which kept it challenging and interesting. Using the recipe book was a must for me and I now regularly bulk cook the chilli and chicken rice pepper pot for the freezer for when I am in a rush or don't feel like cooking. The fruit and nut porridge has also become a favourite. I also cannot recommend using myfitness pal enough to log your food and ensure you are maintaing the right balance of carbs, healthy fats and proteins.

Basically I would highly recommend this to anyone who needs to re-energise their health and fitness routine and get incredible results in just 6 weeks!!

Thank you SWEAT - this challenge has been incredible for me and I definitely will not be going back to my old ways!


I was big with 120 kg, been to couple of gyms, tried personal trainer, had injuries and gave up nothing happened.

Then I met Sweat. Perfect place for training. Perfect diet plans. Ideas . Very friendly people who treats like family. Always come up with something new form of exercises that help improving body and mind.

Thank you LIZ, MUSTY, NOAH, SARAH, SAM and JOE . YOU showed us the way to improve lifestyle and how to train fit.

I am 68 kg now and can my muscle popping out. It takes time but with this intense workout it's getting in shape..good results ..Thank you once.

I do recommend people should try Sweat at least for a month .

Rizzi Minaj.


I know it's the best gym because the manager is my dearest sweet friend Liz , you have made us all so proud this year you are a star ! A bit if Sweat makes us all feel better X


I joined sweat around 4months ago after losing my motivation and enjoyment of my gym and exercise in general.

Since joining SWEAt This has all changed.

The classes are challenging, always different, fun and most importantly motivating.

IвҖҷve lost 5.4% body fat, inches off my body, I look and feel better and my friends are noticing the difference.

I dont live or work nearby but I can drive and park there so I make the effortпҝҪ

If your looking for something a bit different and Tailored to your needs this is the place for you.


I have successfully completed the Sweat 6 Week Challenge and massive thanks to the team at Sweat for helping me through it. Having exercised very little in 2017, I went in to the experience under no illusions that it would be tough. Having to commit to 3 sessions a week was just what I needed to ensure I was working hard regularly, when normally IвҖҷd make excuses to avoid the gym.

This experience instilled the discipline and focus that I needed to get myself in to shape, through regular workouts, a sensible diet and all round focus on my general well-being, something I know for sure I would not have had elsewhere.

The team take an interest in you and are a great bunch who help make the gruelling workouts enjoyable.

I started the challenge at 25% body fat and 89kg, and ended losing 6% body fat, as well as adding muscle mass - so a totally successful experience!


I have recently completed the 6 week challenge and have enjoyed every second of it. SWEAT club is nothing like I have experienced before, gyms I have been to in the past are unwelcoming with limited direction and zero encouragement and SWEAT is the exact opposite. I have learnt so much from the instructors, not just about what I should be doing in the gym but also outside of the the gym. The sessions are varied and keeps you on your toes and I have managed to achieve the body fat loss I was aiming for because of joining SWEAT. Overall I have had a great experience and would recommend it to anyone!


I have never has such quick and visible results at a gym as I did at SWEAT. I lost 11 pounds in just 6 weeks (!) and I am fitter than ever before. These "gains" are due to to the short but tough group work-outs that are given by 1 or 2 fitness instructors. Because the groups are small it's almost like personal training; you don't get a chance to do an exercise with bad posture. The instructors are also always there for everyone to give advice about exercise and nutrition.

I'm glad I've signed up and will continue using everything I've learned!


I finished my 6 week challeng and I never been so proud of my self, feeling my strength growing up day by day at the same time I was having fun and the result are visible so fast so you get motivated even more.

The team is great helping you with all your doubts about feeding, making you do the exercises correctly and pushing yourself.

Thank to them is the first time I'm not getting bored at the gym, every day was different working out all the muscles so basically you do not need to go more than 3 times per week, at least something very important for my because I have not much free time.

I would recommend this gym to anyone.


Honestly if I can do this anyone can!!

Thank you Sweat clubs for the last 6 weeks your encouragement has been amazing

Ask anyone of my friends I was not someone who went to the gym or classes. The main reason was I was scared of looking stupid because I just had no idea what to do other than run on a treadmill (and even then I wasnвҖҷt sure if I was doing that right), the other reason was just laziness, making excuses and the fact I would rather go out with my friends for a drink

I canвҖҷt say this challenge is easy but itвҖҷs possible

The things I did to make it work were that...

1. I made the decision to commit to it fully

2. Followed a healthy eating plan to fuel my body correctly and support my workouts

3. Attended 3 classes at Sweat a week

4. Drank plenty of water

5. Believed I could do it

I needed to make a change and thatвҖҷs exactly what the six week challenge has made me do

IвҖҷve even built some upper body strength that IвҖҷve never had before.

