The Liberalist

About The Liberalist

The Liberalist is dedicated to democracy and freedom of speech.



Fabulous owning of the treacherous, undemocratic and hypocritical Anna Soubry who has joined the laughable Remain Party #AnnaSoubry


The war on men continues. The gender pay gap is a myth and anyone who does even the smallest amount of research into its flaws will understand. #GenderPayGap #WarOnMen


Some of the worst acting ever from Jussie Smollett. The noose detail was hilarious and what happened to his sandwich? Cue Jussie entering rehab in three... two... one... #JussieSmollett #BadActor #JailOrRehab


One thing you can always guarantee with the left is they will not listen. Challenge them on their views and they will double down even more. Even if that leads to their own destruction. #LabourParty #JeremyCorbyn


The war on men continues. You can't force people to buy female artists records. The leading names in heavy rock, metal, guitar and dance are mostly men. Why don't more women form bands and make great music that people want to hear? Answer - because it's far easier to play the victim card.


Honda said the move was due to global changes in the car industry and the need to launch electric vehicles, and it had nothing to do with Brexit. That won't stop the frothing at the mouth remainers screaming from behind their keyboards IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH BREXIT! #Brexit #Honda


A rather misleading headline quote, but well done to this lady. Why are feminists and gender pay gap crazies all pushing for equality in only the top jobs? Why aren't they fighting for more female mechanics, builders etc? The answer is obvious.


It couldn't have gone much worse for hapless ex-Labour MP Angela Smith, calling black people "a funny tinge" after she leaves Labour because of racism. #AngelaSmithMP #FunnyTinge #BitRacist


It is cheating. Only radical leftists think otherwise. Well said Martina #MartinaNavratilova #TransCheats


If the increase in Islam in the UK continues at the current rate then in a few hundred years it will be the dominant religion. We can imagine what will happen then. #ShariaLaw #Islam


Hanif Qadir is no expert. 23,000 jihadis already in the UK! #TheGuardian #HanifQadir


Hilarious! Flybmi blame Brexit for going into administration before it has even happened. #Brexit #ProjectFear #Flybmi


The best thing the constituents of Broxtowe can do is vote the dreadful Anna Soubry out at the next opportunity. Broxtowe voted out of the EU by 55% to 45% but Soubry thinks she can ignore the democratic will of her own constituency. #AnnaSoubry #Brexit #Broxtowe


One way multiculturalism in the UK. Where are you, Owen Jones? #Multiculturalism #OwenJones


This is a red herring story. The bigger issue is the 23,000 jihadists who are ALREADY here. #ISIS #Terrorism


It's 2019, where 'Diversity and Inclusion' means excluding certain people based on the colour of their skin, or their gender. #BrieLarson #Racist


If Brie Larson really believed this socialist SJW nonsense she would step down from every role and let it be taken by a non-white person. #BrieLarson #Hypocrite


Katy Perry, the multi-millionaire open borders advocate who lives in a gated mansion, makes 'racist shoes'. #KatyPerry #Racist #BlackFace