Synergy By Kevin Harkin

About Synergy By Kevin Harkin

Synergy is a state of the art Personal Training studio in Derry City, which prides itself in an unrivalled quality of Personal Training and Group Training services.

Synergy By Kevin Harkin Description

My lifelong passion for all things health and fitness has led me to pursuing a career in helping people achieve their goals. I have been a personal trainer for a number of years now. Having spent 9 months gaining experience in London across a range of different disciplines based out of several gyms, I am now located once again in my home town of Derry, Ireland based in Crawford Square Gym.

Having been fascinated by bodybuilding since I was a young boy, I have educated myself on all aspects of muscle gain and fat loss. Strength training is also an area which has come as second nature to me, and I have competed locally in Strongman competitions to put my knowledge gained inside and outside the gym into a real life competition scenario.

While in London, I decided to further my knowledge on core training with a qualification in Reformer Pilates, which led me to training many clients including some of the cast of Made In Chelsea and a number of other celebrities in top of the range London studios.

I am also experienced with taking bootcamps and improving peoples general fitness, so feel free to contact me about small group sessions - inside or outside the gym.

Nothing motivates me more than positively impacting people around me, whether it be physically by helping people achieve their goals in body composition or fitness, or even mentally by helping someone brighten their day with a solid workout in the gym.

Feel free to contact me via private mail here, email or a phone call. I'm happy to work with you online, or in person in the gym. Either way, you will be guaranteed complete professionalism and a top quality service.

I look forward to hearing from you.



I’ve got three EASY tips for you on sculpting the body of your dreams that I guarantee most of you aren’t doing now
Watch to the end - and tag a friend you’d love train in Synergy with 💪🏻


