The P.T Farm

Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:30 - 20:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:30 - 10:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 10:00
Sunday: -

About The P.T Farm

Private farm gym facilities offering Personal training, bootcamps, calisthenics, martial arts, mobility, yoga, workshops, and nutrition.

The P.T Farm Description

Private farm gym facilities offering Personal training, bootcamps, combat club, calisthenics, martial arts, mobility, yoga, workshops, and nutrition.



No, it’s not just being smart about what we consume.
EAT refers to Exercise Activity Thermogenesis - the energy we burn when we train.
NEAT refers to Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis - energy used through all other activities not related to training, eating, or sleeping.
... Which is more important when it comes to weight loss?
Many may think the most important is EAT. Truth be told, this equates to a very small percentage of our day, and in the grand scheme of things, a fairly small energy expenditure; especially for those within the beginner category.
So, when it comes to EAT, this has to be supportive of our NEAT.
Pushing yourself too hard too soon so that you can’t walk for 2 days has a disastrous effect upon our NEAT. We find ourselves sofa bound, unwilling to move, comfort eating to reward ourselves for a hard session. Therefore energy we would have burned by walking around, doing housework, playing with the kids, or going about our daily tasks, now sits dormant.
The most important thing is to keep our activity levels high. Look for ways to actively increase your NEAT.
Walk instead of drive. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Get the gardening done. Walk the dog. Enjoy the fresh air. Summers on its way, get outside. Take some time each day to stretch, squat, hang; make movements which are varied and unusual to your regular lifestyle.
By increasing our NEAT along with a moderate calorie deficit, we find weight loss a natural by product, and one you don’t have to actively hunt for.
As for the EAT part, if you get this right it will AMPLIFY the effects of the NEAT. More about this another time.
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Busy morning at The Farm so far!
Back to back sessions with 3 very unique clients, with very different goals. All showing incredible progress and consistency in their training.
Our main goal is to make our visitors self sufficient, so that ultimately, they don’t need us. Kicking the chicks out of the nest to make them fly. All 3 have progressed so much technically that they are easily able to train by themselves, in an effective manner, with good form, correct exercise selec...tion, and with the right intensity.
Also, the grass has started going down in the outdoor training area. Already looking amazing, can’t wait to see the finished product.
More happening this afternoon with new visitors to The Farm, let’s go get it ✊️
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Stop wasting time.......... it’s the one thing you can never get back.
#theptfarm #justdoit #unicorndeathsquad @garry_lever @razorstorm


For the attention of our clients with home workout programs.
Many of you will be limited by what equipment you have at home. Some ways we can increase the intensity of your training are by playing with amount of weight (difficult for you guys at home), the amount of reps, sets, rest period, exercise selection, and also tempo.
... When it comes to tempo, this is one way to make an exercise you’re usually very comfortable with, an absolute ball buster.
In the videos in our stories today you will see a few relatively light exercises, but by adjusting the tempo of each rep to be 8 seconds concentric, 8 seconds eccentric; we can massively increase the time under tension in the muscles being worked, whilst keeping the resistance & reps very low.
Additionally we improve the brain/body connection, increase endurance, learn intuitively what to engage/switch off to ensure efficiency, and also squeeze loads of juicy blood into the muscles to get that sexy pump.
Give it a try with a regular push up. 8 seconds down, 8 seconds up. 5 reps, for 3 sets. Don’t forget to pull the hands toward eachother throughout to keep the chest engaged.
Enjoy 😉 @garry_lever #theptfarm
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Love our morning Bootcamps at The Farm.
Here’s a little from yesterday morning. Well done all, great efforts in the sunny weather!!! Love it ✊️


Amazing workshop with Spray Days, getting the kids involved creating the backdrop for the new outdoor training area.
The Punisher seemed appropriate for The Farm 😈💀


All about the Easter Eggs today. That didn’t get carried away at all......😂


Rise & Grind
We don’t care for Bank Holiday Weekends. We got work to do.
PT Farm Bootcamp as usual tomorrow morning 9am. Newbies welcome, all fitness levels and abilities catered for.
... Special Easter related challenges planned for tomorrow, along with a workout that is going to make you earn those eggs.
Come get some!
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Whether we get the things in life we want, or we get the things we’re stuck with; it’s all a result of habits.
Whilst bad habit are formed over time, so too are good ones. They cannot be learnt over night, and become instilled through consistency.
To build a new habit they say it takes 21 days. Actually it’s believed it can take as long as 80.
... It is however easier to form new habits rather than trying to break old ones.
So, rather than trying to change something, why not add something?
Add enough good habits, space for bad ones soon runs out.
Enjoy the bank holiday people, Bootcamp as usual tomorrow morning✊️
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Some days you just wanna slam stuff!!
The PT Farm, doing our bit for anger management since 2018.


