The Fitting Rooms Personal Training Gym

Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 18:00
Sunday: -

About The Fitting Rooms Personal Training Gym

Friendly, high-spec, private gym in London Bridge, Southwark. Experts in fat loss, strength & conditioning and nutrition. 1-on-1 & shared personal training

The Fitting Rooms Personal Training Gym Description

No matter your budget, fitness level or time constraints, The Fitting Rooms has a training solution for you. We are bridging the gap between the cost of effective but expensive personal training studios and cheaper but overcrowded commercial gyms.

Founded by brothers, David and Stephen, our vision is to provide an inviting, inspiring and exclusive training environment: designed to deliver real results, without the exclusive price-tag. Be inspired by expert personal training in a space that is never too busy; enjoy high spec equipment you’ll never have to queue to use; discover truly effective classes that are never too large or overwhelming and become a part of our friendly and motivating Fitting Rooms family.

We offer a unique three-tiered system of personal training, with no monthly contract, so you can enjoy expertly led exercise on your terms. We will find your perfect fit from our range of One-on-One Personal Training, Shared Personal Training and Small Group Classes and create a comprehensive exercise program tailored to your goals. By balancing this with a nutrition solution that fits your lifestyle we ensure you get the best possible results from your hard work.

Drawing on our advanced qualifications from the internationally renowned Poliquin Institute, our highly qualified personal trainers will help you to perfect your technique, improve your posture and move freely and functionally, so that you can train efficiently and effectively.

Whatever your fitness goal The Fitting Rooms has a solution fit for you. Our expertly tailored exercise programs and lifestyle fitting nutrition plans will help you sculpt the body you have always wanted: lose fat to achieve your weight loss goal; build muscle to achieve that toned body; get stronger for your sport or simply feel fitter, healthier and happier in everyday life.



Barbell Hip Thrusts: the ultimate power-producing, speed-breaking and of course "🍑”-building exercise.
Designed to train “optimal hip extension” via vertical loading - generally under utilised in favour of horizontal loads, (Squats, Deadlifts Lunges etc.) The BB Hip-thrust, when added to your repertoire and performed correctly, can contribute to improving many of your compound lifts.
The ❌ video demonstrates common errors made when performing the BB Hip Thrust:
... ❌ Poor bench/Upper Back Position - providing little to no stability and encouraging excessive spinal extension; ❌Foot placement too close (shown) or too far from hips - eliciting unwanted additional quad activation, pushing you or the bench backwards; ❌Head Flung back - enabling excessive spinal extension... Aka the most common reason we hear for avoiding Hip Thrusts...“Back Pain.”
The ✅ video demonstrates a well executed Thrust:
✅ Solid platform of stability from upper back - retracted scapular with the bench set to mid upper back; ✅ 90 degree angle at the knee with vertical shins - prioritising the glutes and keeping your placement solid; ✅ Chin tucked to chest - restricting overextension & enforcing a strong posterior tuck. A perfect lockout.
Improve your glutes from every angle and await the gains!
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The Fitting Rooms 5k Running Club 🏃‍♀️🏃🏽
Getting in your recommended 90 minutes of cardio a week can be tough but we’re going to make it a little easier with The Fitting Rooms running club!
Join our small group, 5km runs along the River Thames Run and our moderate pace and friendly banter will inspire you to keep on going!
... Every Tuesday @ 12.15 & Every Thursday @ 13.15. Sessions are £10. Book via the TFR APP!
Your first session is free & on your second you get a free TFR t-shirt👌🏽
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”Bringing exercise in your life will not only give you a happier, more protective life today, but it will protect your brain from incurable diseases.”


Refer a friend to The Fitting Rooms and if they join us, you will be in with a chance to win a £200 voucher to use at one of the amazing Hawksmoor restaurants!
Email for more details.


