Uber Driver Union

About Uber Driver Union

We are working in collaboration with innovative, moral and optimistic people driving our future towards success through supporting and investing in local hard-working communities neither we stop fighting for their rights.



Drivers working on apps other than Uber. Be prepared to get busy with bad rated passengers. ­¤śü https://www.cnet.com/ŌĆ”/uber-is-deactiva ting-passengers-witŌĆ”/


Learn more about car park perfectly working machine portrayed as "out of order" machine by scammers and how he convince you to pay in cash.


More shock waves and bad news for workers/owners of old diesel cars driving into central London from September 2019 ┬Ż50 will be charged by one of the richest council in the world where Duke of Westminster is worth a whopping 9 billions pounds. Thanks to EU diesel cars emissions scandal. #self-centered-politician #mayoroflondon https://www.google.com/ŌĆ”/diesel-car-uk- daily-charge-parŌĆ”/amp


Feel like we are living in the world of "lotacracies" (A political environment in which politicians have a tendency to switch loyalties frequently for personal gain) Libdems, Labour and Conservatives are the great examples.


Let's Talk about James O' Brien presentation Facts!
Fact 1.JOB consistently creates fear in British public and enjoy mocking them.
Fact 2. JOB approach of disguising leave voters consistently underestimates the power of British voters.
... Fact 3. JOB lack of deeper understanding and ability to accept the biggest democratic voting exercise carried out in history promotes further divisions instead of unity.
Fact 4. JOB is a charismatic anti-democratic LBC presenter.
Fact 5. JOB can be seriously sarcastic with leave voters and very friendly and positive with remain voters.
We recommend, he surely needs to read history and learn more about the power of United Kingdom, its culture and value of its influence around the world. The fact of the matter is that UK has been pushed in to neglecting the common wealth countries due to being part of EU and its wider agenda and EU taking control of British businesses, territories, sovereignty and freedom through depriving UK citizens and commonwealth countries for decades that fought side by side with UK through world wars probably makes him think that we are alone in this world after leaving the EU. Feel sorry for James O' Brien for calling himself a British citizen.
Feel free to add your facts in the comment section. https://www.facebook.com/117611746557/pos ts/10157158785866558/
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Can you believe this? "The Utter Hypocritical vision" by Heathrow management? https://www.standard.co.uk/ŌĆ”/heathrow-p lans-its-own-ulez-foŌĆ”


For those who do not understand the power of Algorithms designed to increase profits for investors in a long run and not drivers. We have been talking about it for very long time. Does this bother you? https://uberlyftdrivers.com/ŌĆ”/uber-and- lyft-drivers-are-usŌĆ”/


According to recent statistics, UK van drivers injure 10 people by tailgating every week. In 2017, 6,184 injuries were caused due to tailgating. The consequences can be life threatening. Avoid Tailgating at all times.Think! Please like and share this video to help create awareness.


I was born in August. I discovered a lot of things about my personality bizarrely true! Were you born in Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter? http://time.com/4741094/season-birth-pers onality/


Here we go again! #tfl #mayoroflondon #iconic #blacktaxi #service. One paying customer got head butted with full force of emergency brakes, kicked out and left unconsciously on the road meanwhile a new punter got in happily. Our Mayor and TFL couldn't have set it better. #GreatService


If you want a real change we recommend that you don't vote for the same parties again. They are not on your side otherwise they would not make it harder for you to live on. We've got to vote for one vision one direction that would add value to our citizenship instead of these usual suspects that are consistently deteriorating our standards of living on an epic scale through forming coalitions against us "The Majority". https://www.yourvotematters.co.uk/how-aŌĆ ”/european-parliament


Who bought Huawei phone? Are you planning to buy one? https://www.cnbc.com/ŌĆ”/google-stops-som e-business-with-huawŌĆ”




What do you think about Uber new feature "Quiet Mode"? https://www.google.com/ŌĆ”/new-uber-featu re-to-silence-driverŌĆ”


We think James O' brien is deliberately annoying leave voters by asking them reasons for leaving. There are numerous reasons we should be leaving from a centrist point of view. We believe in democracy and and people voting rights to be respected. We think people have started to see the long term impact on their lives due to limited land space with tighter regulations to build on and waste of public funds due to two party political system with a vision that usually ends up hal...fway. Garden bridge is one example and the list goes on. Add that together with housing shortages, working long hours, due to mass adoption of gig economy, knife crime and public services. No wonder we have some people going bananas and complaining about EU bananas. With technology taking its toll on traditional jobs rapidly, it would be much easier for us to manage one country than being part of complex EU with multiple visions. Great examples of successful countries are Norway, Switzerland, Singapore. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=10157132055261558&id=117611746557 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id
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Facebook Groups going secret/hidden from today. https://www.vice.com/ŌĆ”/thousands-of-fac ebook-groups-go-secrŌĆ”


Here comes the Magic Man. Elon musk Earth mission before heading towards Mars.


Reminding your passengers to look out for cyclists or cars before opening their doors prevents accidents! Think! https://www.google.com/ŌĆ”/uber-tells-pas sengers-to-stop-dooŌĆ”/

More about Uber Driver Union
