The Saffa Hut

About The Saffa Hut

Street Food - Bunny Chow

Through our focus on food, music & decor we create the most authentic South African Experience this side of the equator.

The Saffa Hut Description


Aimee a born and bread 'Durbanite' and Andrew a food lover, we will soon be embarking on our street food journey - we'd love for you to join us.

Our vision is simple, our menu is petite, our aim is clear:

"To create an authentic South African experience here in London. Through our love of good food and music we aim to create a true taste of home. "

We have created our own street version take on a Durban classic 'Bunnychow'. For those not yet familiar this dish has rich South African - Indian heritage and in its simplest form is a Durban infused curry served in hollowed out bread.

In keeping with tradition we serve our curry using the best mutton money can buy and for our vegetarian friends we also serve a tasty bean variation (Well worth a try even if you are a devoted carnivore).

On the sides we have tomato sambals, curried carrot and our homemade version of Mrs Ball's chutney (Yet to be renamed - any suggestions welcomed)

Its exciting times we are at the start of our journey and who knows where it will take us?

Shortly we will be posting events on Facebook and you can also follow us on Twitter & Instagram so please get in touch.

Fingers crossed we will see you sometime soon.

Aimee & Andrew