No two ways about it, that shit is scary.
We want different results, but not the discomfort and uncertainty that comes with the pursuit of it.
... 80% of the U.K. gym population consists of the beginner category. For those of you intimidated by the thought of going to a gym, let that sink in. The majority of people there are JUST LIKE YOU.
The same uncertainties, nervousness, innocent mistakes, hang ups about their appearance, embarrassment that they don’t know what every bit of kit is for.
Hell, even I feel this when I visit commercial gyms. I can understand your reluctance.
It is this which caused us to create The PT Farm. A place where we can provide a safe haven away from strip lighting, piped music, and prying eyes. A place where it can be just about the training & growth, rather than feelings of being judged or made fun of.
If you are new to exercise, don’t worry. We will teach you how to make it achievable and fun for YOU.
Nobody was born an expert, we all have to start somewhere. The important thing is to start.
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Some of our vertically challenged crew working on their height gains 😂
Hanging challenge for giggles at the end of last Bootcamp. After some 2.50mins we decided to call it a day........... we had not anticipated them hanging there that long!!
Impressive endurance and determination guys 💪🔥
... Think you can hang with our Bootcamp? Why not come get involved this Saturday morning 9am. Sessions running as usual through the Bank Hol Weekened. Get your summer gains, get beach ready 🤘
#theptfarm #hanging
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Coming soon
Free 14 Day Online Battle Prep
Workouts, core finishers, nutrition plan, video tutorials; the WORKS
... We’re stepping it up this summer at The Farm ✊️🔥
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Its true, I read it on Facebook somewhere........ It’s not the carbs making you gain weight. It is the fact that the majority of foods which we over consume in the typical western diet tend to be predominantly carb based.
Very few people ever over consume chicken breast or asparagus 🤷‍♂️ The hedonic hyper palatable foods are the ones we can’t put down, fail to portion control, or comfort binge with. Hence when we binge on them, we hike our calorie count right up. In addition,... much of this is done subconsciously; we don’t even realise we’re doing it.
The sweets, crisps, alcohol, cakes, pasta, etc. These are the things we socialise with, draw comfort from, or have a predisposition to binge upon. It’s not the carbs, it’s the stuff your eating too much of that happen to contain carbs. There’s a difference.
Shockingly, when people remove these things from their diet temporarily, they lose a load of scale weight.
It’s not due to the absence of carbs, or ketosis, or Jedi magic. It’s due to the fact you’ve removed a load of stuff you’re over consuming, and thus removing the surplus of calories caused by them. Typically these calories are not replaced by an alternative snack choice, and so a calorie deficit is achieved.
However for most, this is short term, as who really wants to remove the fun stuff from their diet forever?
A basic understanding of calories and energy balance (consumed v spent) will enable you to enjoy the food you love, whilst still achieving that elusive #fatloss.
One of our major roles as coaches is to educate our clients in how to understand this themselves so that they can make sensible, sustainable choices, giving them control.
It’s not magic people, and there are no shortcuts.
Psssst, if you’re training, you NEED carbs. John down the pub is talking out of his arse. He probably told you carbs make you fat whilst sipping his 6th pint of the evening 🤦🏼‍♂️
#theptfarm #appliednutrition
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Looking for ideas for a hearty family meal this Sunday? Why not give our Lamb Hotpot a try from this months PT Farm High Performance Cookbook.
This months issue contains 30 breakfasts, mains, snacks, and desserts, all macro and calorie calculated to take the guess work out.
Along with this we have our Nutrition Survival Guides to your favourite High Street chains, this month including Cafe Nero, Itsu, and Bill’s.
... Get your copy today for just £5, or why not sign up for the rest of the year and receive new recipes and Survival Guides each month straight to your device for just £35.
#theptfarm #appliednutrition #recipeoftheday @ Upminster, Havering, United Kingdom
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Morning Bootcamp about to kick off at The Farm.
Let’s do this ✊️


Throw your hands up, we made it to the weekend!! 🤟
Back with our Sat morning Bootcamp 9am tomorrow to get you set. Bring your A Game people, @emily_lever3 has been left with nobody to reign her in this week while @garry_lever is off galavanting.
Be ready!!
... #butdidyoudie #gogetit #theptfarm #itsonlypain #mementomori
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Getting shit done #everydamnday You may be consistently getting to your trainer or group fitness session every week without fail. But ultimately, is that one session really going to cut it?
... To take it to the next level requires frequency. If we can increase this by scheduling training as an essential part of our daily routine, results will come much faster, and the quality of our workouts & recovery will improve significantly.
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More about The P.T Farm

The P.T Farm is located at Warley Street, Great Warley, CM13 3EP Brentwood, UK
Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:30 - 20:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:30 - 10:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 10:00
Sunday: -