Tiande Products England

About Tiande Products England

Email: info@tiandeproducts. co. uk
Website: www. tiandeproducts. co. uk
TianDe - The Source For Your Natural Beauty

Tiande Products England Description

Natural Ingredients, Unique Formula, Great Products at Great Prices! ! ! EN-LT
TianDe is translated from Chinese as ‘heavenly perfection’. – aiming for perfection, harmony, elegancy in all spheres of our lives.
TianDe offers a range of cosmetics – from toothpaste to Lifting and Botox related products. These cosmetics are of natural origin. Produced with the use of natural ingredients based on Altai, Tibetan and Chinese medic practices.
These could include: sheep placenta extract, ginseng, ginger, creams based on the fat and venom of the viper, shark oil, sturgeon collagen, swallows nest saliva, bamboo salts and various Altai and Tibetan herbs.
At present time, under the umbrella of TianDe we can find more than 500 products in sectors such as:
Skin care
Body care
Hair care
Make up
Diet Supplements
Natural Chinese Cosmetics
Personal Hygiene Products
and many more. . .
TianDe products match international standard of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), therefore have high bioavailability. This being greatly improved absorption in to the skin compared to many other products on the market at the present.



SPA Technology Hot Ginger Body Salt,150g Burns’ body imperfections, stirs up interest in you!......
Hot Ginger Body Salt will help you ‘burn’ your body imperfections! Ginger combined with sea salt will make your skin smooth and silky, will help decrease cellulite and visibly tighten your skin. The product has a double effect: - ginger warms up the skin well, improving microcirculation;... - sea salt is an excellent cleanser, exfoliating the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis.
Skin elasticity and tone improve, cells are saturated with a lot of important and healthy elements. Salt crystals provide an excellent massage effect when coming in contact with the skin. When the product is applied to problematic areas, you do not just care for your skin, you also provide health-improving lymphomassage and drainage. Treat yourself regularly, and after each session your skin will be looking better and better!
Anti-Cellulite Chili Cream,100g
Smooth body without the "orange peel" effect!... Excellently warms the skin, improves blood circulation. The cream speeds up the elimination of fat from the body, improves cellular metabolism, prevents the formation of fatty deposits, effectively reduces the volume of treated area, tones and strengthens the skin, makes it smooth and elastic; it also has a warming effect, which helps remove fat from cells.
Application: Apply a small amount of the cream on problem areas with circular movements, rub until completely absorbed. It is recommended to use it after a procedure with hot water.
https://tiandeproducts.co.uk/…/categori …/anti-cellulite.html
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"Collagen Active" Firming Face and Neck Emulsion,100g Visible rejuvenating effect!! Lifts and rejuvenates the skin, tonifies it and restores its elasticity. This effect is achieved through the regeneration of dermal collagen fibers, intense nourishment and hydration. The light and weightless texture of the emulsion enables its quick absorption, without leaving a shiny appearance or tight-skin feeling. Collagen accounts for 70% of all protein in youthful skin. However, its syn...thesis slows down in most people starting as early as age 30. The quality of collagen is also subject to age-related changes: it loses its moisture-storage capability, becomes less resilient and less elastic. Products in the Collagen Active series contain hydrolyzed collagen that restores protein fibers in the dermal matrix and prolongs the youth of your skin. Products in the Collagen Active series are recommended for use starting at age 35.
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#tiande #ocean #riches


Drink Coffee "Chinese Coffee Beans" (The Fruits Of Cassia Alexandria), 10 G From olden times beneficial coffee beans beverage has been used in Traditional Oriental Medicine as a strong detoxifying remedy. Herbal infusion tastes pleasant and has a number of prominent and useful properties: It controls excessive weights. It excretes toxins and slags out of the organism. It cleanses liver. It reduces cholesterin level in blood. It improves eye sight. It strengthens immunity.
Inf...usion has a pleasant mild taste and a lot of useful features:
- Adjusts the overweight - Clears the body of toxins - Cleanses the liver - Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood - Improves vision - Strengthens the immune.
Code 120109 www.tiandeproducts.co.uk
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Volupta išvertus iš lotynų kalbos reiškia malonumą.
Intymus gelis Volupta+ padės atverti visas seksualinio malonumo galimybes ir pajusti džiaugsmą ir malonumą net toms moterims, kurioms anksčiau tai buvo nepasiekiama.
... Kaip kava suteikia žvalumo po nakties miego, taip intymus gelis Volupta+ pažadina libido. Šio gelio sudėtis yra natūrali ir jis veikia prigimtinius seksualinio susijaudinimo mechanizmus. Naudojant Volupta+ padidėja jausmingumas, o erogeninės zonos lengviau reaguoja į jaudinimą. Volupta+ greitina orgazmą, daro jį ryškesnį, gilesnį ir ilgesnį. Volupta+ padės partneriams pasiekti sinchroninį orgazmą.
Svarbiausias komponentas yra aminorūgštis L-argininas. Jo dėka organizme įjungiamas azoto oksido (NO) gamybos procesas, kuris atpalaiduoja kraujagyslių sienelių lygiuosius raumenis, praplėsdamas juos, garantuodamas kraujo pritekėjimą į lytinius organus.
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Coming soon ‼️
#Skin #Tone #Matting #DD #Cushion #tiandeuk #tiandelietuva


