The Iron Clinic

About The Iron Clinic

The Iron Clinic offers iron infusions for the treatment of iron deficiency and or anaemia.

The Iron Clinic Description

The Iron Clinic offers iron infusions for the treatment of iron deficiency and or anaemia.



Iron deficiency & anaemia - THE TANK IS EMPTY Your body is a machine and when empty of fuel it fails in many ways (fatigue, brain fog, restless leg etc) If you were a car and the petrol tank was empty then you fill the tank! the same is true for iron. You need a minimum of 1000mg of iron to restock the iron stores (Ferritin) 200 days of iron tablets or 400 steaks ... 1 iron infusion (or in USA 5 infusions of 200mg)
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Great stories to raise the problem of #irondeficiency…/The-unexpe cted-signs-youre-suf…


As you get older then anaemia is more common and harder to treat, but in many its iron deficiency that are easily treated. A scientific debate /videogallery.aspx…


Generalized itching - It could be #Irondeficiency New guidelines from British Association of Dermatology list #irondeficiency first, as the causes of generalised chronic itching. Treatment is iron! 10.1111/bjd.16117


HOW IS IRON ABSORBED? Iron is absorbed in the duodenum (the bit of the gut after the stomach). There are 2 pathways. A specific Haem iron transport - iron from meat. A non-haem transport (DMT-1) this is more complex as you need low stomach acid and vitamin C but even so absorption is poor.
... Iron is stored in the cell as Ferritin then moved by a transporter (ferroportin) to the blood where it is collected by Transferrin to be taken to where need.
About 10% of Haem iron from meat is absorbed About 1-2% of plant iron - so spinach which has loads of iron is simply not absorbed.
100g of meat is better than 1Kg of spinach
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FACTS about #IronDeficiency and #Anemia #Anaemia is a top 10 disability in the world as defined by WHO It affects 10-15% of people in the high income countries It affects 40% of people in low income countries The commonest cause is #IronDeficiency, this is due to poor diet, or in women due to the blood loss from the #menstrual cycle... In Europe:- I n 10 women right now have iron deficiency #anaemia I in 5 women have heavy menstrual bleeding, this means about 1L per year. 50% of these women have iron deficiency. Also - Women are 3x more likely than men to be vegetarian (most iron is in meat) Iron deficiency causes many symptoms 15% of women treated for iron deficiency have previously been treated for depression (ID cause tiredness, inability to cope, poor cognition, mind fog etc) 15% of all GP consultations by women are for tiredness and fatigue Iron tablets are one of the most prescribed drug in the UK About 20-30% of women stop taking the tablets due to side effects of abdominal pain or constipation. 25% of all emergency gynaecology admission in the UK are due to Iron deficiency anaemia due to excess menstrual loss. This costs the NHS £7.6 million per annum 30% of all patients admitted to hospital have anaemia at admission. These patients spend longer in hospital and twice as likely to die following admission You can treat #irondeficiency in 15 minutes with an #ironinfusion #theironclinic
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Heavy periods are the leading cause of iron deficiency and anaemia - It's common and affects 1 in 4 women Heavy Menstrual Bleeding = 2 of these symptoms - need to change protection every 2 hours, - need to double protect, - have to get up at night, ... - accidents, - passage of clot
Half of women with HMB have iron deficiency get checked - get treated - get better
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Pale? Most do not realise how ill they are until #irondeficiency #anemia has been effectively treated


Low Phosphate levels? well this is a study I wish I had been involved in to identify the best supplements


Headaches are common with #irondeficiency Iron is vital to many organs in body including the brain. #iron deficiency can cause headaches, brain fog, reduce ability to cope, forgetfulness, anxiety and depression


EATING ICE? Not many people know about or own up to this one, Its a desire to eat ice - several cups at a time, it's actually quite common in people with #irondeficiency. The technical name is Pagophagia, a form of Pica, this being more a general term for the need to eat strange and inappropriate things (like in pregnancy - the text books refer to people with low iron eating clay or soil in patients #anemia but it seems to be ice that is more common.


