Wellcome Images

About Wellcome Images

The Wellcome Photography Prize celebrates compelling imagery that captures stories of medicine, science and health. Find out more at:
https://wellcome. ac. uk /photoprize



From 6 November 2017 our image collections will be moving to a new website: http://www.wellcomecollection.org/works.
We’ll be posting about our image collections from https://www.facebook.com/wellcomecollecti on and https://twitter.com/ExploreWellcome from now on - you can follow us there!


This week's Wellcome image of the week is the Placenta Rainbow, a 2017 Wellcome Image Award winner.


This week's Wellcome image of the week: Two young boys in rural Nicaragua
A 2017 Wellcome Image Award winning image on chronic kidney disease associated with heavy labour in hot temperatures.
Read all about this deadly kidney disease - and how climate change is making it worse - in-depth in Mosaic's story of the week: https://mosaicscience.com/…/climate-cha nge-deadly-epidemic-…
... Image credit: Joshua Mcdonald
Browse all the winners and vote for your favourite on wellcomeimageawards.org
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This week's Wellcome image of the week is a 2017 Wellcome Image Award winner, a caricature of medieval medical practitioners.


This week's Wellcome image of the week is Brain-on-a-chip.


The Wellcome Image Awards are now on display on Floor 2 at Glasgow Science Centre. For a full list of the venues exhibiting the Wellcome Image Awards visit our website wellcomeimageawards.org/about/about-the-a wards/


The Wellcome Image Awards are now on display at Techniquest in Cardiff. For a full list of the venues exhibiting the Wellcome Image Awards visit our website wellcomeimageawards.org/about/about-the-a wards/


This week's Wellcome image of the week is an illustration of the Italian Nobel Prize winning neuroscientist Rita Levi-Montalcini.


Thought-provoking article on 2017's Wellcome Image Award winning image and the artist's experience of Crohn's disease


Congratulations to Mark Bartley! It was announced at tonight's Wellcome Image Awards Ceremony that Mark is the winner of this year's Julie Dorrington Award for outstanding photography in a clinical environment.
Find out more about Mark's image here: www.wellcomeimageawards.org/2017/intraocu la-lens-iris-clip
... Image credit: Mark Bartley, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Congratulations to Spooky Pooka! It was announced at tonight's Wellcome Image Awards ceremony that Spooky Pooka is the overall winner of the Wellcome Image Awards 2017!
The winning image is a haunting evocation of the transformative nature of Crohn’s disease. This image; 'Stickman; the vicissitudes of Crohn’s (resolution)' is part of a series surrounding the central character of Stickman, the alter ego of the artist, who himself suffers from the disease.
Find out more about ...Spooky Pooka's image here: www.wellcomeimageawards.org/…/stickman- the-vicissitudes-of-…
Image credit: Spooky Pooka
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