So - you’re putting in the work but not seeing any progress on the scale?
It may not be any cause for concern - here’s some things to think about
1) Do your clothes fit better or have people noticed a change in you? These are great indicators that you’re progressing just fine - keep going
... 2) Have you missed training sessions or fell off the wagon with your diet? Maybe re-evaluate the work you’re putting in - could you be making more of an effort to turn up and train or keep a closer eye on your diet? Fix these and re-check your weight after a consistent week
3) Are you having any personal problems, stressed out or been feeling unwell? If this is something you can change pretty quick - get back on track and think long term. Fix these and check your progress again a week after it’s been ironed out
If it can’t be fixed immediately - don’t be afraid to take some time off. A day or two of total relaxation, mentally and physically could be just what you need to come back refreshed and get things going in the right direction again
Tag a friend who’s hung up on the scales!
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Here's a downloadable copy of one of my most popular pieces from my weekly Derry Journal column!
Losing weight is one thing - keeping it off is another
Here are three simple guidelines you MUST have in place to keep your results!
... Tag someone who needs this!
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Hey! Did you miss out on our free 10 Day Fat Loss Accelerator E-Book?
I've been getting messages from people who've completed their 10 day guided journey into a new lifestyle over the weekend and have heard some amazing stories
Including losing 10lbs in 10 days - and finding renewed confidence to get back to the gym
... Sound interesting?
Here's a direct link if you haven't picked up a copy yet
I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Tag a friend who'd like this!
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Making a change always seems like a far off, distant dream, right?
Something that we see other people do, but you never seem to be able to really get things going
Ever find yourself telling yourself that you could just “never do that”, or that you “don’t have what it takes?”
... Sound familiar?
The truth is - if you can just get over the initial hurdle of getting started - things can actually fall into place very quickly
I got this message this morning from one of our members Katrina:
“Two weeks of following your diet and exercise and I’ve fitted into the skirt that i haven’t been able to fit into the 2 years!! I can’t wait to get back on Monday!”
Says it all really!
Ladies - get in touch and let’s see where you could be one month from now
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While I’ve moved on from the Poliquin school of thought, I’m saddened to hear the passing of Charles Poliquin today
Strength Sensei undoubtedly largely shaped the early stages of my education, and his courses changed the trajectory of my career
Biosig took me from an average PT, with an average number of clients - to fully booked with the added credibility that his courses brought
... Without that experience, and exposure to a much wider audience - chances are I wouldn’t be the trainer I am today, or have my gym
RIP Charles!
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Tired of wasting your time in the gym and not having anything to show for it?
At this point, we all know women should lift weights if they want to change how their body looks and feels
... However, it can still be quite intimidating to walk into a weight room unsure of what to do
At Synergy - you can train in a tight knit group of like minded women, and receive expert nutritional coaching to get you in the shape of your life with EASE
Plus - we’ll keep track of your bodyfat and muscle mass so you’re not pointlessly stressing over the scales - there’s more to being incredible shape than what you weigh
Ladies if you’re interested - we want 10 dedicated girls to start our next 30 Day Trial program
This involves 12 Group PT Sessions, plus all of the above benefits and much more
All for £99
Tag a friend who you’d come along with!
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I was listening to a podcast today and one line has stuck with me all day
“True commitment is doing the things you said you’d do after the mood you said them in has passed”
Who can relate?
... There’s a big difference between “feeling” full of motivation and saying you’ll do X, Y & Z, and actually following through and doing what’s necessary
We all will have moments where motivation is high, and moments where you don’t feel like doing much, it’s in the nature of being human
Being truly committed to what it is you’re setting out to do requires much more than fleeting moments of “motivation” - it’s not enough, we can all “feel” motivated
If you’re truly in alignment with what it is you want to achieve, you’ll do whatever it takes, whatever the circumstances
Ask yourself - how committed are you really?
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Over the years, so many of the ladies I’ve worked with have said they were initially intimidated by a gym environment
They knew they wanted to change their body, knew that it involved getting to a gym, but just could not bring themselves to build up the confidence to walk through that door
I get it - and I’ve been there too. It’s daunting to walk through a door alone, and not have any idea what your next step should be
... It’s usually a fear of people looking at you, feeling out of place, feeling like you don’t belong, and it’s generally not a pleasant start to pursuing a journey of achieving the body of your dreams
At Synergy - it’s not like that.
We’re totally exclusive - no public memberships, everyone who comes through our doors trains with a trainer
Everyone is there for the same reason - to get better. To get the help they need to get from where they are now - to where they want to be
We find our members come initially for the guidance - and stay for the results and the friendships they develop alongside that
Our Ladies Only Group Personal Training sessions are the go to option for women in Derry who want to change their body, build their confidence, and find a network of likeminded ladies on the same page as you
Come along and try it out and let’s see if you still feel intimidated by the gym afterwards - I guarantee you won’t
Ladies - tag a friend who you’d love to train with!
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This week has been a pretty special week for me. I've been a Personal Trainer for coming on five years now, and as some of you may know - last year ventured out on my own and opened up my own gym - Synergy.
This week (Tuesday) marked Synergy's first birthday. It honestly has been the quickest, whirlwind of a year I've ever experienced. I've met so many incredible people in the process, made new friends, and welcomed another son i...
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Body confidence isn’t just about losing weight. Paidi has had an incredible journey in such a short space of time, inspiring so many people around her in the process
Here’s what she has to say:
“As the saying goes.. “only look back to see how far you’ve come”
... Everyone has their own journey may it be weight loss or weight gain Believe it or not both scenarios are equally as challenging.
Anyone who knows me knows how much I resented my arms and often opted for the long sleeve top to cover up (the easy way out) 🙉.
Now, training 6 months in Synergy and loving every single training session under the amazing guidance of Kevin Harkin
Although my confidence didn’t come when I saw changes in my body, but when I started to take better care of myself and improve my overall lifestyle
Confidence isn’t arrogance or “loving yourself” it comes from happiness and being content with how you look and I believe everyone deserves that”
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Yesterday - Synergy was one year old 🥂🎉
Honestly - It’s hard to find the words to best describe the past year
It’s went by in the blink of an eye. A crazy, rollercoaster of a year, and it’s been absolutely amazing
... I have loved every single second of this since I first scribbled down a rough floor plan of how the place would look
Opening Synergy has allowed me to reach so many more people in one year than was ever possible as a one to one personal trainer. This was my goal from day one. Health & fitness has given me so much, and it’s my mission to pass that gift on to as many people as possible, I’m incredibly grateful to be able to do that for the growing community that we have in Synergy
I want to say a massive thank you to every single one of our members and clients - your hard work is inspiring and the reason I jump out of bed in the morning
I want to thank our incredible coaches - Adrian Boyd DF Fitness John Ward and Ruari Hardiment Billy Hutchison - I’d be lost without you all, and to watch you grow into the trainers you are now has been incredibly rewarding
A massive thank you to my family who’ve supported me every step of the way
Last but not least - my amazing fiancée Sara Louisa who pushes me to be the best I can be, this literally would not be possible without you
Special mention to Conor from Crawford Fitness - the man who gave me a start in this industry, and 5 years on to catch up for lunch on the gyms birthday and “cheers” our coffee on the gyms birthday - it’s fantastic to see such positivity in the fitness world, thank you Conor for getting me started on this journey!
On that note guys - here’s to many more years 🥂
I’m just getting started. There’s a plan in the works that I think you’re all going to love
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What a year
This week, Synergy will be open 12 months. Our first full year
I literally feel like we’re just getting started
... So much more to come. Watch this space 💪🏻
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Just sent out close to 200 copies of my FREE 10 Day Fat Loss Accelerator E-Book!
Packed with tonnes of valuable information to kickstart the first 10 days of any fat loss journey
Who got a copy? And more importantly - who needs one!?