At any one point in time the body contains 3000-4000mg of #iron. Daily losses are minimal (1-2mg). #irondeficiency can take several years to slowly develop, often due to increased losses (heavy periods 30-50mg per months or pregnancy (the baby takes 1400mg) or reduced absorption (vegetarians, poor diet, #IBD, post bariatric surgery)
#Irondeficiency means you are often >1000mg low on iron (Ferritin < 15 severe, #Ferritin < 30 mild). Dietary modificat...ion is the first step with iron supplements. Dietary #iron is absorbed at 4-16mg per day in a well balanced iron rich diet, so do the math! it will take 3-9 months to restore your levels with a healthy diet and iron tablets.
In people where this does not work or increasingly people who have 'problems with iron tablets' an option is a #ironinfusion. If you have #IDA then the best method is a full treatment dose up front; the whole 1000-1600mg (20mg/kg). This is proven effective in many trials and will restore you to normal.
In the UK we use one large dose of intravenous Iron: BLUE = one large of Monofer / Ferinject - rise in Hb over weeks, In the USA they use multiple smaller dose of Venofer (200mg). One large dose is far cheaper and more effective: RED = venofer
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Some short clips on Iron deficiency


Short videos on iron deficiency 1/videos…


IRON DEFICIENCY in a nutshell


About Iron Deficiency, Anemia and Iron Deficiency Anemia:
Iron deficiency occurs when a body does not have enough iron to supply its needs. Iron is present in all cells in the human body and has several vital functions, such as: carrying oxygen to the tissues from the lungs as a key component of the hemoglobin protein; acting as a transport medium for electrons within the cells in the form of cytochromes; facilitating oxygen enzyme reactions in various tissues.
Before iron de...ficiency causes anaemia the iron stores in the reticuloendothelial system must be completely depleted, leading to symptoms including fatigue, irritability, lack of concentration, hair loss, brittle nails and impaired immune function. Many women in the reproductive age group have very limited or no storage iron due to menstrual blood loss.
Total body iron averages approximately 3.8g in men and 2.3g in women. In blood iron is carried tightly bound to the protein transferrin. There are several mechanisms that control human iron metabolism and safeguard against iron deficiency with the main regulatory mechanism situated in the gastrointestinal tract.
Untreated iron deficiency can lead to iron deficiency anemia, a common type of anemia. Anemia occurs when you have a decreased level of haemoglobin (Hb) in your red blood cells (RBCs). Haemoglobin is the protein in RBCs that is responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and it occurs when the body doesn’t have enough iron as the body needs iron to make haemoglobin. When there isn’t enough iron in the blood, the rest of the body cannot get the amount of oxygen it needs. While the condition can be common, many people don’t know they have iron deficiency anemia and it is possible to experience the symptoms for years without ever knowing the cause.
For men, anemia is typically defined as having an Hb level of less than 13.0g/dL and in women anemia is typically defined as having an Hb level of less than 12.0g/dL.
The primary causes of IDA are inadequate dietary iron, excess loss of iron usually attributable to some form of bleeding and loss of red blood cells or reduced iron absorption, most commonly due to chronic inflammation caused by a significant disease such as IBD, CKD congestive heart failure and cancer. IDA commonly causes rapid heartbeat, chest pain, diminished cognitive function, depression, fatigue, trouble breathing, dizziness, headache, inability to concentrate, light-headedness, difficulty staying warm and loss of sex drive. Severe IDA, if untreated, can ultimately lead to death.
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Commonest cause of Post Partum hair loss is #irondeficiency…/Cheryl-rev eals-coped-losing-ha…


great summary jk&t=23s


Great information here from a great team in Australia


Very helpful staff and overall the single best thing I've done for my health in years (and I run a health business!). I feel like I have a life back. Thanks Prof. Richards.


I have awful anxiety, the staff here were so good with me though. I felt safe, it was all over and done with very quickly and I'm so glad I finally took the plunge and did it! They answered all my anxious questions patiently and informatively. Highly recommend this place.


I found the Iron Clinic to be a very special and unique clinic run by very passionate and caring staff. The Infusion was quick and easy, conducted in a very professional but relaxed and laid back way. The after care from the Iron Clinic is also brilliant and I have found the results from just one Infusion to be completely life changing. I cannot thank the staff enough for the amazing treatment I received.


Had my iron infusion here and the staff were so friendly and made me feel at ease. The doctor was extremely knowledgeable and understanding. Would definitely recommend.

More about The Iron Clinic

The Iron Clinic is located at 60 Harley Street, W1 London, United Kingdom