The eating 'little and often' myth...
When you are trying to lose weight, its common to hear the claim that eating little and often is the ‘best way’ to approach your diet. In reality this could potentially hinder your progress!
When we diet, the only way we will lose weight is if we are in a caloric deficit. We are basically eating less food than the energy we expend from our training and lifestyle. Regardless of how little and often we eat, if we still eat more calories tha...n we burn daily, its impossible for us to lose weight!
As well as this, smaller individuals will have to eat less food to achieve this deficit. If you require 1500kcal a day to lose weight, splitting that in 6 meals of 250kcal will result in 6 very small and rather un-satisfying meals! So as a result, we have to eat more bland food and won’t ever feel full up and happy after we eat. With appetite control being extremely important to dieting, this can seriously back fire for some of us. This can also be really impractical if you have an extremely busy work life and have to stop 6 times a day to eat.
A better, more logical approach would be to assess how many daily calories you need, then look at your schedule and see what are the best times of the day for you to get your food in. Then split your calorie intake by the number of times a day you have available to eat to make the daily dieting process much easier for you.
With nutrition and fat loss, there are rarely any “must dos”, just what works best for you as an individual!
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TFR Xmas Top Tip! 🤶🏼🎄🎅🏼
With the Christmas festive period fast approaching, Santa is busy filling his sack and shop shelves with chocolately treats designed to seduce and indulge us.
Whilst we’re sure no one’s under any illusion that munching through your own body-weight in chocolate is a sensible way to spend your time, here at The Fitting Rooms we believe in healthy moderation, not absolute restriction, so we’ll let you in to a secret… not all chocolate is created equal and... some may even be good for you.
The purest ingredient of chocolate is raw cacao, which is made by cold-pressing cocoa beans to remove the fat whilst keeping the living enzymes in the cocoa. This cacao is highly nutritious and has lots of health benefits.
As well as boasting a healthy dose of fibre, iron and magnesium, cacao is rich in antioxidants and have been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Lowering insulin resistance has also been linked, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes.
Commercial chocolate uses cocoa powder, which is produced by roasting the cacao at a high temperature to remove the bitter taste. Unfortunately the production process lowers the nutritional value: raw cacao has 4x the antioxidants than processed cocoa. However, the biggest problem with most chocolate is that the actual cocoa content pales in comparison to the high quantities of sugars, sweeteners and additives that are what makes the chocolate so unhealthy.
If chocolate is inevitable this Xmas, then dark chocolate is your answer, and the darker the better. As the cocoa content goes up so does the amount of nutrients and antioxidants, whilst the sugar levels are reduced: Green & Blacks’s 85% chocolate contains 13.5g sugar per 100g, compared to 56g in Cadbury’s Dairy Milk. Studies also show that darker chocolate is a lot more filling meaning you’ll get your chocolate fix a lot quicker!
Happy Christmas from The Fitting Rooms!
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Elbow Position while Bench Pressing 💪🏽
*Repost from one of our Personal Trainers - Josh Kar*
When it comes to selecting a grip for bench, some prefer wider grips, especially if they have broader shoulders and longer arms, while some prefer narrower grips, getting more elbow flexion.... - One thing we MUST pay attention to is the positioning of our elbow throughout the lift. We need to make sure our elbows are in line with our wrists and tucked into the body. The more experienced we become with keeping our joints in line with the weight we are pressing, the less pain we’ll experience. - The top image shows an incorrect elbow position with the elbow in front of the bar. As a result, pressing heavy weight puts a vast amount of pressure on the tendons around the elbow due to excessive elbow flare and shoulder internal rotation. The aim is to press the bar back towards the rack. - The bottom image shows the same grip, but with much greater elbow tuck, as a result, the elbow is behind the bar and in line with the force correlated to press the weight properly. As a result there is a slightly different position as the bar touches the chest.
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We think you can buy happiness... 😁 - There’s nothing quite like that post-workout endorphin rush, so why not share that great feeling with your loved ones this Christmas by treating them to a training gift voucher from The Fitting Rooms! - Choose between: 3 One-on-one PT sessions for £200 or 6 Shared PT sessions for £150, both including an initial consultation and give the gift of feeling fitter, healthier and happier! 🤶🏼🎅🏼... - T&Cs apply. Email for more details. Custom packages available on request.
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This is last months’ Legs & Pull workout from the Advanced Body Composition (ABC) programme for our Shared Personal Training Clients. The ABC training sessions are designed to promote fat-loss whilst gaining physical strength and building lean muscle, making them the ultimate training system to optimise body composition. The Legs & Pull session combines legs with pulling exercises, such as pull-ups & rows.
The ‘A’ series are set up to prom...ote a hypertrophy response (growing & strengthening muscles) via the big compound movements, the 8 repetition rep-range, and the medium length (60s) rest periods.
However, the ‘B’ series is set up to target fat-loss through the tri-set (3 exercises in a row) with minimal rest, which triggers a high metabolic disturbance with a high lactate & growth hormone response.
The ‘C’ series, similar to the B series, targets fat-loss. The difference in this series is that there are isometric (static), weighted movements to exaggerate the build up of lactate acid via the high duration accumulated.
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Train with some of London's top Personal Trainers at The Fitting Rooms Personal Training Gym in London Bridge.