Mūsų gyvenimas yra permainingas.Kartais mes pradedame intensyviai sportuoti,išbandome save varžybose,užsiregistruojame į treniruoklių salę,o kartais ilgai sėdime prie kompiuterio.Visa tai neigiamai veikia mūsų sąnarius – o būtent jie padeda mums atlikti vienus ar kitus judesius. TianDe kremas tinka aktyviems treniruočių entuziastams ir tiems,kuriems labiau patinka sofa vietoj sporto salės (arba dėl įvairių priežasčių priversti gyventi sėslų gyvenimą).Dėl sudėtyje esančių akty...vių sudedamųjų dalių jis turi šildomajį poveikį.Jei,priešingai,neturite pakankamai laiko sportui,“Skystas pleistras“ padės kompensuoti judėjimo stygių.Esant sėdimam gyvenimo būdui mums pirmiausia reikia „išskaidyti kraują“ organizme.Tegul kiekvienas Jūsų judesys suteikia džiaugsmą. #liquid #patch #body #cream #helps #to #improve #the #flow #of #blood #to #the #joints #tiandeuk #tiandelondon #tiandeeurope #free #deliveryservice
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Metrų Christmas to everyone 🎁🎄


SPA Technology Ocean Beauty Facial Cleansing Gel,150g Fresh Complexion!...
Purpose • Effectively cleanses the skin’s surface, constricting pores. ... • Maintains the activity of the skin’s natural moisturizing factor ingredients, normalizes its hydro-lipid balance. • Activates the skin’s natural protective mechanisms. • restores pH level to its physiological norm; • inhibits the growth of microorganisms extraneous to the skin. • penetrating the deep skin layers, glutamic acid, leucine, lysine, aspargine, glycine and valine promote its regeneration; • strengthen the skin’s collagen “frame;” they are built in the structure of collagen fibers, where they act as “spare parts;” • moisturize the skin, making it supple.
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NEW <3 Sea Urchin Laminaria Face Mask 100% Natural,6g
Extra lifting!...... Sea Urchin Laminaria Face Mask is 100% natural product, the idea to create it was suggested by nature.
... The new exotic chef d’oeuvre in the Corporation’s assortment – sea urchin powder combined with laminaria – will help to return freshness and radiance of youth to your skin, moisturize and nourish it, activate deep skin regeneration.
You’ll see the result already after the first application. Your skin will look more lifted, fine lines will be smoothed out, wrinkles will become less visible.
One of the main mask’s effects is lifting. You’ll feel the lifting effect instantly after application (the mask perceptibly tightens the skin). Remember: this is 100% natural product, and its smell is also 100% natural. It may seem strong for some people, but just tune in to it… You’ll feel clearly discernible sea smell with its priceless gifts that will function with the maximum effect on your skin.
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1.Banana Mineral-Salt Scrub For Hands And Feet,120g
Tropical treatment for hands and feet!... Feeling the scent of the Banana Mineral-Salt Scrub for Hands and Feet, you may think that it was created to lighten your mood... And it is totally true! It not only about the sweet scent that carries to the Bounty island with white sand and tropical palm trees, it is also about the soft skin of your hands and feet that this scrub grants you with. This delicate salt-based scrub provid...es deep cleansing and renewal for your skin, exfoliates dead cells, makes your skin soft. It “erases” the barrier of dead skin cells and doubles the impart of the following skin care products. Pamper your hands and feet and get a pleasant bonus – great mood and a burst of optimism!
Application: Apply small amount of salt scrub onto wet skin with delicate circling motions. Rinse with water afterwards.
Shop Here: https://tiandeproducts.co.uk/…/banana-m ineral-salt-scrub-fo…
2.Brasil Delicacy Hand And Foot Cream Paraffin,75ml Rejuvenating paraffin therapy!...
If you follow the tendencies of the world of cosmetics you must know how popular is the paraffin therapy that is designed to make your skin soft and supple. Want to get a home treatment, any time, wasting no extra money on special equipment? TianDe makes it possible! Brasil Delicacy Hand and Foot Cream Paraffin pampers your hands and feet making them soft and silky. It is a great alternative to “hot” treatment and doesn't require extra investments. You just need to prepare your skin, apply the Paraffin cream and enjoy the result in a few minutes! Brasil Delicacy softens and smooths your skin. Its formula with natural extracts and palm tree oils provides efficient care.
Application: Apply the Cream Paraffin to your hands and feet after using the Salt Scrub. For additional effect wrap them with polyethylene film and put on warm mittens and socks. Remove the product in 20 minutes using the Salt Scrub or fabric tissue. To complete the treatment, you may apply your favourite TianDe cream.
Shop Here: https://tiandeproducts.co.uk/…/brasil-d elicacy-hand-and-foo…
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Сracked Heels Cream,40g
So your heels don’t “crack at the seams!”... Cracked heels are inconvenient in all manner of ways – not to mention just how unsightly they are. The sensation of constant dryness, irritated skin, pain when walking and the taboo against wearing sandals – those are just some of the problems. It’s unpleasant to look at feet like that – and even worse to touch them.
