The Women'S Equality Party

About The Women'S Equality Party

A meeting on 28 March 2015 at the RFH resolved to found the Women's Equality Party in the UK to campaign for gender equality to the benefit of all.

The Women'S Equality Party Description

Equality for women isn’t a women’s issue. When women fulfil their potential, everyone benefits. Equality means better politics, a more vibrant economy, a workforce that draws on the talents of the whole population and a society at ease with itself.

The Women’s Equality Party is a new non-partisan force in British politics uniting people of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs and experiences in the shared determination to see women enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men so that both can flourish.

The Women’s Equality Party is working towards such a society. #WE are pushing for equal representation in politics and business to ensure women’s voices are heard at the same volume as men’s. #WE urge an education system that creates opportunities for all children and an understanding of why this matters. #WE are pressing for equal pay and an equal opportunity to thrive. #WE are campaigning for equal parenting rights enabling all those who are parents to share opportunity and responsibility in the workplace and at home. #WE seek an end to violence against women.

#WE will bring about change by winning—support, votes and seats. #WE do not try to present ourselves as a party with an answer on every issue and a full palette of policies. Our focus is clear and unambiguous and #WE will not stop until all the main political parties embrace and adopt our agenda of equality and take action to achieve it.



Wishing all our Sikh and Punjabi members and supporters Happy Vaisakhi, बैसाखी today. Celebrating a new year with hope and optimism for an equal future.


Only about a third of voters take part in local elections because they feel like national politics is broken, they feel disconnected from local politics & they believe nothing will change. But councils have the power to invest in your communities, providing vital funding for social care, childcare, schools, refuge services & local initiatives. That is what WE will do.
If local elections are scheduled in your ward this May, you have a real opportunity to vote for an independent voice who will hold the main parties to account. Dare to care and give a vote for equality on May 2! 66080


The joys and responsibilities of parenthood aren't shared equally between men and women in the UK, and fathers lose out on precious time with their children as a result. Shared parental leave is one of our key priorities, not just because WE want women to have equal opportunities at work but because men deserve to have an equal stake in family life.…/e9f3efba-579e-1 1e9-91f9-b6515a54c5b1


WE activists are updating Mind The Gap signs at train stations to warn about the dangers of inequality. Not enough progress has been made, with today's results showing that the gap has widened at almost half of UK firms. WE will keep campaigning until we close the gender pay gap FOR GOOD! #MindTheGap


Every year women are blamed for the gender pay gap, being told that it is their choices that cause the gap. Parents may choose to have children but women do not choose to bear the most expensive childcare of OECD countries, limiting their job options. Expensive childcare makes it harder for women to go back to formal work or full time work therefore limiting their options. WE will invest free universal childcare from the end of maternity leave. This will give women more options and work to narrow the gender pay gap…/women-earn -less-because-they-t…


📣📣📣 WE are delighted to announce Rozina Ahmed is our newly elected Equality in the Media Movement Builder, elected by our members in a tough competition of brilliant women. Rozina will be working with our spokesperson Athena Stevens towards women's equality in and by the media 🎉🎉Watch this space...


Meet our incredible list candidates for the Greater London Assembly elections 2020. Because we don’t want to go backwards and we don’t want to stay where we are. WE want to ADVANCE and so does London!


‪📣📣📣LAST CHANCE TO VOTE for your GLA 2020 candidates and Equality in the Media Movement Builder! ‬
‪Ballot closes at midnight 31/03/19 for these important elections - find your email from us to vote electronically with your unique code (members only) ‬


You only have a few minutes left to join and vote for your choice on the 2020 GLA list candidate. Don't miss your chance to help make history! _vote


A woman wrote a letter to female students asking them to stop wearing leggings because the sight of leggings ‘made it difficult for young guys to ignore women’s bodies’ so we decided to wear ours as a reminder that women are not responsible for men’s thoughts & actions #leggingsdayND


If you're in the mood for some good old fashioned democracy then be sure to become a party member before March 31st. Those signing up via this special join page will have the chance to vote for our incredible candidates for the GLA 2020 list and for our new Movement Builders as well! _vote


Contraceptive pills, anti-inflammatory drugs for conditions that predominantly affect women and antibiotics used for reproductive and gynaecological conditions are among the medicines that are already in short supply as a result of uncertainty around Brexit.
Six-week stockpiles are not a long term solution to potential shortages in the event that the UK leaves the EU. WE are calling on the government to guarantee the supply of common medicines beyond a six week period.
Sign o...ur petition to add your voice! mble_our_health
See More


Meet your prospective GLA candidates


Our brilliant co-founder Sandi Toksvig on why we need a People’s Vote


Fantastic turn out for the #putittothepeoplemarch yesterday calling for a People’s vote. “The major campaigners and the mainstream media said next to nothing about the impact of Brexit on women. The people debating our future and controlling the public narrative are not the ones who will bear the costs of Brexit.” - Our new interim leader Mandu Reid kicking off the march


WE are hoping to see lots of you at the Put It To The People march on Saturday. We'll be at the left hand side of the Bomber Command Memorial by Hyde Park Corner from 11am. Come along and grab a placard!

More about The Women'S Equality Party

The Women'S Equality Party is located at Unit 3, 2 Tunstall Road, Brixton, SW9 8BN London, United Kingdom
0207 407 9230