
About Tgbms

Nine years in the making, The Great British Mortgage Swindle [TGBMS] is an emotionally compelling film lifts the lid on mortgage fraud, the complicity of the legal professions and the corruption of the judiciary.

Tgbms Description

#TheGreatBritishMortgageSwindle ( #TGBMS) is the epic film of the year. Featuring harrowing scenes from the civil war that is being waged by the Banks against the People, this ground-breaking film weaves together a series of narratives, largely filmed by the people themselves to reveal the enormity of the corruption which has beset all aspects of her majesty's justice system, the land registry and the legal professions, when dealing with claims and counter-claims of institutionalised mortgage fraud by the banks. The redux (2016), following seven years of fairly constant shooting in various British locations. The redux test screening will be at 1100 am on Saturday 24 September, 2016.