Tcs Fitness Limited

5 star rating
Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -

About Tcs Fitness Limited

I help both men and women that are ready to make a lifestyle change to reach look, feel and move better they potentially have in years.

The issue is we spend so much time looking after others /work we forget to look after ourselves.

Tcs Fitness Limited Description

TCS Fitness Started out of a way to help people to get their weight loss and fitness goals, now our team works more with people than traditional fitness instructors and Gyms, we focus on nutrition and the mental battles that people may have as well as the fitness and how you have to enjoy yourself.

We take the time with out clients to understand their every day lives and get them results as healthy and as quick as we possible can with the best value for money, Also offering free info to people that want to follow our blog at www. tcsfitness. co. uk or by getting small clips of that blog on here.



Diet... Just the word leaves a sour taste in your mouth..
Here is the thing.. Diets are hard to stick to because of 3 things.
physically- your body wants all the things you used to have, which means it's going to ask you for sugar, alcohol and crisps.. Which means you will feel like you need these things.
... Mentally- you will be telling yourself all the things you can't have, which means you will want it more.. because you "can't have it"..
Habit - this is where you will pick things up that you are just used to picking up and having.
So you have to conquer all of these things to be successful, not to mention all of the other things that don't effect you daily..
So how do we attack these 3 things.
Cravings/ physically- This is probably the easiest one to counter, stop having it for 30 days, so no sweets or sugar.. almost a detox on full healthy foods, this will be hard but after this your tastebuds and your mind will feel less dependent on these things.
mentally - Stop looking at what you can't have and start looking at what and why you DON'T WANT these things it's because not having these things will get you to your results faster and if you want these things even though you know having them will slow your results down. have them!
Habit - the hardest one.. The reason this is so hard is because it's your subconscious.. which means you're going to have to spend more time in your conscious and make active decisions instead of letting your subconscious keeping you stuck in the past!
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When I was younger, I used to have real anger and self belief issues.
I am not for one seconds I am perfect now, I still get angry and I still doubt myself.
But I used to believe I could never accomplish anything, I was scared so I reacted by being angry.
... Here is the thing my biggest hero ever taught me ( my mum)
You can be anything you want, you just have to go get it..
Now we don't always know how to get to the end goal but we all sure know how to start!
If you have a goal, don't let yourself give the excuses, things like:
I never stick to diets, diets don't work for me, I don't have the motivation, training is boring, nothing works, I am to busy to look after myself.
These are all things you are letting yourself say that stops you reaching your goal and sure it's a belief..
However, if it was life or death would these things stop you? No...
Stop limiting yourself with the thoughts of not being good enough and start doing one step at a time.
The hardest step is always the hardest!
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Just about to set up for boxing and abs!
Really loving new people coming to try out classes at the moment.
To top it all of the weather has been beautiful recently!


