The British Empire Part 2

About The British Empire Part 2

A nostalgic and patriotic page which seeks to remind people of the rich history and heritage of the United Kingdom but principally the British Empire.



The story of how a people from a small island in the Atlantic sea, were able to create the largest empire in history and shape the modern world in the process. Now thats something to be proud of and it will never cease to inspire awe.


Granted most documentaries about the British Empire are filled with guilt narratives, not excluding this one. “Oh arent we just the worst people ever for being successful”
But hey this one has some great moments.


At its peak in 1922, the British Empire held sway over 458 million people and covered more than almost a quarter of the Earths land area. And now the British Empire exists in the form of the British overseas territories that make up 14 mostly island nations.
How times have changed
... Sad reacts only
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Into my heart an air that kills From yon far country blows: What are those blue remembered hills, What spires, what farms are those?
... That is the land of lost content, I see it shining plain, The happy highways where I went And cannot come again. -A.E.Housman
I may joke but I will say that the hills,valleys and villages of England move me in a way that no other land could. It is that connection that makes a nation.
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“No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy.” - Horatio Nelson
Then and now, how times have changed. In 1805 it was a 104-gun first ship of the line and now its a humble fishing boat.


The British army should be a projectile to be fired by the British Navy -Edward Grey
And this image here, summarises most of British military history.


The pages of history are adorned with instances of nations reversing such a decline.


“The nations, not so blest as thee, Must in their turn, to tyrants fall, Must in their turn, must in their turn, to tyrants fall, While thou shalt flourish, shalt flourish great and free, The dread and envy of them all.” ... -Rule Britannia
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Me: “No one would vote for me”
*I continue to live in London*
But I do intend to return to the english countryside when I can.


The first world war not only changed Britain forever but the rest of the world. While also setting the stage for the second world war. And if you were looking for a history book on the first world war and the extent of that change. The one I would recommend is The Deluge: The Great War and the remaking of the global order 1916-1931 by Adam Tooze.
And for those who may have not known the rationalisation for the British Empires declaration of war on Germany.
... The concern was about Germanys control of Belgium and that threat to Britain and the shipping lanes. And so in the end, Britain refused to ignore the events of 4 August 1914, when Germany attacked France through Belgium. Within hours, Britain declared war on Germany. That and of course treaty obligations.
And so a generation was cast into the flames of war and changed the world in the process. But hey a meme for all those patriotic teens
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The 1st of August was the first time that Rule, Britannia was performed. Originating from the poem by James Thomson and was set to music by Thomas Arne in 1740.
It is always able to move ones heart in such a way that you are filled with thoughts of valour, honour and Britains history.
We all have our preferred renditions but mine has to be the version performed by Sarah Walker with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Which will be in the comments section.
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Everyone has their own musical tastes but when my favourite things, that being classical music and patriotism come together. It’s quite something.


*Rule Britannia on max volume in the background*


Success breeds jealousy


A reminder of the purpose of this social media page. History, Patriotism and Memes.


Ah the 4th of July, when the former colonists (Americans) celebrate their declaration of and war for independence. A declaration which was in response to a combination of factors, including increased taxation after the Seven years War. A war which was arguably sparked by an incident involving George Washingtons reckless actions.
I do find it amusing how the Americans see themselves as the underdog who won their freedom alone and in doing so they ignore the vast support provi...ded by the French.
Not to mention the attacks and battles which raged across the world at the time. Including the siege of Gibraltar 1779 which was a failed attempt to capture the Gibraltar during the American war for independence.
But the French lost more than a colony as a result. And set the scene for the horrendous French revolution. In the short term we Brits could laugh but the long term repercussions of that French revolution have left their mark.
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This royal throne of kings, this sceptered isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself against infection and the hand of war,
... This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands, This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.
-William Shakespeare, Richard II
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More about The British Empire Part 2

The British Empire Part 2 is located at Buckingham Palace, London, United Kingdom