Ask any of the trainers at Sweat who asked me to do a press-up in the first couple of weeks, I gave it a go but IвҖҷm not sure they were impressed (they had to keep making the exercise easier to give me half a chance of doing it)

IвҖҷve genuinely learnt so much through the programme and the trainers have pushed me where their felt I could do more. They are so supportive and keep you going, offering advice when I asked.

I would recommend SweatвҖҷs six week challenge to anyone

ItвҖҷs the best thing I have done for myself in a long time to actively improve my health and fitness


Great place to get motivated with a fantastic team.. Without sounding cliche it's for real people of all levels who are driven to get fit. I have never religiously been to any gym/personal training prior to this and am now heading into month 3! Considerably cheaper than local competition for personal/semi personal training. Brilliant results with bang for your buck!


Great atmosphere, knowledgeable staff, results focused with each client's needs at the very heart of what they do. Love this place and if you need results - don't even think twice!! пҝҪ


Fantastic team who motivate individuals to achieve their personal goals. Very friendly and supportive environment with focus on technique and nutrition as well as working hard in HIIT sessions which vary each day. Definitely a good investment in yourself.


Came here to train with oscar! Not only has my body changed because of his knowledge! But he has helped me with my diets and motivated me! I owe this guy so much


Came here to train with Rumena - one of the best decisions I've made after working with trainers who were not as professional or dedicated. I'm finally starting to see some real results after training with her!


This place is the real deal if you are ready for change, great facility, great trainers and the nest 6 week program I have ever done #Respect


The SWEAT team is great. I have managed to lose 6.6% of body fat during their 6 weeks challenge, I lost 5kg of total weight but also gained 2kg of muscles which means I lost 7kg of pure fat!!! Important is to come to the sessions three times per week and follow their nutritionist advices, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and the results will come. Really there is no philosophy your body needs certain number of calories when you are not doing anything, if you create a calorie deficit (input less per day than you are spending during trainings and other activity) you will inevitably lose weight пҝҪ The team at SWEAT will measure that for you. Highly recommended! Good luck ;)


Thank you for the great facility and all the support highly recommend!


No fuss, straight to the point, brilliant for those who wouldnвҖҷt know what to do without guidance. This enterprise creates true value for the customer.


Loved every minute of my Six week challenge. Not at the time, because I was to tired, but once itвҖҷs done you feel good. :)The trainers worked us hard, but enjoyed every single bit. Listen to what they have to say about eating habits and you will smash you goal out of the park!

Now to continue the work!


Lost 8.1% body fat and 15 years off my metabolic age in 6 weeks! What else do I need to say? My experience with SWEAT gym has been really positive. The trainers are knowledgeable supportive and very friendly and as it is a small niche gym you get to know everyone pretty quickly and don't get that 'i shouldn't be here's feeling' that you get at some larger gyms. The challenge is designed around a strict regime of 3 training sessions per week with a maximum of 10 people. Every session I went to varied in the combination of exercises which kept it challenging and interesting. Using the recipe book was a must for me and I now regularly bulk cook the chilli and chicken rice pepper pot for the freezer for when I am in a rush or don't feel like cooking. The fruit and nut porridge has also become a favourite. I also cannot recommend using myfitness pal enough to log your food and ensure you are maintaing the right balance of carbs, healthy fats and proteins.

Basically I would highly recommend this to anyone who needs to re-energise their health and fitness routine and get incredible results in just 6 weeks!!

Thank you SWEAT - this challenge has been incredible for me and I definitely will not be going back to my old ways!


I was big with 120 kg, been to couple of gyms, tried personal trainer, had injuries and gave up nothing happened.

Then I met Sweat. Perfect place for training. Perfect diet plans. Ideas . Very friendly people who treats like family. Always come up with something new form of exercises that help improving body and mind.

Thank you LIZ, MUSTY, NOAH, SARAH, SAM and JOE . YOU showed us the way to improve lifestyle and how to train fit.

I am 68 kg now and can my muscle popping out. It takes time but with this intense workout it's getting in shape..good results ..Thank you once.

I do recommend people should try Sweat at least for a month .

Rizzi Minaj.


I know it's the best gym because the manager is my dearest sweet friend Liz , you have made us all so proud this year you are a star ! A bit if Sweat makes us all feel better X


I joined sweat around 4months ago after losing my motivation and enjoyment of my gym and exercise in general.

Since joining SWEAt This has all changed.

The classes are challenging, always different, fun and most importantly motivating.

IвҖҷve lost 5.4% body fat, inches off my body, I look and feel better and my friends are noticing the difference.