Our Shared Personal Training is so many levels above your average group training class! 🙌🏽
All sessions are a maximum of four people and every client has their own individual programme on which we record everything you do in our gym. Each session that you turn up for will have one of London's leading personal trainers ready for you with everything you need for the session! There's simply no guess work, everything is meticulously planned and periodised to ensure you are going see the very best results! 📈📊
Your journey at The Fitting Rooms always starts with a complimentary one-on-one consultation, in which we work out the best programme for you to be on and make any individual adjustments that we deem necessary.
If you are looking for a sociable and affordable way to see real long lasting results, then Shared Personal Training at The Fitting Rooms is 100% for you!
We pride ourselves in being a no-gimmicks, no-fads training facility with a reputation for results, community and a really friendly, family vibe!
Come check us out in London Bridge 💪🏽
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In the Client Spotlight this month is the lovely Joanne! Joanne is The Fitting Rooms all time top attendee and we think its time to celebrate that! 🎉
Joanne first started training with The Fitting Rooms founder David years ago when TFR was merely a far off dream!
Joanne took up personal training with a sole goal of weight loss, but after achieving just over a stone in weight loss in her first 8 weeks, she started to fall in love with training! Ever since then, whilst a great body composition she has focused on additional goals which have always kept training fun and challenging. Joanne's greatest achievements: full, unassisted pull-ups and deadlifts at over 1.5 times her own bodyweight! 💪🏽
We asked David what he thinks the secret to her success has been?
“Consistency, without question! She turns up week in, week out without excuse and no matter what’s going on in the rest of her life, those hours at the gym are dedicated to working on herself.”
We caught up with Joanne to ask her a few questions:
Favourite exercise? “If I have to choose then Deadlifts, Squats, Pull ups, Dips and Ab rollouts!!”
Sum up The Fitting Rooms in one word? “FAMILY & AWESOME!”
Thanks Joanne for being such a fantastic client! Watch this space for the next client spotlight! 👌🏽
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Train for just £24 a session with our Festive Focus!
We know it's easy to lose motivation as the days get colder and darker, so we're going to make it a little more appealing to get fit this winter...
Until the 12th November you can purchase our Festive Focus Shared PT package, allowing you to train for less than £24 per session. You have two options:
... 1) Train 4 times a week for 6 weeks: £575 2) Train 3 times a week for 6 weeks: £450
Email for details. T&Cs apply.
#fitness #personaltraining #personaltrainers #londonfitness #getfit #londongym #gym #fatloss #fitfam #londonbridge #se1 #thefittingrooms #fitforchristmas
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So saddened to hear of the passing of Charles Poliquin - Strength Sensei. His ideas and principles have shaped so much of what we teach at The Fitting Rooms and this is such a huge loss to the strength training world. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.…/a.1410198665 8…/2174551286092915/…


Some of you may remember our friends at @axiom_brands who very kindly hosted our bar serving "healthier" cocktails at our very 1st Birthday party! Well they've got a pretty cool event as part of the upcoming London Cocktail week which some of you may be interested in! Link is in their bio!


A HUGE thank you to everyone who came and partied the night away with us for our 3rd birthday this week. It was a brilliant night and a fitting celebration of an awesome third year of business.
Thank you all for being a part of our journey!


Up for a challenge? There’s still time to join The Fitting Rooms team as we take on the Rough Runner 10km obstacle race in Finsbury Park this Saturday.
Email for details on how to join us!


The Fitting Rooms has such a good vibe and is genuinely fun. Don't be shy if you're on the fence about exercise, they are super friendly and you'll feel at home there pretty quick. Be prepared for achey limbs (but I've been re-assured your body adapts to this pretty quick). Looking forward to my limbs stopping aching so I can book my next session.


Such a dedicated, profession and fun team! So driven to help you achieve your goals! �


Literally the best pt session I've ever had. Brand new equipment to train with. Friendly staff. Wish I was closer (Windsor).


I started attending The Fitting Rooms in May and so far the experience has been great. The training is varied and I get to learn a lot of new things and machines to use.

The concept whereby the trainers gather a lot of information and know exactly what weight/effort you need to put in and also monitoring your progress, is very innovative.

The trainers are all very friendly and knowledgeable and as someone who has been averse to gyms and their grumpy instructors in the past, this is a real plus.

All in all, for me going twice a week, it is a perfect addition to my existing training schedule.


Great staff great concept and amazing machines for anyone looking for a good gym to train in!


Great place to train: good atmosphere great equipment and bespoke training with charm. Doesn't get better than that.