Fancy shedding a few pounds in 10 days? And... not spending a single pound in the process?
... I’ve written an E-Book which will be available to download next week and it’s totally FREE
My 10 Day Fat Loss Accelerator will take you day by day through what’s needed to shed some bodyfat in just over a week
You’ll follow the principles I’ve used with hundreds of clients over the years, and realise that changing your lifestyle really isn’t that difficult at all when we focus on making each day a little better than the last
Guaranteed to have you feeling better, more organised, more productive - and generally well equipped and ready to take on the full challenge of getting into the shape of your life
A 10 Day Kickstart into your full transformation
And it won’t cost you a penny
Comment FAT LOSS and your email address if you’re up for it!
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Ladies - how many of you have ever wanted to know how to build a better bum?
Synergy’s Glute Training Workshop will be happening next Saturday 22nd @12pm!
Week in week out, a question I get asked without fail is "How can I work my glutes more?"
... After this workshop - you'll be crystal clear on how to get the most out of your glute training - and build a better bum in the process
You'll learn:
✅Glutes - what they are and what they do
✅Why "Leg Day" isn't enough
✅Why you're not feeling your Glutes when you train
✅How to make your Glutes do the work
✅Activation work to fire your Glutes up before you train
✅Go-To Glute exercises and how to nail them
The workshop will be a mixture of some theory (I'll keep it concise and to the point, I know you don't want to stand watching a whiteboard) and a whole lot of Glute Training
You'll listen, learn and have the ultimate Glute Training session
Cost is £20, and spaces will be capped at 12!
Who's in?!
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Still sitting on the fence?
I understand - you’ve got questions that need answered
You need to know if this is right for you before you commit
... How about we get a quick chat and clear up any queries you may have and find the best way forward for you?
Just follow the instructions on the link below and I’ll be more than happy to call you and talk through all our options here at Synergy /…/z110pxkn0retqbv/
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Meet Lauren
Lauren came to Synergy 2 months ago now and has come such a long way in that time
Body shape totally changing, dropped over a stone in weight, 4% bodyfat and gained muscle mass - not to mention banging out 100kg deadlifts with ease
... Here’s what Lauren has to say!
“Having had a previous love of training, I'd be trying a few different gyms and programmes for the better part of a year since having my baby girl. I wanted to get back into shape, not just physically but mentally. But I found it much harder than I had anticipated.
The work/life balance was much harder when you add a child into the mix, and that coupled with frustration and guilt for not "doing better" or "bouncing back" quicker just left me disheartened and lacking confidence.
Then I wised up (for want of a better term)! I had seen Kevin's posts on FB and Instagram and was motivated by his positive mindset and belief that no one else is responsible for our own happiness and well being except ourselves! So best to just get on with it! Lol
I love training in Synergy, the people and the trainers are all friendly, focussed and supportive. I am accountable to those I train with (rather than being a faceless number) and this helps keep me on track on those days I need extra motivation. Most importantly it allows me a little "me" time in an otherwise hectic lifestyle and made me feel like myself again...and for that I can't thank them enough!”
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Tired of wasting your time in the gym and not seeing any results?
At this point, we all know women should lift weights if they want to change how their body looks and feels
... However, it can still be quite intimidating to walk into a weight room unsure of what to do
At Synergy - you can train in a tight knit group of like minded women, and receive expert nutritional coaching to get you in the shape of your life with EASE
Plus - we’ll keep track of your bodyfat and muscle mass so you’re not pointlessly stressing over the scales - there’s more to being incredible shape than what you weigh
Ladies if you’re interested - we want 10 dedicated girls to start our 30 Day Trial program
It involves 12 Group PT Sessions, plus all of the above benefits and more
All for £99
Tag a friend who you’d come along with!
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Weight is something I've always struggled with and over the years it got a bit out of control and I formed an attachment with food. I joined the gym a few months and the inches were coming off but as we do, we worry about the number on the scale and with having weight to lose I was getting frustrated that I wasn't losing much fat. Following fitness people on Instagram can be great but also dangerous as I'd see 'healthy' snack ideas and think great that's got a small bit of dark chocolate or the classic peanut butter lol so it's a small treat but sure they're eating it so it must be healthy - wrong! I went to Kevin for a nutrition consultation just over a week ago and he pulled my triggers and misconceptions out and we talked through where I'd been going wrong and where I needed to go with no judgements made on my past decisions. Calorie deficit and macros were set and one week on I've lost 4lbs! It's so simple, you just need to commit! He's absolutely brilliant and is always there if you have any questions. I'm even more motivated now and I can't wait to see more results! Highly recommend this to anyone wanting to get their nutrition sorted, it's quick, easy and you learn so much - thank you Kevin !


