The Salvation Army United Kingdom With The Republic Of Ireland

About The Salvation Army United Kingdom With The Republic Of Ireland

We're there where you need us: Supporting families, children, trafficked victims, older and homeless people in every community.

The Salvation Army United Kingdom With The Republic Of Ireland Description

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Summer can be a difficult time for families, especially those who are dependent on free school meals during term time. In Reading, we have launched a scheme to help families, providing nutritious meals for up to 70 people. Working alongside TLG we are making sure that families receive the support they need, and we will be looking to extend into half-term and Christmas too.…/salvation-army- provides-lunch-for-f…


The ballot for Ride100 2019 opens today; don't miss your chance to be a part of this incredible experience!
Join Team Sally Army Riders and help us transform lives! don


Alongside other faiths we are making the switch to make sure our places of worship are supplied by 100% green energy. It's not only essential that we support and look after our neighbours and people in need, but for the planet we have been given through tackling climate change. #MondayMotivation…/5500-uk-c hurches-switch-to-re…


A #SpiritualThought to take you through the week.


To celebrate James Lee House's 50th birthday, Matt is taking on the Thames Marathon tomorrow where he'll swim for 14km. His efforts will help provide art therapy sessions for people who've experienced homelessness. stermattydavenport


From the UK & Republic of Ireland territory, welcome to General Brian Peddle as the 21st international leader of The Salvation Army, and to Commissioner Rosalie Reddle, World President of Women's Ministries! r030818


“You have some one open the door for you and help you, you want to help open the door for others."
After fleeing conflict in Angola, Marie began to volunteer for her local Salvation Army in Ilford. Marie is now helping to give other people the chance to transform by fundraising for our revolutionary pop-up hostel, Project Malachi. The hostel will provide accommodation through to training in life skills to break the cycle of homelessness.…/redbr idge-together-homele…


Da ni yma yn #steddfod18 heddiw felly galwch draw i ddweud helo! Ers 1878 rydym wedi bod yn gwasanaethu cymunedau ledled Cymru a mae gennym 35 eglwys yn gweithio ar draws y wlad. Dewch atom ar stondin 408 a darganfod sut mae ffydd ein haelodau wedi cael ei roi ar waith yng Nghymru ers 140 mlynedd.
Mae Andy wedi elwa o’n gwaith yng Nghymru yng nghanolfan byw Tŷ Gobaith Caerdydd. “Mae Tŷ Gobaith yn anhygoel - ni allai unrhyw un arall fod wedi fy helpu i ddod oddi ar gyffuriau ...cyn hyn ac i’r bobl yn fan hyn mae’r diolch achos mae’r staff fel eich teulu. Maen nhw’n gwneud i chi deimlo’n gartrefol ac mae’r gefnogaeth mae’r staff yn ei rhoi i chi yn anhygoel achos maen nhw’n mwynhau eu swyddi a gallwch weld hynny ar eu hwynebau. Maent yn mynd allan o’u ffordd ac yn rhoi cefnogaeth i ni achos dyna’u dewis nhw ac nid ydynt yn disgwyl unrhyw beth yn ôl. Roedd gen i broblemau mawr o ran ymddiried mewn pobl o’r blaen, ond fe alla i siarad â’r staff yn fan hyn am unrhyw beth.” s-of-serving-commu…
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We’re at #steddfod18 today so pop over and say hello! We’ve been serving communities across Wales since 1878 and now we work in 35 churches across the country. Come and find us at stall 408 and learn more about our faith in action across Wales over the last 140 years. Andy is someone who has definitely benefited from our work in Wales at Tŷ Gobaith Lifehouse in Cardiff. Tŷ Gobaith Lifehouse in Cardiff.
“Tŷ Gobaith is amazing – nobody else could have helped me before to come drugs and that’s down to the people here because the staff are like your family. They make you feel welcome and the support the staff give you is amazing because they enjoy their jobs and you can see that on their faces. They go out of their way and are giving us support because they want to and are not expecting anything back. I used to have big issues around trust, but I can talk to the staff here about anything.” s-of-serving-commu…
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“During any major emergency incident we will put together a team as quickly as possible.”
We received a special thank you from Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service for supporting them as they tackled wildfires last week. Our Emergency Response Units have been supporting UK emergency services across the country as they take on the blazes.…/1638…/


Divisional Commander, David Taylor, is down at intu Trafford Centre for #999Day where the emergency services are being celebrated for their incredible work.


We believe that all older people must have a say about the future of their care.
We need a care system built on fairness, inclusion and choice. The Salvation Army has years of experience working with older people and we are committed to ensuring that their lives are filled with positive memories, upheld by dignity and respect no matter what their circumstances are. #OldAgeRenters renters


Yesterday, ground was broken at Strawberry Field starting the transformation of the site into a training centre for young people with learning disabilities.
There were special guests from Julia Baird - John Lennon’s sister - and Lady Martin OBE - the wife of the 5th Beatle the late Sir George Martin, as well as cake and the burial of a time capsule. Head over to Strawberry Field Liverpool for more exclusive footage from the day.


Our team of cyclists braved the elements over the weekend taking on a 100-mile cycling challenge, Ride London, to support our work transforming lives daily across the country. Feel inspired? Find out how you can do the same in 2019 don


“The Orchard undertakes some absolutely vital work for the local community in Bradford."
The Lord Mayor of Bradford visited one of our Lifehouses in Bradford where he met residents and staff to see how we are transforming lives. The Orchard offers accommodation, as well as teaching life skills, in order to break the cycle of homelessness and give every person the opportunity to succeed. Just in the past few months The Orchard has provided 4,117 meals, 875 uses of the shower facilities, and helped 504 people with laundry. or-of-bradford-vis…


"Chloe’s mum is amazed at how much happier she is now and how much better she is doing at school."
We work throughout the year supporting children and families from parent-and-toddler groups through to summer camps to help them flourish. Read more about how with your support we can change the lives of people across the country. ppeal


Be sure to check out the Strawberry Field Liverpool page this morning for exclusive footage from the ground breaking ceremony signifying the start of building works on site.


The Salvation Army in Reading is hosting a family lunch club on Thursdays, available over the school holidays. We hope it will help local families, who normally receive free school meals and can meet together in the holidays.
We look forward to welcoming families again this week and having some fun together too. Thank you to all the schools, TLG and volunteers for making this happen! #tlgmakelunch n-army-asked-commu…

More about The Salvation Army United Kingdom With The Republic Of Ireland

020 7367 4500