Webber Street

Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00
Friday: -
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Webber Street

London City Mission's homeless day centre in Waterloo.
www. webberstreet.org
twitter /instagram: @webberstreet



Its that time of year again!
Its Harvest time and Webber Street relies on donations of long life, non-perishable food items to provide for the breakfasts we serve to our guests. We also need clothes and toiletries especially as we approach another long winter. We would be very grateful for the following Harvest gifts:
We will be open for delivery for three evenings as follows:
... 6-8pm on Tuesday 1st and 8th October. We can take deliveries Monday to Thursday between 8 – 4 when we are open but by arrangement only.
Please see our website for more details about what kind of donations we need and how to contact us.
http://webberstreet.org/harvest-donations /
See More


We are now closed until Tuesday 8th January. We wish all our service users and supporters a Happy Christmas and New Year. Remember - Jesus is the reason for the season!


Harvest 2018
Webber Street relies on donations of long life, non perishable food items to provide for the breakfasts we serve to our guests. We also need clothes and toiletries especially as we approach another long winter.


Our weekly Bible study has resumed...click below to read our blog
https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outloo k.com/…


This week we studied Matthew 21 v 23 – 46 with several guests who are living on the street.
As we sat around the table and discussed the parable of the two sons and their responses to the father’s request, it was agreed that all of us have been guilty of disobedience at some time in our lives...
http://webberstreet.org/2018/05/17/bible- study-31/


Jesus said "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven"
http://webberstreet.org/2018/03/22/bible- study-30/


Each of the guests had very different backgrounds, and yet they had one thing in common.... They were wanting to know Jesus....
http://webberstreet.org/2018/01/22/bible- study-28/


This week we were joined by 4 guests to study Matthew 15.
http://webberstreet.org/2018/01/15/bible- study-27/


A good start to the New Year so far with a number of our regulars drifting back. Also some good conversations and a fair amount of practical help offered.


This may well have an impact on us and increase the numbers of EEA nationals that we are working with. It will though help levels of engagement as many EEA nationals have been concerned that engagement with services will lead to being removed by the Home Office.


Last week we looked at Matthew 18 about The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant...


This week has been quite a challenging week with a number of incidents involving our guests. Responding to unacceptable behaviour, often an expression of inner turmoil, in a robust but compassionate way is never easy. Being labelled a hypocrite, a liar and told that the Bible is all b******s is never easy. Sometimes you feel like giving people a slap but that's probably not the way to go.


Please pray for one of our guests who has a very chaotic lifestyle and is filled with thoughts of anger, hate and violence against those who would seek to do him harm. He has been this way for years but at the moment he appears darker than ever.


Yesterday was a quiet morning with about fifty people having breakfast. The weather was not that cold so most guests did not stick around, however that doesn't mean the morning was wasted. Hungry people were fed and the Word was shared; the message was how God takes His Word and applies it to our lives and brings change. This was illustrated with references to the Reformation and key figures like Luther and Tyndale and the impact of people like Tyndale and Shaftesbury. We also had the Podiatry Clinic where people got help for their feet; another guest got in contact with his hostel that he had walked out of last week and another was reconnected to Birmingham. That often is how Webber Street is and we thank God who sustains us all in it.


Mark gave an overview of these different ways that Jesus taught about “the kingdom of heaven” and how attractive it was...


We looked at the story of Jonah, for those who do not know it, and discussed why Jonah did not want to see the people of Ninevah saved, (about 120,000 people)...


We've been looking at Matthew 12:1-14 for the past 2 weeks which looks at the Lord of the Sabbath and a man with a shrivelled hand being healed.


If you are planning to donate Harvest goods to Webber Street then we will be open on Weds 11th & 18th October from 6-8pm to receive them. Outside of those times please contact us beforehand as we cannot always promise to be available. Thank you.

More about Webber Street

Webber Street is located at 6-8 Webber Street, SE1 8QA London, United Kingdom
020 7928 1677
Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00
Friday: -
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -
http://www.webberstreet.org www.twitter.com/webberstreet www.instagram.com/webberstreet