This man completely changed my health and wellbeing for the better, took me under his wing and trained me for 2 months and the results were more than i could ever hoped for, he has not only changed my physique but has given me the knowledge and tools to keep training myself. An absolute gent of a man and great friend would highly recommend kevin to anyone, thanks for everything brother and good luck :)


Started private group training with Sara when Synergy was newly opened. Best gym I've ever been in, staff are really friendly, helpful and their knowledge about training and nutrition amazes me.


Started personal training sessions with Kevin once a week since the start of September after being advised by my Physio that the only way to decrease back/hip pain was to focus on core strength training, with a really experienced PT.

After over ten years of ongoing pain & constant anti-inflammatory medication to control it, I have been amazed at the difference since I started weight training with Kevin...from being crippled with pain every time I trained, often even after just a light cardio session, I can now comfortably manage deadlifts/squats/lunges and anything he throws at me without any post workout pain whatsoever.

This is a big deal for me as I had given up on ever being able to do any training never mind lifting heavy weights as couldn't cope with the pain after every session. Therefore, I couldn't recommend Kevin highly enough...if you want to be trained by someone who is extremely knowledgeable & highly experienced, then this guy will not disappoint. First class trainer & a real professional in every sense. Cheers Kevin!�


Signed up to Kevin's online nutritional coaching programme. In ten weeks I have lost 50cm in my measurements and my shape has dramatically changed. I was really shocked at how much when I looked at my before and after pics. He is a genius and managed to allow me calories to still enjoy a holiday and celebrate my birthday for two weeks running without ruining my progress. I have been training and dieting for years and my body just got used to it. I hit a plateau where no matter how clean I was eating I was staying the same. Diet is key and Kevin's knowledge and support is unreal. I have learned so much about nutrition on this course and I've now signed up again to take me through to my holidays. His diets are next level nutrition and signing up to this group is one of the best decisions I ever made � your health is not an expense it's an investment. Invest in yourself, you deserve to be exactly how you want to be.


Love going to My semi private girls pt sessions with Sara. No class is ever the same- Sara is always pushing you to reach full potential. Fully kitted out gym with every piece of equipment you could imagine. No mess training /gym- love it!


Kevin is an unbelievable trainer and all round great guy, at the start of may I approached Him to enquire about pt sessions, having only ever used gyms for a treadmill and bikes I was a bit apprehensive. I have always been lean but I felt too thin, after reading on line about 'hardgainers' and genetics I felt I would never be able to bulk up. From my first biosig kev reassured me that with the right diet and right training I would be able to bulk up and achieve my person goals! His knowledge is phenomenal and he explains everything clearly so anyone could understand. Throughout my 12-13 weeks training his support has been fantastic he's always encouraging you during your sessions and sends you progress photos when with motivational messages to keep you going! By the end of training with Kevin you gain a great physique, first class knowledge of what to do at the gym and also a great friend! I am chuffed to bits with my progress so far and will definitely be training with Kevin again after my holidays! Thanks for everything Kev, you're an absolute gent!