... TianDe’s Cracked Heels Cream effectively moisturises and nourishes your skin. With each day of use, heels that were just “cracking at the seams” get softer and softer!
The product’s composition includes extracts and oils of essential botanicals, vitamins and moisturising components. This cream will help you forget all about cracked heels and dry, rough skin and let you finally enjoy the softness and smoothness of your heels!
Apply to clean, dry heel skin in the morning and evening.
Shop Here: https://tiandeproducts.co.uk/…/foot-car e/sracked-heels-crea…
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Jian Kang Cosmetic Body Phyto Patch,5pcs
Relaxed movements!...
It has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the number of movements in joints and relieves pain. It can be used both for prevention and for relief of inflammatory and metabolic diseases of musculoskeletal system. The patches can also be used by people actively engaged in sports and fitness activities.
... Contraindications: Individual intolerance to any of the ingredients, pregnancy, breast-feeding, skin irritations and wounds, children under 15 years.
How to use: cut out a square of the patch and stick it on the sore spot of the body. It can be used for 8-12 hours. After 3-8 hours you may repeat the procedure. The recommended course is chosen individually, the estimated duration of a course is 20-25 days.
Shop Here: https://tiandeproducts.co.uk/…/jian-kan g-cosmetic-body-phyt…
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Anti-Wrinkle Eye Concentrate Gel,25g
It's not a news for you that skin around eyes is very thin and delicate, so it needs special treatment. Its thickness is only 0.5 mm – like a sheet of paper. It is the first to get wrinkles, any fatigue transforms into dark circles and puffiness under eyes... Stop! You can prevent this with the Fucoidan Anti-Wrinkle Eye Concentrate Gel! Combination of active rejuvenating and moisturizing components grants your eyes with feeling of freshnes...s and youthful look. The gel will restore tightness of skin around eyes, smooth existing fine lines and prevents new ones. Be sure, your eyes won't tell anything about your age, only about your beauty and youth!
Application: Gently pad the Concentrate Gel into the skin around eyes. For better effect use in the morning and in the evening. Do not massage.
Shop Here: https://tiandeproducts.co.uk/…/anti-wri nkle-eye-concentrate…
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Cleansing Facial Lotion,100ml
Cleansing at the top level!... Perfectly clean skin is the main but not the only task of the Fucoidan Cleansing Facial Lotion, and it completes it well. With this product you will not only complete the process of cleansing but increase efficiency of the following treatment for 20-30%. Remove makeup residue? Free your skin from dirt and dead cells? Fucoidan Cleansing Lotion will help you reach the top level of cleansing and freshness! It is alcoho...l-free, so its effect onto your skin is perfectly gentle. Fucose and other efficient ingredients in its formula let the lotion harmoniously combine thorough cleansing, intense hydration and anti-age effect. Feel the Fucoidan power!
Application: Use a cotton pad to apply the lotion onto your face and neck in the morning and at night.
Shop Here: https://tiandeproducts.co.uk/…/cleansin g-facial-lotion-100m…
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Body-Care Salt With Seaweed,150g
Salt for removal from the body with seaweed effectively cleans and exfoliates the skin, improves its elasticity, moistens, soothes and nourishes the skin, maintains its hydro-balance. The product includes powdered Fucus (Pacific Ocean alga), which is an excellent preserver of moisture in the skin, is saturated with vitamins, macro- and trace elements.
Application: Apply a small amount of salt to moist skin with gentle, circular motions. After ...applying, wash off with water.
Shop Here: https://tiandeproducts.co.uk/…/body-car e-salt-with-seaweed-…
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Tourmaline Spot Application Neck Wrap,1pc Freedom and comfort with every motion!......
Helps relieve tension in the cervical spine and in the space between the shoulder blades. Helps improve your state in case of exhaustion, speeds up your adaptation during frequent journeys and flights.
... Application: Place a damp napkin on your neck and fix the wrap on top. After 15-20 minutes you will feel warmth. May be used 1-3 times a day for 1-3 hours. Course of use is 3 months. After a one-month pause, you may repeat the course, following the same mode of exposure.
Caution! On the areas of the product's application, skin redness and a burning sensation may appear. This is a normal reaction, which will pass 3-4 hours after taking it off.
https://tiandeproducts.co.uk/…/tourmali ne-spot-application-…
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More about Tiande Products England

Tiande Products England is located at 14 Wych Elm Road, RM11 3AA London, United Kingdom