Like everything in life, weight loss is only going to be achievable step by step.
You can't just lose weight over night, there are no real quick fixes without the effort that goes with them.
Juicing does not work long term and people that do mega calorie deficit diets end up hitting a rut and not being able to continue losing weight.
... So my first thing to start getting people to do to lose weight is to get some more steps in! this will help loads and means you could end up spending more time outside.
This will improve immune system, state of mind and motivation!
Win Win win !
can you reach 10k steps?
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Meg smashing her session Friday!
With weather getting warmer and people thinking about holidays.
HITT training and weight lifting is a good way to go.
... But what about cardio Tim?
Well weights and HITT training will get the heart pumping, but yes.
Walking and bike rides would be fantastic done more often (1-4 times a day at minimum of 30 minutes at a time.)
This will massively help with weight loss and fitness, nothing huge but just being regular with little bursts of "cardio"
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20 punches 10 shoulder press 18 punches 10 shoulder press
... Etc ;-) keep it going!
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There is no such thing as perfect, but being aware of how we hinder our results is a must.
3 things in this photo that I would automatically go to if someone is trying to lose weight or get fitter. can you guess the main one?
it's not the one you would think.
... 1) how the woman in sitting, leaning over and slightly hunched.
As this may not be such a problem doing this once every now and then, but doing this regularly is bad you you shoulders, neck and back plus is more likely to cause problems later on in regards to how you lose weight and muscles toning up correctly!
Remember little and often makes a big difference to weight loss, it's the same with posture.
2) yes you got in, the sweet drink, I am all up for treating yourself to a nice thing every now and then but doing it daily is not a good thing as these kinds of drinks can easily be an excess of 500 cal,
3) phones, it's no secret I have got a grudge against phones and technology.
We have become so dependent on them and it messes with our brain waves and thought processes which means it also effects our hormones which in tern makes it harder to lose weight!
hope this shows you some insight on weight loss
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Back pain..
There is nothing worse..
You can't move, breathing hurts and trying to think straight is not a simple task when in this much pain.
... Don't let yourself become in that much pain!
Learn to enguage your core and do exercises correctly.
This is why I do Pilates!
I don't want my back pain back.
If you are looking to try a beginners Pilates class do let me know as we have a free class up for grabs!
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Did you know that posture is massive in weight loss and toning.
Like words affect our brains and our conscious behaviours.
How we hold our bodies when we sit or stand makes a massive difference in how our bodies look.
... and can make a bigger impact long term than most people care to think.
Learn to hold your body in the correct way and it can improve on weight loss, fat loss, back pain, shoulder pain and neck pain easily.
This is why I do pilates with Rosanna! because for me just holding myself correctly is important to feel/look/be great and pain free.
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**Attention Gravesend area**
Wanted to start Pilates for a while?
Maybe heard of the dozens of benefits but never had an opportunity to start?
... OK, maybe you've tried a few times but not had a chance to do it again or find a the right class 😕
Well if that is the case, keep reading because I have something you will want to know more about for an incredible 2019...
We are offering a FREE Pilates with Rosanna taster class in Sheers green community hall on Mondays at 7.10pm! or Thursday mornings at ST Mary's church 9:30am.
Simply click this link to book your place: Let me remind you that the reason why Pilates is amazing and has been around for so long is because of it's many benefits:
➡️ It's Ah-Mazing for Your Abs - Pilates hits your core (or, in Pilates speak, your "powerhouse")
➡️ It Can Ease Back Pain - A stronger core equals a better back.
➡️ It's Easy on Your Joints - Pilates' slow and controlled movements puts minimal impact on joints .
 ➡️ Hones Your Focus - Pilates urges you to focus on 1) your breath, 2) your body, and 3) how they move together....hence improving concentration and focus.
➡️ Makes Body More Flexible 
 ➡️ Boosts Brainpower
Sounds interesting, right?
So be quick, these free taster sessions will fly out!! Just click the link: and CLAIM yours NOW! 
Look forward to welcoming you!
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I see people day in day out judge where and who they are rather than focusing about who and where they want to be.
Focusing on what's wrong with life will just make you feel worse.
Focusing on what you are going to do to make sure you're not going to be here for long is a winning ticket!
... I am all one for seeing what you don't have.. but don't see it as a negative use it as a way to point it towards your goal!
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100% of weight loss starts in our minds!
Most of the reason we struggle to lose weight is not because we don't know what to eat or how to be better at exercises.
A lot of the reason is because we bully ourselves into submission and beat ourselves up.
... I mean if we are honest with each other, how many times do we look in the mirror and call ourselves names and except it.
If someone else was to say those things it would be unfair where as if we did not believe it ourselves it would not bother us.
The saying 'sticks and stones may brake may brake my bones, but words will never hurt me" is true but only if you don't believe the words people are saying.
I mean for example if someone was to call me a weirdo it would not bother me..
1) because I love being weirder than most people (who wants to be "normal" :-) )
2) because I could not care what they think..
So if you start liking yourself, other people will find it harder to hurt you.
say nice things about yourself and be your biggest supporter, because without you nothing will happen!
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Bulk cooking is such a great way to make sure you have food ready yo cook and knowing what went into the food!
However if like me you don't like cooking food there are ways round it.
Buy from bulk cooking places that you know, or there is another way!
... I got a friend who loves to cook for lifts trade in services!
Or family members that don't mind cooking.
Make it a win win win, you get something, they get something and then everyone wins!
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Taking a rest day,
It's all well and good about taking a day off from work or training but don't stop for a whole day very often.
It can quite easily slow you down for more that day, we play catch up and then struggle with feeling rubbish for not moving enough.
... Just did exactly this today. It is ok to do every now and then but I would suggest only once a month.
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Here is the thing!
Every can lose weight, there will be things that may slow you down/make it harder.
But if you can keep focused on a goal and go through the tough times you will be able to do it.
... Here is one of the biggest tips I can ever give you, go out for walks more and just be generally more active.
The thing is we all look at the gym as a massive thing, like we need to go to the gym to lose weight and shred..
We don't!
in fact.. the best way to lose weight is to increase the small daily tasks!
Because the more we increase the little and often the more we do, walking to work, taking the stairs, bike rides with family, even going out shopping ( avoid the junk food out if you do this)
At least you're moving and not staying at home.
It's not surprise as time moves on and technology takes over we are finding it hard to lose weight.
Our jobs used to be, factory work, running papers from office to office, active work.
Now a lot of our jobs are Desk work or sitting for long periods then we get home and sit behind a tv eating a meal that has been prepared for us!
Trust me increase the daily tasks rather than focusing on the gym 3 times a week.
The more often you do things the more results you will get!
Try and hit those 10k steps!
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Amazing team building day at reach in London. Rosanna Core Fitness
Only one missing was Amber. :-/
The reason I love rock climbing, is because it makes you trust the people holding you, you get to communicate with your team in a different way, it challenege you and the have awesome food!


