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The new HS4 would link up to the airports and other high-speed lines, allowing travellers to avoid central London.


The director of Mission: Impossible — Fallout, talks about working with Tom Cruise.


“I’ve received a lot of messages from girls who are thrilled to have a role model who is making science and technology cool,” said Letitia Wright, the London-based actress who played her in the film.


Jeremy Corbyn wants the shadow cabinet to come up with proposals that span a five-year parliament.


The researchers hope that the findings could help some of the thousands of people who are paralysed but whose spines are not completely severed.


Britain’s driest summer in decades has forced farmers to harvest at 2am and travel hours for water.


Crimes that have puzzled police in America for decades are being cleared up thanks to the rise of DNA databases that let hobby genealogists narrow the field of suspects. As Ben Hoyle writes, the development poses questions about privacy.


Scientists are even considering spraying sunscreen on the sea surface and creating clouds to block the sun.


The head of the Barbican arts centre has been accused of “lacking culture” after he said that trying to read Welsh words made him feel dyslexic.


Pakistan’s finest cricket captain could become his country’s prime minister next week. It would be the culmination of an extraordinary journey, Mike Atherton writes.


Most Leave MPs now back a pragmatic plan: keep May alive past March 29 then revisit and harden up the EU deal.


“Eliza is thankfully safe and well, but the people responsible clearly knew she was in my car when it was taken, putting the life of our four week old baby at risk as a result of their personal greed."


Responding for the first time to the government’s Brexit white paper, Michel Barnier questioned whether many of the proposals were legally or practically feasible.


Flexible working is allowing more young families to settle on the southwest coast.


It may be hot here in Britain, but heatwaves elsewhere in the world are far more intense: Africa’s highest temperature may have been recorded at Ouargla, Algeria, at 51.3C on July 5.

User the hope of getting their children into a breakfast club.


“She tried to stop them. She was screaming ‘my baby, my baby’.


"This week Piers did his second exclusive TV interview with Trump, which was notable in not gaining a single headline or exclusive from an interview subject who can usually manage to inspire six news stories as he tweets from the toilet."


Engineers have drawn up plans for an 87-mile line around the south of London to connect with other high-speed railways either side of the capital.

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