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About Synthchain

Zurcoin, one of the world's oldest decentralised proof-of-work Blockchains, is proud to present the release of the first form of digital notes on a brand new synthetic protocol dubbed "proof-of-value". The new digital notes will be rebranded under Synthch



Next to FUTM, FUTB, FUTX and FREE we also enabled HOT (HoloChain) , SALT (SALT Lending), LQD (Liquidity Network), KIN (KIN), and a very cool one UNI-V1 (Uniswap V1) in the ZUR-D contract. This means everyone gets a little of that because we airdropped some of them.
UNI-V1 is the liquidity token of Uniswap. This means that everyone with ZUR-D has now a little part of the liquidity pool we have sent to Uniswap. If you want you can claim back a little portion of the ZUR-D in tha...t pool. On uniswap choose Pool - Remove Liquidity.
Soon we will make a short guide how to use Uniswap. But its self explanory imho.
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We get a lot of questions about the ZURBANK project, and their tokens. Here is hopefully a clear explanation about what ZUR-D is, what its meant for and we will do a gesture to their holders.
Zur-Draft is an easily distributed token with a unique 35 trillion supply. The idea behind Zur-Draft is that via its first-of-a-kind engineering it acts as a decentralised hedge fund, distributing risk and reward, and acting as a synthetic income production agent. This was the product or...iginally promoted in the Monkey Capital ICO in mid-2017 and delivered after painstaking engineering a year later. The holders of Zur-Draft, who include the creators of a subsequent protype network called the Futereum Network, act as the token’s fund managers and investors simultaneously, dropping ERC20 compliant tokens into the Zur-Draft smart contract.
As each holder drops ERC20 tokens into Zur-Draft, the contract activates for mining for that token, whereby all holders are able to draw down a proportionate share of the distributed tokens to their own wallets. Obviously, those with the greatest number of tokens are incentivised and expected to drop the greatest amount of value into the Zur-Draft smart contract. Via re-generating distributed utility in the form of a single, uniquely-engineered smart contract which is shared among its holders of all sizes and all geographies and economies, Zur-Draft has a highly-distributed wealth creation effect, more than paying for itself via synthetic income receipts in the form of ERC20 token distributions.
The contract is reliant on the community members that hold it, as for all decentralised cryptocurrencies. If a large holder does not contribute to the Zur-Draft smart contract, in the same way as if a large Bitcoin holder sells a large number of Bitcoin in one go in order to enrich himself at the expense of other Bitcoin holders, the Zur-Draft community will be disadvantaged; therefore, larger holders who do not contribute regularly are encouraged to sell their ZUR-D at a rate of 17.5 billion Zur-D / 1 FUTC in return for FUTC which has guaranteed receipts from the Futereum Network. This product also works like a decentralised hedge fund with added technological incentives for redistribution of ERC20 tokens.
It is hoped that via the propagation of the Futereum Network and the Zurcoin Blockchain that Zur-Draft, a decentralised cryptocurrency poof-of-value protocol token will ultimately become a leading standard in regenerated income production and wealth redistribution on Blockchain.
If you are interested in selling ZUR-D you own for FUTC, used in the Futereum synthchain project, please visit their discord on, and for more information the website
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