Kevin is a great coach, he really helped me get my head around portion sizes and what I should be eating, less and more of. He communicated well with me the whole time and checked in with my progress regularly. It is the accountability factor along with the motivation that Kevin supported me with that enabled me to do so well in just a few months. Big thanks!


Kevin and all the synergy team are really friendly,encouraging and very knowlegable.I feel so much healthier and happier since joining the group training.I cannot recommend synergy more highly!!!!


If you have ever thought about changing your life but don't know where to start then this is the place. Brilliant facility. Amazing trainers, who are experts in their field. The atmosphere is unreal. The equipment is brilliant. But most of all the results Kevin and his team can achieve will make sure you get every penny's worth of the money you invest in yourself. Trust me- Do yourself a favour and take the first step into totally transforming your physical and mental wellbeing and you will never look back.


I started kevins online programme almost 11 weeks ago and its the best thing ive ever done. Coming to Australia i was in good shape and naively thought that would be easy to maintain without any help or guidance. The weight kept piling on and i thought i was trying hard to get it off but i wasn't really. Kev helped change that i now have 23lb off and have signed up for the next 10 weeks, i couldn't have done any of this and still be enjoying it without kevs help, knowledge and guidance. Its a fantastic programme which i highly recommend especially for anyone like myself who isn't in derry � thanks again kev!!


I first visited Kevin back in feb for a body fat biosignature test. Since then we had a few checks ups to see how I was progressing and his knowledge and understanding of the human body proved to be sound on every visit! 9 weeks ago I decided to take part in my first figure competition and have been working with kevin in regards body fat checks, nutrition and training as my prep coach. Nothing I can say will ever do this guy justice. Kevin is a complete professional and is so dedicated to his clients, stopping at nothing to help people achieve their goals. I have learned so much from him and will be continuing to work with him for my next shows, providing he will continue to have me that is!!! Kevin is highly recommended and a complete gent. :)


I came to Kevin with nutrition goals rather than fitness and the whole process has been amazing. He walked me through the nutrition plan and the ins an outs of my particular needs and was always a text away if I had any questions. Each week I felt better and better and I'm so much more confident now in how to move forward successfully on my own with it. Highly recommend!


Having completed a 10 week nutrition program with kevin I lost weight, inches and body fat and I couldn't be happier! I'm motivated more than ever to make this a lifestyle and to keep getting results. Kevin is great for advice and guidance and he's a big gentleman :) anyone working with him will be guaranteed results! 💪🏻


Had several sessions and a biosignature done with Kevin, he top class. He educates you for your own goals/body. If it to help you need to push pass personal records or your body limits.

He has a serious passion for training and has made me focus more in training sessions. Not to just check the box and go to the gym but to go above and beyond.

I would recommend his knowledge/sessions to anyone!


Folks as u can see from my transformation pictures, i was in very bad shape wen i started a 12 week transformation program with kevin. Kevin has the knowledge and training methods to get u were u want to be, and he backs it with his bio signature consultations. The fact that his fellow peers go to him for advice on their own body speaks great volumes so If ur serious about getting in shape, get in contact with him.


Fantastic facilities .... Friendly staff and all round top class gym �


Everything I know about weight training I learned from Kevin. He is very patient, encouraging and invests himself in anyone he trains. He is very knowledgeable and is always trying to build on what he knows to improve his own training. He has a passionate and infectious enthusiasm. He'll not only get the best out of you when you think you've got nothing left, but he'll make you want to push yourself further than you've ever gone before.


Wud train wif agen


Cannot recommend Synergy or any of their trainers enough. I've been training with Kevin for the past few weeks as a member of a transformation group. I completely lost my confidence and love for weight training so coming into a new gym with new people was nerve wrecking for me. I've never felt as comfortable and more welcome. Kevin just made everything so easy for me and I look forward to coming to each session again. His knowledge and patience is second to none. Thanks so much, you've no idea how much I appreciate everything you all do.

More about Synergy By Kevin Harkin

Synergy By Kevin Harkin is located at Unit 3 Robinson Business Park, Pennyburn Industrial Estate, BT48 0AT Derry, Northern Ireland