The Fine Wine Importers

About The Fine Wine Importers

At The Fine Wine Importers we specialise in bringing you great wines at affordable prices. We work alongside small, independent wine producers, allowing them to focus on making their wines whilst we bring their fantastic produce to the UK wine drinker.

The Fine Wine Importers Description

Artisan wines, independently sourced. Online, retail and trade at 15 Malling Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2RA and Cafe du Jardin.

The Fine Wine Importers specialise in bringing you interesting wines at affordable prices. We work closely alongside small and mainly natural and biodynamic wine producers to source wines that are a little more special than you'll find on the supermarket shelves while still offering great value for money. These independent growers often employ traditional wine making methods producing unique organic and biodynamic wines the are refreshingly interesting.

https://www. google. co. uk /maps /place /15 + Malling + St, + Lewes + BN7 + 2RA /@50. 8747187, 0. 018379, 18z /data=! 3m1! 4b1! 4m5! 3m4! 1s0x47df6292502967b5: 0x426c8ef5799395e9! 8m2! 3d50. 8747187! 4d0. 0194733

More about The Fine Wine Importers

The Fine Wine Importers is located at 15 Malling Street, BN7 2RA Lewes, East Sussex