Sometimes you have to sacrifice for things you want. This is a picture of my hands after rock climbing today.
I am not saying you have to get grubby hands, but what I am saying is sometimes you need to except there will be things that will have to happen that will potentially hurt or be uncomfortable to get the things you want.
We all have great intentions, if it's buying some training gear that sit in the wardorbe on buying healthy food and then chucking it out a week late...r.
The only way to get the results is that when it get's tough remember why you started in the first place and then get up and go again!
I don't mean to sound harsh or blunt but you have to realise I do it because I want you to get results and I want you to hear the Truth about weightloss/toning/fitness well life really.
Sometimes it get's hard but if you know why you are doing it, life/your goals get so much easier!
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2 minute round to finish of a great class.
We did 2 minutes of boxing then swap round, just to get that last cardio and so I could help people with different punches!
Amazing work today Ladies!


Looking for dinner tonight?
Give this a go!
I replace the yogurt with dairy free yogurt normally coconut!
... 466 calories per serving but very filling :-)
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Tim understands peoples needs and capabilities and takes all of this into consideration to help you acheive your goals! Everyone is so friendly to one another also and helps support eachother! Amazing group training from TCS fitness, will be recommending to all my friends!! :)


Tim is a great inspiration to me as a person. Buisness owner and friend.


TCS Fitness is the reason I feel fit, strong and healthy. Great group workout.


Loving training with this group so much fun and Tim is a book of knowledge always full of info and always there to help with your programme!


Great sessions, very friendly groups, Tim caters for all your needs


Great boot camp!! Thanks for including us Canadians !! ��


Brilliantly committed to helping all clients achieve their goals


Tim understands peoples needs and capabilities and takes all of this into consideration to help you acheive your goals! Everyone is so friendly to one another also and helps support eachother! Amazing group training from TCS fitness, will be recommending to all my friends!! :)


Tim is a great inspiration to me as a person. Buisness owner and friend.


TCS Fitness is the reason I feel fit, strong and healthy. Great group workout.


Loving training with this group so much fun and Tim is a book of knowledge always full of info and always there to help with your programme!


Great sessions, very friendly groups, Tim caters for all your needs


Great boot camp!! Thanks for including us Canadians !! ��


Brilliantly committed to helping all clients achieve their goals

More about Tcs Fitness Limited

Tcs Fitness Limited is located at Gravesend, Kent
Monday: 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 14:00
Sunday: -