Terry Igharoro - Business Ready For Business

About Terry Igharoro - Business Ready For Business

I challenge the status quo thinking about entrepreneurship. I believe everyone is an entrepreneur. Your life is your business so Think Like An Entrepreneur

Terry Igharoro - Business Ready For Business Description

Why I do What I Do
I believe that everyone has a purpose and a talent; I believe everyone is an entrepreneur because every person is responsible for The Business of Their own Career, and everyone has a duty to contribute to the progression of society by adding value.

How I Do What I Do
Challenge the status quo thinking about entrepreneurship. Provide strategies to engage the entrepreneur mind state. Teach practical business principles that can be applied to an individuals life and career.

What I Do
As a speaker, author, trainer, coach and consultant I inspire people to take positive action. I work with people and organisations globally helping them to unlock and enhance their potential. I assist them to move from where they are to where they want to be.

More about Terry Igharoro - Business Ready For Business
