Three Chord Comedy

About Three Chord Comedy

Open Mic - Comedy Night! !

Free Entry! !
With new and experienced acts.

Free Entry!
with london's best comedians

Showcasing 8pm.

Three Chord Comedy Description

Comedians- You wanna apply for a spot. open spots only at the boleyn pub. (Yellow Writing).

choose a date first and then just send us a text.



ūüö®ūüö®ūüö®ūüö®Tonight 8pm ūüö®ūüö®ūüö®ūüö®
Wouldn‚Äôt it be amazing if you opened the door and could hear everyone clapping and cheering streets apart ‚̧ԳŹ
Remember Ladies and Gents, on Thursday 26th March at 8pm can you all either stand on your doorsteps or open a window and clap and cheer as loudly as you can for all the frontline workers - NHS staff, carers, teachers, childcare providers, food and medicine delivery drivers, shop workers and anyone else on the frontline, risking their own lives to ...makes yours better.
Let's come together tonight at 8pm. ūüá¨ūüáß
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Do not for get 20:00 clap for the wonderful NHS team all over the country.. keep up the fantastic work.. you are true superheroes #NHS #NHSVolunteerResponder #COVID2019 #nhsvolunteers #NHSThankYou


Hello fellow facebook family and friends this is important.. in this somewhat very different time and not being able to pop out and see family friends is going to be hard but please think of them people that are not going to be able to pop and see people because they have no one and on there own... it may be a neighbour or someone you see down the supermarket take time to talk to them and help when can.. talking can help reduce anxiety and depression.. so if can pick up a or drop a letting though a door what ever you do make it count... ‚̧‚̧‚̧‚̧‚̧‚̧ #keepBritaintalking #helponeandother #community #love #lovethyneighbour #fuckingCoronavirue
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Tonight 8:30pm the wonderful beautiful woman Victoria Howden is on @hoxtonradio telling you all about #LesbolandTheMusical So tune in. AND COME GO TO THE SHOW!!! ticket link in Bio


Looking forward to this tomorrow evening come on down..


The Bell


Brilliant evening at G&B Comedy ..

More about Three Chord Comedy

Three Chord Comedy is located at London, United Kingdom