The Cloakroom Attendant

About The Cloakroom Attendant

The cloakroom attendant of a national museum invites the audience in a journey to the study of human nature.
A one woman show by Dimitra Barla.

The Cloakroom Attendant Description

The cloakroom attendant of a national museum invites the audience in a journey to the secrets of her profession, which is no other than the study of human nature. By opening the gates of the sacred temple which is the museum, artefacts come to life and visitors take mythical dimensions. Condemned lovers, a wise singer and a young painter help the cloakroom attendant in her exploration of the pursuit of happiness in a world filled with the beauty of art and the ugliness of war.

‘The cloakroom attendant’ is a witty and poetic one-woman show, written and performed by Dimitra Barla. The plot is three-folded comprising of stories from the attendant’s daily routine in the cloakroom, fictional stories inspired by artefacts and insights into two regular visitors of the museum, a successful singer of the 1960s and a young painter. The play will showcase on June 2nd and 3rd in London at the Canal Café Theatre (www.

Written by Dimitra Barla
Performance coaching by Natalie Katsou



The Cloakroom Attendant at the Tristan Bates Theatre Last Show Tonight! Reviewed as ''quietly hypnotic, with dry wit & mischievous mystery, unassumingly captivating, vivid, stylized, endearing, whimsical, wonderfully expressive'' Margot reveals the National Treasure's secrets in a Final Show Tonight!… /the-cloakroom-atten…


The Cloakroom Attendant at the Tristan Bates Theatre Last two shows Tonight and Tomorrow at 21:15 at the Tristan Bates BOOK… /the-cloakroom-atten…


*** A charming memoir of the working every(wo)man, proving the pleasure and relief escapism can bring, by Phoebe Cole of The Spy in the Stalls kroom-attendant/
The Cloakroom Attendant at the Tristan Bates Theatre runs tonight until Saturday at 21:15… /the-cloakroom-atten…


The Cloakroom Attendant at the Tristan Bates Theatreuntil Sat 04/08 at 21:15 ***There's something rather poetic about Ms Barla's writing style which is reflected in her calmly and unassumingly captivating performance', by Peter Brown of ActDrop ?id=6666
BOOK… /the-cloakroom-atten…


****' The Cloakroom Attendant is told in a very engaging and entertaining way...Worth seeing'! by Chris Omaweng Full review:…/the-cl oakroom-attendant-a…/ This week until Saturday at 21:15 at the Tristan Bates!
Thank you to our warm audience of reviewers, filmmakers, agents, curators and bankers (!) of yesterday's Opening and Press Night! My gratitude to the incredible team of the Tristan Bates! BOOKINGS …/the-cloakroom-atten…
Camden Fringe Natalie Katsou Chris Hislop Artistes Collective
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The Cloakroom Attendant opens today with our press night at 21:15 at the Tristan Bates theatre!… /the-cloakroom-atten…
Camden Fringe


The Cloakroom Attendant at the Tristan Bates Theatre Coming up next week Monday July 30th to Saturday August 4th! Press Night on Monday… /the-cloakroom-atten…


Dear friends in London and other parts of the world, thank you for your messages. My family and friends are fine. Please see below a crowdfunding campaign in aid of the victims.


The Cloakroom Attendant at the Tristan Bates Theatre July 30th to August 4th Tristan Bates BOOKINGS… /the-cloakroom-atten…
Meet Margot. She travels the world telling the story of The Cloakroom Attendant.
Margot’s original script was written in English and the first stop of the show was the summery Canal Café Theatre in London’s Little Venice. The theatre was filled with the anticipation of ‘the first time’. Autumnal Copenhagen and the di...verse international audience of House of International Theatre turned out to be the second. Third stop, Christmas in Athens, in a celebratory performance in Greek for family and friends, with the resonance of my mother tongue echoing movingly. In February, the Cloakroom Attendant returned to her rightly home, the Wallace Collection museum, in an evening celebrating the LGBT community. This coming winter, French speaking Londoners will get the chance to enjoy our story in French in a venue soon to be announced. For the time being, Margot and I cordially invite you to the Camden Fringe Festival and the Tristan Bates Theatre from July 30th to August 4th. The stories will be in English, the songs in French and the laughter in Greek!
The Cloakroom Attendant Camden Fringe
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The Cloakroom Attendant teaser. Get a taste from Margot's previous journeys!


The Cloakroom Attendant at the Tristan Bates Theatre July 30th to August 4th BOOKINGS… /the-cloakroom-atten…
My producers advised me to engage with my audience by posting shorts texts related to the themes of my play. Why has the most obvious escaped me so far?
The business of love Or A colony of ants
... Sprawled on my bed like a starfish, my spongy body drained liquid sorrow from my bones.That happened as a straight result of her entering my life. She occupied space slowly, gradually expanding like a colony of ants. She whispered stories about the places she had visited, her aspirations, even her daily life and fears. I murmured back, until our exchange became constant and flowing. This dark, dotted, moving line became a permanent shape in my life, even if only temporarily.
‘The memories of what it was in the past battled with the imagination of what it could have been in the future’ Francoise Sagan
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More about The Cloakroom Attendant