I dont live or work nearby but I can drive and park there so I make the effortпҝҪ

If your looking for something a bit different and Tailored to your needs this is the place for you.


I have successfully completed the Sweat 6 Week Challenge and massive thanks to the team at Sweat for helping me through it. Having exercised very little in 2017, I went in to the experience under no illusions that it would be tough. Having to commit to 3 sessions a week was just what I needed to ensure I was working hard regularly, when normally IвҖҷd make excuses to avoid the gym.

This experience instilled the discipline and focus that I needed to get myself in to shape, through regular workouts, a sensible diet and all round focus on my general well-being, something I know for sure I would not have had elsewhere.

The team take an interest in you and are a great bunch who help make the gruelling workouts enjoyable.

I started the challenge at 25% body fat and 89kg, and ended losing 6% body fat, as well as adding muscle mass - so a totally successful experience!


I have recently completed the 6 week challenge and have enjoyed every second of it. SWEAT club is nothing like I have experienced before, gyms I have been to in the past are unwelcoming with limited direction and zero encouragement and SWEAT is the exact opposite. I have learnt so much from the instructors, not just about what I should be doing in the gym but also outside of the the gym. The sessions are varied and keeps you on your toes and I have managed to achieve the body fat loss I was aiming for because of joining SWEAT. Overall I have had a great experience and would recommend it to anyone!


I have never has such quick and visible results at a gym as I did at SWEAT. I lost 11 pounds in just 6 weeks (!) and I am fitter than ever before. These "gains" are due to to the short but tough group work-outs that are given by 1 or 2 fitness instructors. Because the groups are small it's almost like personal training; you don't get a chance to do an exercise with bad posture. The instructors are also always there for everyone to give advice about exercise and nutrition.

I'm glad I've signed up and will continue using everything I've learned!


I finished my 6 week challeng and I never been so proud of my self, feeling my strength growing up day by day at the same time I was having fun and the result are visible so fast so you get motivated even more.

The team is great helping you with all your doubts about feeding, making you do the exercises correctly and pushing yourself.

Thank to them is the first time I'm not getting bored at the gym, every day was different working out all the muscles so basically you do not need to go more than 3 times per week, at least something very important for my because I have not much free time.

I would recommend this gym to anyone.


Honestly if I can do this anyone can!!

Thank you Sweat clubs for the last 6 weeks your encouragement has been amazing

Ask anyone of my friends I was not someone who went to the gym or classes. The main reason was I was scared of looking stupid because I just had no idea what to do other than run on a treadmill (and even then I wasnвҖҷt sure if I was doing that right), the other reason was just laziness, making excuses and the fact I would rather go out with my friends for a drink

I canвҖҷt say this challenge is easy but itвҖҷs possible

The things I did to make it work were that...

1. I made the decision to commit to it fully

2. Followed a healthy eating plan to fuel my body correctly and support my workouts

3. Attended 3 classes at Sweat a week

4. Drank plenty of water

5. Believed I could do it

I needed to make a change and thatвҖҷs exactly what the six week challenge has made me do

IвҖҷve even built some upper body strength that IвҖҷve never had before.

Ask any of the trainers at Sweat who asked me to do a press-up in the first couple of weeks, I gave it a go but IвҖҷm not sure they were impressed (they had to keep making the exercise easier to give me half a chance of doing it)

IвҖҷve genuinely learnt so much through the programme and the trainers have pushed me where their felt I could do more. They are so supportive and keep you going, offering advice when I asked.

I would recommend SweatвҖҷs six week challenge to anyone

ItвҖҷs the best thing I have done for myself in a long time to actively improve my health and fitness


Great place to get motivated with a fantastic team.. Without sounding cliche it's for real people of all levels who are driven to get fit. I have never religiously been to any gym/personal training prior to this and am now heading into month 3! Considerably cheaper than local competition for personal/semi personal training. Brilliant results with bang for your buck!


Great atmosphere, knowledgeable staff, results focused with each client's needs at the very heart of what they do. Love this place and if you need results - don't even think twice!! пҝҪ


Fantastic team who motivate individuals to achieve their personal goals. Very friendly and supportive environment with focus on technique and nutrition as well as working hard in HIIT sessions which vary each day. Definitely a good investment in yourself.


Came here to train with oscar! Not only has my body changed because of his knowledge! But he has helped me with my diets and motivated me! I owe this guy so much


Came here to train with Rumena - one of the best decisions I've made after working with trainers who were not as professional or dedicated. I'm finally starting to see some real results after training with her!

More about Sweat

Monday: 06:15 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:15 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:15 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:15 - 20:30
Friday: 06:16 - 20:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:30
Sunday: 09:00 - 14:30