Great place to train, fantastic team, state-of-the-art equipment and excellent personalised training programmes. Dave and team make achieving your training goals easy and fun.


Great page, great advice, great team!! They take motivation and encouragement to a new level! Inspiration in abundance! Totally Awesome! Thanks! A fantastic team and a fabulous Personal Training studio! When they say personal and tailored for you they mean it! I have been training with Dave Jordan for four years and have achieved more than I ever thought possible! Since opening their doors 6 months ago I look forward to going to train even more than I did before, (if that's possible!)! If you've not tried The Fitting Rooms then it's a MUST! X


Great night at the official opening of the new fitting rooms studio lovely people very knowledgable personal trainers well worth checking out


Great facilities with friendly staff who know how to motivate you and make noticeable improvements to your training week by week. Love the shared PT concept!


Great facilities + great programming + great staff = great results. I am now the strongest I've ever been and take great satisfaction in being able to "out-lift" some men! The team here really know their stuff and by tracking your progress, it's impossible not to see the weekly improvements. The shared PT concept provides flexibility around working hours and means I get even more PT sessions in than usual... which means better results! Best facility in the area - highly recommended.


Great experience training with these guys! I have had a few PTs in the past and these guys are really rigorous and scientific about achieving my goals. Check them out!


Great Team! Plenty of experience and great variety of backgrounds.


Got a sneak peek of this awesome new space yesterday, so excited to start training here!!!


Fantastic PT service run by Dave, Steve, Yaz and rest of team. They certainly know their stuff. Friendly, well maintained and relaxed atmosphere. Highly recommend.


Can't wait to get my first session with David next week!


The Fitting Rooms has such a good vibe and is genuinely fun. Don't be shy if you're on the fence about exercise, they are super friendly and you'll feel at home there pretty quick. Be prepared for achey limbs (but I've been re-assured your body adapts to this pretty quick). Looking forward to my limbs stopping aching so I can book my next session.


Such a dedicated, profession and fun team! So driven to help you achieve your goals! �


Literally the best pt session I've ever had. Brand new equipment to train with. Friendly staff. Wish I was closer (Windsor).


I started attending The Fitting Rooms in May and so far the experience has been great. The training is varied and I get to learn a lot of new things and machines to use.

The concept whereby the trainers gather a lot of information and know exactly what weight/effort you need to put in and also monitoring your progress, is very innovative.

The trainers are all very friendly and knowledgeable and as someone who has been averse to gyms and their grumpy instructors in the past, this is a real plus.

All in all, for me going twice a week, it is a perfect addition to my existing training schedule.


Great staff great concept and amazing machines for anyone looking for a good gym to train in!


Great place to train: good atmosphere great equipment and bespoke training with charm. Doesn't get better than that.


Great place to train, fantastic team, state-of-the-art equipment and excellent personalised training programmes. Dave and team make achieving your training goals easy and fun.


Great page, great advice, great team!! They take motivation and encouragement to a new level! Inspiration in abundance! Totally Awesome! Thanks! A fantastic team and a fabulous Personal Training studio! When they say personal and tailored for you they mean it! I have been training with Dave Jordan for four years and have achieved more than I ever thought possible! Since opening their doors 6 months ago I look forward to going to train even more than I did before, (if that's possible!)! If you've not tried The Fitting Rooms then it's a MUST! X


Great night at the official opening of the new fitting rooms studio lovely people very knowledgable personal trainers well worth checking out


Great facilities with friendly staff who know how to motivate you and make noticeable improvements to your training week by week. Love the shared PT concept!


Great facilities + great programming + great staff = great results. I am now the strongest I've ever been and take great satisfaction in being able to "out-lift" some men! The team here really know their stuff and by tracking your progress, it's impossible not to see the weekly improvements. The shared PT concept provides flexibility around working hours and means I get even more PT sessions in than usual... which means better results! Best facility in the area - highly recommended.


Great experience training with these guys! I have had a few PTs in the past and these guys are really rigorous and scientific about achieving my goals. Check them out!


Great Team! Plenty of experience and great variety of backgrounds.


Got a sneak peek of this awesome new space yesterday, so excited to start training here!!!


Fantastic PT service run by Dave, Steve, Yaz and rest of team. They certainly know their stuff. Friendly, well maintained and relaxed atmosphere. Highly recommend.


Can't wait to get my first session with David next week!

More about The Fitting Rooms Personal Training Gym

The Fitting Rooms Personal Training Gym is located at Saxon House, 48 Southwark Street, SE1 1UN London, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 18:00
Sunday: -