Uk Visa Thailand

About Uk Visa Thailand

Siam Legal is a Thailand based law firm providing legal and visa services in Thailand, as well as in key cities in the US, UK, and in Asia.



How to bring your spouse in the UK?
#UKVisaforThaiSpouse Call Us Now! @ 0207-101-9301 or +6622598100


International Trade Without Distribution in Thailand
Aside from being a place to do business, foreign companies are also choosing Thailand as a jurisdiction to locate their businesses perhaps without actually doing business there. The reasons why a foreign company may want to locate themselves in Thailand while engaging in business somewhere else are varied and complex; it may have to to do with a preference with Thai business laws over that of other jurisdictions or simply b...ecause of Thailand’s central geographic location in the ASEAN region. The Department of Business Development (DBD), which oversees business registration and foreign business matters in Thailand issued an advisory opinion during September 2015 in which it addressed the issue of foreign businesses operating international trade operations. Specifically, it addressed the question of whether a foreign company required a Foreign Business License according to the Foreign Business Act of 1999 in order to engage in international trade whereby the goods distributed did not enter Thailand. Below were the details.
read more:…/internation al-trade-without-di…/
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Contracts for Buying and Selling a Thai Business
In order to buy and sell a business in Thailand, the buyer and seller will have to sign an agreement regarding the transaction. Furthermore, the particularities of the contract will vary depending on how the business is registered and what the assets of the business include. In this article, we will review some necessary elements of a sale and purchase agreement for a Thai business in a few different situations. First of all, i...t should be noted that there are many different legal procedures by which a business could be sold under Thai law. In this article, we will deal with the more common scenario whereby the business is registered as a limited company under Thai law and an outside investor purchased majority ownership of the existing company.
read more:…/contracts-f or-buying-and-selli…/
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UK Visa for Thai Spouse UK Visa in Thailand
A UK Spouse Visa Thailand allows married partners of UK citizens or permanent residents (mainly those with indefinite leave to remain) to immigrate to the UK.
... Obtaining your UK Marriage Visa or applying for a UK Spouse Visa for your Thai spouse can be completed in Bangkok, Thailand. The Visa section of the British embassy in Bangkok processes UK spouse visa application and other settlement visa applications. The processing time depends on the volume of UK visa Thailand applications received by the British embassy. A UK Spouse Visa Thailand is valid for two years and 9 months.
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UK Visa in Thailand
The visitor visa is the most popular single route for individuals coming to the UK for tourism, visiting family as well as business visits. Entry clearance is necessary for Thai nationals for travel to the UK. A UK Visitor Visa for Thai nationals can be granted for visits of six month. The VFS UK visa application center in Bangkok accepts applications for all visa categories and is officially authorized by the UK Visa and Immigration.


The requirements for immigration on a UK Fiancée Visa are very similar to a UK Spouse Visa. The difference is that the British resident or a British citizen must have the intent to getting married to the fiancée within 6 months of their entry into the United Kingdom.
The process begins with an application for entry at the local embassy or consulate. Once the visa application is approved, the fiancé will be allowed to stay in the UK for six months. You must then get married to your British fiancé within the given amount of time.
read more: -fiance.php


The Spouse / Civil Partner Visa is given initially for 2 years and 9 months. You can apply to extend your visa towards the end of your stay which allows you to stay for another 2 years and 6 months. You’ll be able to apply to extend again towards the end of that period.
You can also apply to settle permanently (Indefinite Leave to Remain or ILR) in the UK once you’re eligible. To be eligible, you need to have been living in the UK with a ‘partner of a settled person’ visa for 5 years.


Free Legal Guide in obtaining a UK Fiancee Visa for Thai Citizens


Types of UK VISA application from Thailand


The UK Business Visa are for people wishing to come to the UK to start a business. You may start any type of business, but you must work full time in the management of the business...


The Basic Requirements of Obtaining a UK Fiancee Visa in Thailand


How do I qualify for the UK Family Visa? You must be either: 1. The spouse of the main applicant. 2. The unmarried partner of the main application. Please see the section on unmarried partners. 3. You are the child under 18 of the main applicant accompanying your parents to the UK


Bringing your Thai Bride home on a UK Spouse Visa. A UK Spouse visa Thailand for Thai spouses of UK citizens or permanent residents (mainly those with indefinite leave to remain) may come to the UK under marriage visa category, and are able to work as soon as a visa is granted...

More about Uk Visa Thailand

Uk Visa Thailand is located at 2nd Floor 145-157 St, John Street, EC1V 4PY London, United Kingdom
+44 20 7101 9301